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Search: near. 18 total hits in 10 transcripts.
My early life (1)
Uːdək ilelək ewreːnuni, tude ilepulγanə mər=iːreːnunum, nime wal'.
uːdək ile-lək ewrə-nun-j tude ile-pul-γanə mə(r)=iːrə-nun-u-m nime wal'
always domestic:reindeer-INST walk-HAB-INTR.3 3SG domestic:reindeer-PL-ACC EX=tether-HAB-0-TR.3SG house near
всегда domestic:reindeer-INST идти-ХАБ-ИНТР.3 3ЕД domestic:reindeer-МН-АКК EX=tether-ХАБ-0-TR.3ЕД дом near
He was always riding reindeer, he tethered his (riding) reindeer close to his house.
Постоянно на оленях ездил, своих пряговых около дома привязывал.
Pear story (TY1000) (3)
Arai ńaːčin waːj wal', wal'dəγə [u] jaːn köːd'əd-öːk köluŋul.
araj.Y ńaːčin waːj wal' wal' -də -γə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -k kel(u) -ŋu -l
suddenly.Y opposite also near near -3poss.obl -loc three -gen male -gen child -mod.pred come -3pl -sf
suddenly.Y opposite тоже near near -3poss.obl -loc три -gen male -gen ребенок -mod.pred прийти -3pl -sf
Then, three boys approached him.
Conversation (TY0001) (3)
Met l'eː, [me me] met joː, joːn wal'γərə jaununul, joːn wal'γərə, tuŋnaːγəndə.
met l'eː met joː joː -ND wal' -(laː)GV(rə) jau -nun -u -l joː -ND wal' -(laː)GV(rə) tu -ŋ -(laː)GV(rə) -də
1sg dp 1sg head head -gen near -n left -hab -0 -sf head -gen near -n prox -attr -n -3poss.gen
1sg dp 1sg голова голова -gen near -n left -hab -0 -sf голова -gen near -n prox -attr -n -3poss.gen
Me, my head, half of my head hurts, half of my head, on this side.
У меня половина головы болит с этой стороны.
Pear Story (TY1001) (3)
Taŋ jaːd öːrpə taŋ pureːdə aptaːnui köde wol'iń uːčiːŋi.
ta -ŋ jaː -ND öː -pə ta -ŋ pureː -də aptə -nu -j(ə) köde wal' -i -ń uː -čiː -ŋi
dist -attr three -gen child -pl dist -attr berry -3poss.gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp person near -0 -def.dat go -intr.punct -intr.3pl
dist -attr три -gen ребенок -pl dist -attr berry -3poss.gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp человек near -0 -def.dat идти -intr.punct -intr.3pl
These three children passed next to the man who was collecting his berries.
Pear story (TY1004) (1)
Taŋ öːrpə, taŋ öːrpə taŋ pureːlə aptaːnui köde wal'in uːčiːdde.
ta -ŋ öː -pə ta -ŋ öː -pə ta -ŋ pureː -lə aptə -nu -j(ə) köde wal' -i -n uː -čiː -d.E -R(E).E
dist -attr child -pl dist -attr child -pl dist -attr berry -acc collect -ipfv -s.ptcp person near -0 -adv.prol go -intr.punct -ipfv.E -non-fut.E(3pl)
dist -attr ребенок -pl dist -attr ребенок -pl dist -attr berry -acc collect -ipfv -s.ptcp человек near -0 -adv.prol идти -intr.punct -ipfv.E -non-fut.E(3pl)
These children, these children passed near that man that was collecting berries.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (1)
Taːt kelullək tadaːt [öl'd] taŋ saːl wol'dəγə oγoːdəγə keipələ kelul, waːji [jau] jaulaːγərut.
taːt kel(u) -R(ə)lək ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ saːl wal' -də -γə oγ -oːl -dəγə keipə -lə kel(u) -l waːj jau -(laː)GVr -u -t
so come -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr tree near -3poss.obl -loc stand -stat -3ds.cvb man -pred come -sf also left -adv.loc -0 -adv.abl
так прийти -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr дерево near -3poss.obl -loc стоять -stat -3ds.cvb мужчина -pred прийти -sf тоже left -adv.loc -0 -adv.abl
She arrived and then, while she was standing near that tree, a man came, also from the left.
