Tundra Yukaghir

Pear story (TY1003)

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Narration of the events of an American short film about a pear farmer and some children known as the ‘Pear story’.

Recording: Tundra Yukaghir texts were recorded in the villages of Andryushkino and Chersky, Chersky, Lower Kolyma District, Yakutia, between 2010 and 2012 by Dejan Matić and Cecilia Odé. The transcriptions and glosses were provided by Dejan Matić, mostly in cooperation with Vasilij Nikolaevich Tretyakov.



  • MNK
    Tuŋ [tu] id'eː ten [mara] [kin] kiːneləŋ ičoːl.
    tu -ŋ id'eː tu -n kino.R -lə(ŋ) ičoː -l
    prox -attr now prox -adv film.R -pred.fc look -of.1pl
    prox -attr сейчас prox -adv film.R -pred.fc смотреть -of.1pl
    We have now seen a film.
  • MNK
    Taŋ kiːneγə ičoːləqənə maːrqən köde pureːlə aptaːnum, saːlγə pure, saːl pure quːdəirələk.
    ta -ŋ kino.R -γə ičoː -ləqənə(ŋ) maːrqə -ND köde(ŋ) pureː(ŋ) -lə aptə -nu -m saːl -γə pure saːl pure quː -RAi -R(ə)lək
    dist -attr film.R -loc look -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb one -gen person berry -acc pick -impf -tr.3sg tree -loc above tree above climb -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb
    dist -attr film.R -loc смотреть -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb один -gen человек berry -acc pick -impf -tr.3sg дерево -loc над дерево над climb -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb
    In that film we saw a man collecting berries, after he had climbed a tree.
  • MNK
    Taŋ aptəllək, alun kereːrələk, teńi, tude l'eγə, əə, kudečiːm.
    ta -ŋ aptə -R(ə)lək al -u -n ker -Aː -R(ə)lək tu -Raː tude l'e -γə əə kude -jiː -m
    dist -attr collect -ss.ant.cvb under -0 -adv.prol go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb prox -adv 3sg.gen hesit -loc hesit lie -tr -tr.3
    dist -attr collect -ss.ant.cvb под -0 -adv.prol идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb prox -adv 3sg.gen hesit -loc hesit лежать -tr -tr.3
    He collected them, went down and put them in his thingo.
  • MNK
    [nekud kudeči] Kudečiːllək tudel pileːrələk [kud] pańim.
    * kude -jiː -R(ə)lək tude -l pileː -R(ə)lək poń -iː -m
    * lie -tr -ss.ant.cvb 3sg -nom wipe -ss.ant.cvb leave -tr -tr.3
    * лежать -tr -ss.ant.cvb 3sg -nom wipe -ss.ant.cvb оставить -tr -tr.3
    He put them there, and then he wiped them clean and left (them there).
  • MNK
    Pańillək waːj aptaːčəm, [k a] aptaːlŋiń puren quːdəč.
    poń -iː -R(ə)lək waːj aptə -(iː)čə -m aptə -l -ŋiń pure -n quː -RAi -j
    leave -tr -ss.ant.cvb also collect -purp -tr.3 collect -nmlz -dat above -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -intr.3
    оставить -tr -ss.ant.cvb тоже collect -purp -tr.3 collect -nmlz -dat над -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -intr.3
    He left (them) and went to collect again, he climbed up to collect (them).
  • MNK
    Taŋ puren quːdəil'əldəγə maːrqən köde kerebəńd'ə köde waldən uːčič.
    ta -ŋ pure -n quː -RAi -l'əl -dəγə maːrqə -ND köde(ŋ) korova.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde(ŋ) wal' -də -n uː -čiː -j
    dist -attr above -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb one -gen person cow.R -v.propr -s.ptcp person near -3poss.obl -adv.prol go -intr.punct -intr.3
    dist -attr над -adv.prol climb -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb один -gen человек корова.R -v.propr -s.ptcp человек near -3poss.obl -adv.prol идти -intr.punct -intr.3
    When he climbed up, a man, a man with a cow passed near him.
  • MNK
    Ičoːləqənə taŋ ködeŋ taːt nemolləŋ əl=uːsəičoːn, ičoːrəŋ moːrqoːn uːčič.
    ičoː -ləqənə(ŋ) ta -ŋ köde(ŋ) taːt neme(ŋ) -(ŋ)olləŋ əl= uː -s(ə) -(A)j -čoːn ičoː -Rəŋ moːrqoːn uː -čiː -j
    look -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb dist -attr person.fc so what -acc.contr neg= go -caus -pfv -ss.priv.cvb look -ss.sim.cvb only go -intr.punct -intr.3
    смотреть -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb dist -attr человек.fc так что -acc.contr neg= идти -caus -pfv -ss.priv.cvb смотреть -ss.sim.cvb only идти -intr.punct -intr.3
    We saw that that man didn't take anything, he just looked and passed by.
