Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical words in Tundra Yukaghir

This list of lexical words found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ńid\'aγə. 1 total hits in 1 transcripts.
My early life (1)
Tadaːt waːj ajanaːləqa mall'əń joːdəγanə tudel: "Sukiń əl=ajiːnul'ək, patron ńid'aγərəjtəmək! ", tan...
ta-daː-t waːj ajanaː.Y-ləqa mon-l'əl-j joːdəγanə tude-l sukiń əl=aji-nu-l'ə-k patron.R ńid'aγə-r(ə)-j-t(ə)-mək mək ta-n
DEM.DIST-ADV-ABL again travel.Y-1/2PL.DS.CVB say-EV-INTR.3 apparently 3SG-NOM arbitrarily NEG=shoot-IMPF-PRHB-IMP.2 cartridge.R spent-CAUS-PF-FUT-TR.2SG TR.2SG DEM.DIST-ADV
DEM.DIST-ADV-АБЛ снова путешествоовать.Y-1/2МН.DS.КОНВ сказать-EV-ИНТР.3 apparently 3ЕД-NOM arbitrarily НЕГ=стрелять-ИМПФ-PRHB-ИМП.2 cartridge.R spent-CAUS-ПРФ-ФУТ-TR.2ЕД TR.2ЕД DEM.DIST-ADV
Then we left again, and he said, probably: "Don't shoot just like that, you'll spend all the cartridges".
Потом опять поехали, он сказал, наверное: "Пустую не стреляй, патроны израсходуешь."