Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: prox. 282 total hits in 24 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (135)
tu -ŋ
prox -attr
prox -attr
Pear story (TY1004) (4)
Aha, tuŋ...
aha tu -ŋ
intj prox -attr
intj prox -attr
So, erm...
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (10)
Aa, ten l'eː.
aa tu -n l'eː
intj prox -adv dp
intj prox -adv dp
Да, ведь!
Pear Story (TY1001) (6)
Tuŋ l'eγə... Как сказать, кино, или что?
tu -ŋ l'e -γə
prox -attr hesit -loc
prox -attr hesit -loc
Well... How should I say, "film"?
Tuŋ [tu] id'eː ten [mara] [kin] kiːneləŋ ičoːl.
tu -ŋ id'eː tu -n kino.R -lə(ŋ) ičoː -l
prox -attr now prox -adv film.R -pred.fc look -of.1pl
prox -attr сейчас prox -adv film.R -pred.fc смотреть -of.1pl
We have now seen a film.
Pear story (TY1003) (3)
Tuŋ [tu] id'eː ten [mara] [kin] kiːneləŋ ičoːl.
tu -ŋ id'eː tu -n kino.R -lə(ŋ) ičoː -l
prox -attr now prox -adv film.R -pred.fc look -of.1pl
prox -attr сейчас prox -adv film.R -pred.fc смотреть -of.1pl
We have now seen a film.
All-terrain vehicle (TY0006) (2)
Ičoːk ten, tuŋ čiː manŋi iː!
ičoː -k tu -n tu -ŋ čiː mon -ŋi iː
look -imp.2 prox -adv prox -attr people say -intr.3pl dp
смотреть -imp.2 prox -adv prox -attr народ сказать -intr.3pl dp
Look here, these people said!
Смотри здесь, эти люди сказали!
Picture elicitation (TY1205) (10)
Tuŋ, tuŋ göde masiːnələŋ paidunumlə.
tu -ŋ tu -ŋ köde mašina.R -lə -ŋ pai -du -nu -m(ə)lə
prox -attr prox -attr person car.R -pred -fc hit -pluract -ipfv -of.3sg
prox -attr prox -attr человек car.R -pred -fc hit -pluract -ipfv -of.3sg
(Is that man hitting the CAR?) - That man is hitting the car.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (10)
Tuŋ, tuŋ paːd'əd-öː keipələ painum.
tu -ŋ tu -ŋ paːd'ə -ND öː keipə -lə pai -nu -m
prox -attr prox -attr female -gen child man -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3
prox -attr prox -attr female -gen ребенок мужчина -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3
(Who is the girl hitting?) This girl is hitting a man.
Picture elicitation (TY1204) (14)
Tuŋ laːməŋ tuŋ köːd'əd-öː joːgi nereimələ.
tu -ŋ laːmə -ŋ tu -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː joː -gi nere -(A)j -m(ə)lə
prox -attr dog -fc prox -attr male -gen child head -3poss bite -pfv -of.3sg
prox -attr собака -fc prox -attr male -gen ребенок голова -3poss кусать -pfv -of.3sg
This dog is biting this boy's head.