Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

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Search: male. 109 total hits in 15 transcripts.
Pear story (TY1005) (1)
Taːt saγanaːnudəγə jaːn köːd'əd~öːpul keluŋi
taːt saγanə -nu -dəγə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -p(ul) kel(u) -ŋi
so sit -ipfv -3ds.cvb three -gen male -gen child -pl come -intr.3pl
так сидеть -ipfv -3ds.cvb три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl прийти -intr.3pl
While he was sitting, three boys appeared.
Picture elicitation (TY1206) (9)
Köːd'əd-öː, ee, met ičoːlγənə köːd'əd-öːŋ mər=uːnui, ten l'ukud öː laujəγə joːraːnui, tan paipəŋ mər=ölkeːnui.
köːd'ə -ND öː ee met ičoː -lγənə köːd'ə -ND öː mə -r= uː -nu -j tu -n juku -ND öː laujə -γə joːrə -nu -j ta -n paipə -ŋ mə= ölkə -nu -j
male -gen child intj 1sg look -1/2sg.ds.cond.cvb male -gen child.fc aff -0= go -ipfv -intr.3 prox -adv small -gen child water -loc play -ipfv -intr.3 dist -adv woman -fc aff= run -ipfv -intr.3
male -gen ребенок intj 1sg смотреть -1/2sg.ds.cond.cvb male -gen ребенок.fc aff -0= идти -ipfv -intr.3 prox -adv маленький -gen ребенок вода -loc play -ipfv -intr.3 dist -adv женщина -fc aff= бежать -ipfv -intr.3
A boy, erm, I saw that a boy is walking, a little child is playing in the water, and a woman is running.
Pear story (TY1000) (3)
Arai ńaːčin waːj wal', wal'dəγə [u] jaːn köːd'əd-öːk köluŋul.
araj.Y ńaːčin waːj wal' wal' -də -γə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -k kel(u) -ŋu -l
suddenly.Y opposite also near near -3poss.obl -loc three -gen male -gen child -mod.pred come -3pl -sf
suddenly.Y opposite тоже near near -3poss.obl -loc три -gen male -gen ребенок -mod.pred прийти -3pl -sf
Then, three boys approached him.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (3)
Taŋ kin paipə toliːńərəŋ oγoːŋi, ten jaːn köːd'əd-öː [lau] laujəd-oːčəńərəŋ.
ta -ŋ ki -ND paipə tol -iː -ń(ə) -Rəŋ oγ -oːl -ŋi tu -n jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː laujə -ND oː -jə -ń(ə) -Rəŋ
dist -attr two -gen woman support -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb stand -stat -intr.3pl prox -adv three -gen male -gen child water -gen scoop -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb
dist -attr два -gen женщина support -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb стоять -stat -intr.3pl prox -adv три -gen male -gen ребенок вода -gen ковш -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb
Here two women are standing with poles, and three boys with laddles.
Pear Story (TY1001) (2)
Pureːpəgi pömörčil'əlŋudəγə tadaː, wol'dəγə, əə, l'elək, joːraːnui öːrpə, köːd'əd-öːrpə, l'ukud öːrpə waːj l'eŋi.
pureː -pə -gi pömö -R(ə) -(uː)ji -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -Raː wal' -də -γə əə l'e -lək joːrə -nu -j(ə) öː -pə köːd'ə -ND öː -pə juku -ND öː -pə waːj l'e -ŋi
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp child -pl male -gen child -pl small -gen child -pl also be -intr.3pl
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp ребенок -pl male -gen ребенок -pl маленький -gen ребенок -pl тоже быть -intr.3pl
The berries rolled away there, around him, erm, and some children that were playing, boys, little children, were also there.