  • MNK
    Tadaːt taŋ köde lajaːt maːrqən köːd'əd-öːləŋ uːčiːl, viləsipeːtqə saγanərəŋ.
    ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ köde(ŋ) lajaː -t maːrqə -ND köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -lə(ŋ) uː -čiː -l velosiped.R -γə saγanə -Rəŋ
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr person behind -adv.abl one -gen male -gen child -pred.fc go -intr.punct -sf bicycle.R -loc sit -ss.sim.cvb
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr человек за -adv.abl один -gen male -gen ребенок -pred.fc идти -intr.punct -sf bicycle.R -loc сидеть -ss.sim.cvb
    Then, a boy passed by from behind that man, riding a bicycle.
  • MNK
    Taŋ, taŋ köːd'əd-öː aːrəirələk taŋ ködelə, pure l'eldəγənə əl=l'öː, ičoːdəγənə pureːpələŋ aγoːlŋul.
    ta -ŋ ta -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) aː -RAi -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ köde(ŋ) -lə pure l'e -l -də -γənə əl= jöː ičoː -dəγənə(ŋ) pureː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -lə(ŋ) oγ -oːl -ŋu -l
    dist -attr dist -attr male -gen child stop -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr person -acc above be -nmlz -3 -def.acc neg= see(neg.3) look -3.ds.cond.cvb berry -pl -pred.fc stand -res -3pl -sf
    dist -attr dist -attr male -gen ребенок остановиться -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr человек -acc над быть -nmlz -3 -def.acc neg= видеть(neg.3) смотреть -3.ds.cond.cvb berry -pl -pred.fc стоять -res -3pl -sf
    When that boy stopped, he didn't see that man, that he was above, he saw that berries where standing (there).
  • MNK
    Taŋ waldəγə aːrəirələk taŋ maːrqən aptəjoːldəγənə mə=keurəim tude gedelŋiń.
    ta -ŋ wal' -də -γə aː -RAi -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ maːrqə -ND aptə -j -oːl -l -də -γənə mə= kew -R(ə) -(A)j -m tude kedel -ŋiń
    dist -attr near -3 -loc stop -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr one -gen collect -0 -res -nmlz -3poss.obl -def.acc aff= go.away -tr -pfv -tr.3 3sg body -dat
    dist -attr near -3 -loc остановиться -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr один -gen collect -0 -res -nmlz -3poss.obl -def.acc aff= идти.прочь -tr -pfv -tr.3 3sg body -dat
    He stopped close to him and took away one of (the baskets) he had collected for himself.
  • MNK
    Taŋ keurəirələk, uːnudəγə ńaːčin maːrqən paːd'əd-oː waː taːt [kel] tude ńaːčin kelunuj.
    ta -ŋ kew -R(ə) -(A)j -R(ə)lək uː -nu -dəγə ńaːčin maːrqə -ND paːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) aːj taːt tude ńaːčin kel(u) -nu -j
    dist -attr go.away -tr -pfv -ss.ant.cvb go -ipfv -3.ds.cvb opposite one -gen female -gen child lso so 3sg.gen opposite come -ipfv -intr.3
    dist -attr идти.прочь -tr -pfv -ss.ant.cvb идти -ipfv -3.ds.cvb opposite один -gen female -gen ребенок lso так 3sg.gen opposite прийти -ipfv -intr.3
    He took it away, and while he was going, a girl was coming towards him.
  • MNK
    Taŋ paːd'əd-öːńəŋ, tittə kedelγənə amutnəŋ əl=, əl=jöːr, [tile name] köːd'əd-öː mə=naγai.
    ta -ŋ paːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -ńə(ŋ) tittə kedel -γənə ama -oːl -(j)nə(ŋ) əl= əl= jöː -r köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) mə= naγa -j
    dist -attr female -gen child -s.com.fc 3pl.gen body -def.acc good -stat -adv.fc neg= neg= see -ss.circ.cvb male -gen child aff= fall -intr.3
    dist -attr female -gen ребенок -s.com.fc 3pl.gen body -def.acc хороший -stat -adv.fc neg= neg= видеть -ss.circ.cvb male -gen ребенок aff= fall -intr.3
    With that girl, erm, they didn't see each other well, and the boy fell down.
  • MNK
    Taŋ naγadəγə el'in moŋogi kereːl.
    ta -ŋ naγa -dəγə el'i -n moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l
    dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb first -adv cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf
    dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb первый -adv cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf
    When he fell down, first his cap flew off.
  • MNK
    Tadaːt taŋ moŋogi kereːl'əldəγə lajaːn pureːpulńəi l'egi kereːl waːj.
    ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -dəγə lajaː -n pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -ń(ə) -j(ə) l'e -gi ker -Aː -l waːj
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb behind -adv.prol berry -pl -v.propr -s.ptcp be -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf also
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb за -adv.prol berry -pl -v.propr -s.ptcp быть -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf тоже
    Then, his cap fell down and his thingo with berries spilt behind him, too.
