Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: pert. 51 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (42)
Eleń, metl'ə...
eleń met -l'ə
no 1sg -pert
no 1sg -pert
No, mine...
Нет, мое...
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (8)
Akaːl'ə qamləl?
akaː.E -l'ə qamləl
elder.brother.E -pert how.many(inter.3)
elder.брат.E -pert как.много(inter.3)
How old is elder brother (lit. how many are elder brother's)?
Старшему брату сколько?
Picture elicitation (TY1206) (1)
Köːd'əd-öːrpə [...] saːn čilgələ l'eːnuŋaː, čaunuŋaː, kin [po], ee, kin köːd'əd-öː, saːn [pud'] čilgələ [saunuŋaː] čaunuŋaː, tan maːrqəll'ə buolla mər=aγoːń, kin paːd'əd-öː mə=joːraːnuŋi - играются, что ли? - mə=joːraːnuŋi.
köːd'ə -ND öː -pə saːl -ND čilgə -lə l'e -nu -ŋa(m) čoγ -nu -ŋa(m) ki -ND ee ki -ND köːd'ə -ND öː saːl -ND čilgə -lə čoγ -nu -ŋa(m) ta -n maːrqə -ND -l'ə buolla.Y mə -r= oγ -oːl -j ki -ND paːd'ə -ND öː mə= joːrə -nu -ŋi mə= joːrə -nu -ŋi
male -gen child -pl tree -gen branch -acc be -ipfv -tr.3pl cut -ipfv -tr.3pl two -gen intj two -gen male -gen child tree -gen branch -acc cut -ipfv -tr.3pl dist -adv one -gen -pert dp.Y aff -0= stand -stat -intr.3 two -gen female -gen child aff= play -ipfv -intr.3pl aff= play -ipfv -intr.3pl
male -gen ребенок -pl дерево -gen branch -acc быть -ipfv -tr.3pl резать -ipfv -tr.3pl два -gen intj два -gen male -gen ребенок дерево -gen branch -acc резать -ipfv -tr.3pl dist -adv один -gen -pert dp.Y aff -0= стоять -stat -intr.3 два -gen female -gen ребенок aff= play -ipfv -intr.3pl aff= play -ipfv -intr.3pl
Boys, they are, erm, cutting branches, two boys are cutting branches, one is standing, and two girls are playing, playing.