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Search: öː. 197 total hits in 16 transcripts.
Pear Story (TY1001) (7)
Pureːpəgi pömörčil'əlŋudəγə tadaː, wol'dəγə, əə, l'elək, joːraːnui öːrpə, köːd'əd-öːrpə, l'ukud öːrpə waːj l'eŋi.
pureː -pə -gi pömö -R(ə) -(uː)ji -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -Raː wal' -də -γə əə l'e -lək joːrə -nu -j(ə) öː -pə köːd'ə -ND öː -pə juku -ND öː -pə waːj l'e -ŋi
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp child -pl male -gen child -pl small -gen child -pl also be -intr.3pl
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp ребенок -pl male -gen ребенок -pl маленький -gen ребенок -pl тоже быть -intr.3pl
The berries rolled away there, around him, erm, and some children that were playing, boys, little children, were also there.
Picture elicitation (TY1207) (7)
Paipəŋ köːd'əd-öːlə paimələ.
paipə -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː -lə pai -m(ə)lə
woman -fc male -gen child -pred hit -of.3sg
женщина -fc male -gen ребенок -pred hit -of.3sg
A woman hit a child.
Life story (TY0005) (11)
Tan qanaːŋudəγə, l'elək, mm, kampaːslək (бинокль это так говорят), kampaːslək ičoːnunuŋ, öːrpəŋ ölkeːnununŋi, öːrpəńd'ə čiː.
ta -n qan -Aː -ŋu -dəγə l'e -lək mm kompas.R -lək kompas.R -lək ičoː -nun -u -ŋ öː -pə -ŋ ölkə -nu -nun -ŋi öː -pə -ń(ə) -j(ə) čiː
dist -adv move -intr.punct -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit -ins intj binoculars -ins binoculars -ins look -hab -0 -tr.1sg child -pl -fc run -ipfv -hab -intr.3pl child -pl -vblz.propr -s.ptcp people
dist -adv move -intr.punct -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit -ins intj binoculars -ins binoculars -ins смотреть -hab -0 -tr.1sg ребенок -pl -fc бежать -ipfv -hab -intr.3pl ребенок -pl -vblz.propr -s.ptcp народ
While they were roaming, I watched watched with that, with a 'compass' (that's how binoculars are called), with a 'compas', the children were running, people with children.
Когда они кочевали, этим, биноклем смотрела - дети бегают, люди с детьми.
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (3)
Öː ŋoll'əń=də, tudeγət bukatin.
öː (ŋ)ol -l'əl -j =də tude -γət bukatïn.Y
child cop -ev -intr.3 =add 3sg -abl in.general.Y
ребенок cop -ev -intr.3 =add 3sg -abl в.general.Y
There is also a child apparently, from him.
Ребенок был, оказывается… от него.
Pear story (TY1005) (10)
Taːt saγanaːnudəγə jaːn köːd'əd~öːpul keluŋi
taːt saγanə -nu -dəγə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -p(ul) kel(u) -ŋi
so sit -ipfv -3ds.cvb three -gen male -gen child -pl come -intr.3pl
так сидеть -ipfv -3ds.cvb три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl прийти -intr.3pl
While he was sitting, three boys appeared.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (6)
Tuŋ, tuŋ paːd'əd-öː keipələ painum.
tu -ŋ tu -ŋ paːd'ə -ND öː keipə -lə pai -nu -m
prox -attr prox -attr female -gen child man -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3
prox -attr prox -attr female -gen ребенок мужчина -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3
(Who is the girl hitting?) This girl is hitting a man.