Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: 2. 39 total hits in 11 transcripts.
Finite story (TY1007) (1)
Čiː, čiː manŋi "Quːsəiŋik", čiːŋiń, ten qomońəi sukunńəi köde mə=kereːj, mə=quːsəč.
čiː čiː mon -ŋi quːsə -(A)j -ŋi -k čiː -ŋiń tu -n qomo -ń(ə) -j(ə) sukun -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde mə= ker -Aː -j mə= quːsə -(A)j -j
people people say -intr.3pl jump -pfv -pl -imp.2 people -dat prox -adv green/blue -intr -s.ptcp thing -vblz.propr -s.ptcp person aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3 aff= jump -pfv -intr.3
народ народ сказать -intr.3pl прыгать -pfv -pl -imp.2 народ -dat prox -adv green/blue -intr -s.ptcp вещь -vblz.propr -s.ptcp человек aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3 aff= прыгать -pfv -intr.3
The people told these people to jump, and the man with green clothes went down, he jumped.