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Search: mit. 126 total hits in 12 transcripts.
Pear story (TY1000) (1)
Qad'ir mirin tideŋ mit [e] gruːšə aptaːnud'ə [kö] köde qad'ir tude saːlγət mə=kereːj.
qad'ir miriń tide -ŋ mit gruša.R aptə -nun -j(ə) köde(ŋ) qad'ir tude saːl -γət mə= ker -Aː -j
ptl only.then invis -attr 1pl pear.R collect -hab -s.ptcp person ptl 3sg.gen tree -abl aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3
ptl only.тогда invis -attr 1pl pear.R collect -hab -s.ptcp человек ptl 3sg.gen дерево -abl aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3
And finally, our hero, who kept on collecting pears, got down from his tree.
Finite story (TY1009) (2)
Ńamučəńd'ə ködeŋiń waːji monaːŋi: "Maːlək mitiń keluk", tadaːt tudel waːji mər=iŋeːm, [el] əl=quːsəilbuń.
ńamučə -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde -ŋiń waːj mon -Aː -ŋi maːlək mit -i -ń kel(u) -k ta -Raː -t tude -l waːj mə -r= iŋeː -m əl= quːsə -(A)j -(l)buń
redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp person -dat also say -inch -intr.3pl dp 1pl -0 -def.dat come -imp.2 dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -nom also aff -0= fear -tr.3 neg= jump -pfv -des(neg.3)
redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp человек -dat тоже сказать -inch -intr.3pl dp 1pl -0 -def.dat прийти -imp.2 dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -nom тоже aff -0= fear -tr.3 neg= прыгать -pfv -des(neg.3)
They also started to tell the red man to come to them, but he was also afraid and didn't want to jump.