Taŋ puren quːdəil'əldəγə maːrqən köde kerebəńd'ə köde waldən uːčič.
ta -ŋ pure -n quː -RAi -l'əl -dəγə maːrqə -ND köde(ŋ) korova.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde(ŋ) wal' -də -n uː -čiː -j
dist -attr above -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb one -gen person cow.R -v.propr -s.ptcp person near -3poss.obl -adv.prol go -intr.punct -intr.3
dist -attr над -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb один -gen человек корова.R -v.propr -s.ptcp человек near -3poss.obl -adv.prol идти -intr.punct -intr.3
When he climbed up, a man, a man with a cow passed near him.
Pear story (TY1003) (2)
Taŋ puren quːdəil'əldəγə maːrqən köde kerebəńd'ə köde waldən uːčič.
ta -ŋ pure -n quː -RAi -l'əl -dəγə maːrqə -ND köde(ŋ) korova.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde(ŋ) wal' -də -n uː -čiː -j
dist -attr above -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb one -gen person cow.R -v.propr -s.ptcp person near -3poss.obl -adv.prol go -intr.punct -intr.3
dist -attr над -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb один -gen человек корова.R -v.propr -s.ptcp человек near -3poss.obl -adv.prol идти -intr.punct -intr.3
When he climbed up, a man, a man with a cow passed near him.
Picture elicitation (TY1202) (1)
Teńi ičoːləqənə jaːn köːd'əd-öːrpək aγoːlŋul, ten wal'pədəγə kin paːd'əd-öːk aγoːluŋul.
tu -Raː ičoː -ləqənə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -pə -k oγ -oːl -ŋu -l tu -n wal' -pə -dəγə ki -ND paːd'ə -ND öː -k oγ -oːl -u -ŋu -l
prox -adv look -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb three -gen male -gen child -pl -mod.pred stand -stat -3pl -sf prox -adv near -pl -3ds.cvb two -gen female -gen child -mod.pred stand -stat -intr.ints -3pl -sf
prox -adv смотреть -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl -mod.pred стоять -stat -3pl -sf prox -adv near -pl -3ds.cvb два -gen female -gen ребенок -mod.pred стоять -stat -intr.ints -3pl -sf
Here we see three boys standing and here next to them two girls standing.
Finite story (TY1011) (1)
Taːt l'er, l'e, teńi ńamučəńd'ə ködeŋiń uːŋi, wal'bədəγət, waːj tittə sukunγənə [tin tit] tiŋγərəirələk qad'ir manŋi "Quːsəik", waːj "Eleːn" mani.
taːt l'e -r l'e tu -Raː ńamučə -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde -ŋiń uː -ŋi wal' -b(ə) -də -γət waːj tittə sukun -γənə tiŋ -Gə -RAi -R(ə)lək qad'ir mon -ŋi quːsə -(A)j -k waːj eleń mon -j
so be -ss.circ.cvb hesit prox -adv redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp person -dat go -intr.3pl near -n -3poss.obl -abl also 3pl.gen thing -def.acc take.away -intr -tr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dp say -pl jump -pfv -imp.2 also no say -intr.3
так быть -ss.circ.cvb hesit prox -adv redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp человек -dat идти -intr.3pl near -n -3poss.obl -abl тоже 3pl.gen вещь -def.acc взять.прочь -intr -tr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dp сказать -pl прыгать -pfv -imp.2 тоже no сказать -intr.3
And so they went to the red man, (one) of these friends, and took out their cloth again, and said: "Jump!", but he also said "No!".