This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.
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Search: down. 32 total hits in 14 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (3)
Əə, l'eŋ, erimə dite kereːnuni.
əə l'e -ŋ erimə tite ker -Aː -nun -j
hesit hesit -fc snow like go.down -inch -hab -intr.3
hesit hesit -fc snow любить идти.down -inch -hab -intr.3
It (sc. the wetness) would slide down like a snow.
Как снег отпадали.
Taŋ naγadəγə el'in moŋogi kereːl.
ta -ŋ naγa -dəγə el'i -n moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb first -adv cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb первый -adv cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf
When he fell down, first his cap flew off.
Pear story (TY1003) (5)
Taŋ naγadəγə el'in moŋogi kereːl.
ta -ŋ naγa -dəγə el'i -n moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb first -adv cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb первый -adv cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf
When he fell down, first his cap flew off.
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (1)
Lemeŋ, əə, an lemeŋ, manaγərŋu: tidaŋγəl'ə kereːj, saːlγə kereːl'əl lemek januγarəil.
neme -ŋ əə adu -n neme -ŋ monaγər -ŋu tidaŋγə -l'ə kereː -j saːl -γə kereː -l'əl -l neme -k janu -Gə -RAi -l
what -fc hesit vis -adv what -fc say.what -3pl(inter.3) last.year -pert go.down -intr.3 tree -loc go.down -ev -nmlz what -mod.pred collect -intr -tr.punct -of.1pl
что -fc hesit vis -adv что -fc сказать.что -3pl(inter.3) последний.год -pert идти.down -intr.3 дерево -loc идти.down -ev -nmlz что -mod.pred collect -intr -tr.punct -of.1pl
What, erm, what, what they talked about: last year's (things) fell down, we collected things that fell down.
Вот о чем-то говорили: прошлогодний упал, в лесу упало это… собирали…
Pear story (TY1005) (3)
Taŋ kudičiːnudəγə maːrqoːlərəŋ mə=kereːj.
ta -ŋ kude -jiː -nu -dəγə maːrqə -oːl -l -ə -Rəŋ mə= ker -Aː -j
dist -attr lie -tr -ipfv -3ds.cvb one -stat -stat -0 -ss.sim.cvb aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3
dist -attr лежать -tr -ipfv -3ds.cvb один -stat -stat -0 -ss.sim.cvb aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3
While he was putting it, one of them fell down.
Pear story (TY1000) (4)
Kereːllək ičoːnaːm, maːrqən kard'iːnəgi uːl'əń.
ker -Aː -R(ə)lək ičoː -naː -m maːrqə -ND korzina.R -gi uː -l'əl -j
go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb look -inch -tr.3 one -gen basket.R -3poss go -ev -intr.3
идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb смотреть -inch -tr.3 один -gen basket.R -3poss идти -ev -intr.3
He came down and looked: one basket had gone.
Finite story (TY1008) (2)
Tudel waːji mə=quːsəč, mə=kereːj alγudəŋ.
tude -l waːj mə= quːsə -(A)j -j mə= ker -Aː -j al -(lə)G(u)də -ŋ
3sg -nom also aff= jump -pfv -intr.3 aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3 under -adv.dir -fc
3sg -nom тоже aff= прыгать -pfv -intr.3 aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3 под -adv.dir -fc
He jumped, too, he came down.
Pear Story (TY1001) (1)
Tadaːt taŋ ködeŋ taŋ tude l'eγət, saːlγət kereːllək, quːd'ibəγət kereːlələk taŋ karziːnəplə ičoːnaːmələ.
ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ köde -ŋ ta -ŋ tude l'e -γət saːl -γət ker -Aː -R(ə)lək quː -(uː)ji -b(ə) -γət ker -Aː -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ korzina.R -p(ul) -lə ičoː -naː -m(ə)lə
dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr person -fc dist -attr 3sg.gen hesit -abl tree -abl go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb climb -pluract -hab.nmlz -abl go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr basket.R -pl -pred look -inch -of.3sg
dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr человек -fc dist -attr 3sg.gen hesit -abl дерево -abl идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb climb -pluract -hab.nmlz -abl идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr basket.R -pl -pred смотреть -inch -of.3sg
Then that man went down from his, erm, tree, from his ladder, and started to look at the baskets.
Pear story (TY1002) (2)
Pureːləŋ pude, puren saːlγə quːdəirələk alγudə kereːsnunum.
pureː -lə -ŋ pude pure -n saːl -γə quː -RAi -R(ə)lək al -(lə)G(u)də ker -Aː -s(ə) -nun -u -m
berry -pred -fc outside above -adv.prol tree -loc climb -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb under -adv.dir go.down -intr.punct -caus -hab -0 -tr.3
berry -pred -fc снаружи над -adv.prol дерево -loc climb -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb под -adv.dir идти.down -intr.punct -caus -hab -0 -tr.3
He climbs the tree, up, and then he brings the berries down.
Picture elicitation (TY1204) (1)
Kin köde ńeːd'irəŋ oγoːnuŋudəγə, [maː] maːrqən paipəńəŋ maːrqən köde ńeːd'irəŋ oγoːnuŋudəγə, tittəγə maːrqən laːmələŋ, paipəγə laːmələŋ kereːl, tan köːd'əd-öːŋiń buollar koškələŋ kereːl.
ki -ND köde ńeː -(uː)ji -Rəŋ oγ -oːl -nu -ŋu -dəγə maːrqə -ND paipə -ńə -ŋ maːrqə -ND köde ńeː -(uː)ji -Rəŋ oγ -oːl -nu -ŋu -dəγə tittə -γə maːrqə -ND laːmə -lə -ŋ paipə -γə laːmə -lə -ŋ ker -Aː -l ta -n köːd'ə -ND öː -ŋiń buollar.Y koška.R -lə -ŋ ker -Aː -l
two -gen person call -pluract -ss.sim.cvb stand -stat -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb one -gen woman -fc one -gen person call -pluract -ss.sim.cvb stand -stat -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb 3pl -loc one -gen dog -pred -fc woman -loc dog -pred -fc go.down -intr.punct -sf dist -adv male -gen child -dat dp.Y cat.R -pred -fc go.down -intr.punct -sf
два -gen человек звать -pluract -ss.sim.cvb стоять -stat -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb один -gen женщина -fc один -gen человек звать -pluract -ss.sim.cvb стоять -stat -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb 3pl -loc один -gen собака -pred -fc женщина -loc собака -pred -fc идти.down -intr.punct -sf dist -adv male -gen ребенок -dat dp.Y cat.R -pred -fc идти.down -intr.punct -sf
Two people are standing and talking, a woman and a man are standing, and they are attacked by a dog, the woman is attacked by a dog, and the man is attacked by a cat.