Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: temp. 22 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Life story (TY0005) (4)
[kie] Leweildiń qańd'əmə=dəŋ uːdək met čiːpulńəŋ qanoːjijəŋ.
* leweil -diń qaŃD'ə -mə =(ND)ə -ŋ uːdək met čiː -p(ul) -ńə -ŋ qan -(uː)ji -jə(ŋ)
* summer -adv.temp cold -n.temp =contr -fc always 1sg people -pl -s.com -fc move -pluract -intr.1sg
* лето -adv.temp холодный -n.temp =contr -fc всегда 1sg народ -pl -s.com -fc move -pluract -intr.1sg
In summer and in winter, I always roamed with my parents.
И летом и зимой всегда кочевала со своими родными.
Conversation (TY0001) (17)
L'eikəŋol qańd'əməŋ taŋńələ...
l'eikə -(ŋ)ol qaŃD'ə -mə -ŋ ta -ŋńə -lə
candle -ess cold -n.temp -fc dist -n -acc
candle -ess холодный -n.temp -fc dist -n -acc
That as a candle in winter...
Как свечу это зимой...
Finite story (TY1011) (1)
Čiŋičə, čiŋičədiń jaunər mər=aːwəŋi. Tan [aːw] aːwəŋudəγə nimepəgi puren mər=edeːl'əń.
čiŋičə čiŋičə -diń jaunə -r mə -r= aːwə -ŋi ta -n aːwə -ŋu -dəγə nime -pə -gi pure -n mə -r= eND -Aː -l'əl -j
darkness darkness -adv.temp all -s.pred aff -0= sleep -intr.3pl dist -adv sleep -3pl -3ds.cvb house -pl -3poss above -adv.prol aff -0= burn -intr.punct -ev -intr.3
темнота темнота -adv.temp весь -s.pred aff -0= спать -intr.3pl dist -adv спать -3pl -3ds.cvb дом -pl -3poss над -adv.prol aff -0= burn -intr.punct -ev -intr.3
In the night, night, everybody was asleep. While they were sleeping, it began to burn on the top of their house.