  • MNK
    Pureːpulgi kereːl'əlŋudəγə [ŋudaγa] taŋ tudel, mm, naγaːl'əldəγə pureːpulgi kereːl'əldəγə tadaː öːrpələ l'eŋul, jaːd öːk.
    pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -ŋ tude -l mm naγa -l'əl -dəγə pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -dəγə ta -Raː öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -lə(ŋ) l'e -ŋu -l jaː -ND öː(ŋ) -k
    berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv child -pl -pred be -3pl -sf three -gen child -mod.pred
    berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv ребенок -pl -pred быть -3pl -sf три -gen ребенок -mod.pred
    After his berries were spilt, and he, erm, fell down and his berries were spilt, then children were there, three children.
  • MNK
    Taŋpə aptəllək taŋ öːŋiń mə=tadiŋaː.
    ta -ŋ -pə(ŋ) aptə -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ öː(ŋ) -ŋiń mə= taND -iː -ŋa(m)
    dist -attr -pl collect -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr child -dat aff= give -tr -tr.3pl
    dist -attr -pl collect -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr ребенок -dat aff= дать -tr -tr.3pl
    They gathered them and gave them to that boy.
  • MNK
    Taŋ tadil'əlŋudəγə uːnudəγə, uːnurəŋ, taŋ köːd'əd-öːrpə moŋogi nuːŋumlə.
    ta -ŋ taND -iː -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə uː -nu -dəγə uː -nu -Rəŋ ta -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) moŋo(ŋ) -gi nug -ŋu -m(ə)lə
    dist -attr give -tr -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb go -ipfv -3.ds.cvb go -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb dist -attr male -gen child -pl cap -3poss find -3pl -of.3sg
    dist -attr дать -tr -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb идти -ipfv -3.ds.cvb идти -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb dist -attr male -gen ребенок -pl cap -3poss найти -3pl -of.3sg
    They gave them to him and he was going, he was going, and those boys found his cap.
  • MNK
    Taŋ moŋodəγənə nuːrələk taŋ köːd'əd-öːlə ńeːrəŋ, [aː] aːrəisəŋaː.
    ta -ŋ moŋo(ŋ) -də -γənə nug -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -lə ńeː -Rəŋ aː -RAi -s(ə) -ŋa(m)
    dist -attr cap -3poss.obl -def.acc find -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr male -gen child -acc call -ss.sim.cvb stop -intr.punct -caus -tr.3pl
    dist -attr cap -3poss.obl -def.acc найти -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr male -gen ребенок -acc звать -ss.sim.cvb остановиться -intr.punct -caus -tr.3pl
    When they found his hat, these boys called him and stopped him.
  • MNK
    Köːd'əd-öːŋ [a a] mər=aːrəč.
    köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) mə -r= aː -RAi -j
    male -gen child.fc aff -0= stop -tr.punct -intr.3
    male -gen ребенок.fc aff -0= остановиться -tr.punct -intr.3
    The boy stopped.
  • MNK
    Taŋ aːrəirələk taŋ [kod'] köːd'əd-öːrpəŋ keluŋudəγə moŋodəγənə, moŋodəγənə kečiːrəŋ keluŋudəγə teːŋdə maːrqən pureːk tadimlə.
    ta -ŋ aː -RAi -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) kel(u) -ŋu -dəγə moŋo(ŋ) -də -γənə moŋo(ŋ) -də -γənə keči -Rəŋ kel(u) -ŋu -dəγə teː -(lə)G(u)də(ŋ) maːrqə -ND pureː(ŋ) -k taND -iː -m(ə)lə
    dist -attr stop -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr male -gen child -pl.fc come -3pl -3ds.cvb cap -3poss.obl -def.acc cap -3poss.obl -def.acc bring -ss.sim.cvb come -3pl -3.ds.cvb med -adv.dir one -gen berry -mod.pred give -tr -of.3sg
    dist -attr остановиться -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr male -gen ребенок -pl.fc прийти -3pl -3ds.cvb cap -3poss.obl -def.acc cap -3poss.obl -def.acc принести -ss.sim.cvb прийти -3pl -3.ds.cvb med -adv.dir один -gen berry -mod.pred дать -tr -of.3sg
    When he stopped, these boys came (to him) and brought him his cap, cap, they came there and he gave them a berry.
  • MNK
    Ten taŋ öːrpəŋ mə=keweiŋi, taŋ köːd'əd-öː waː mə=keweč.
    tu -n ta -ŋ öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) mə= kew -(A)j -ŋi ta -ŋ köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) waːj mə= kew -(A)j -j
    prox -adv dist -attr child -pl.fc aff= go.away -pfv -intr.3pl dist -attr male -gen child also aff= go.away -pfv -intr.3
    prox -adv dist -attr ребенок -pl.fc aff= идти.прочь -pfv -intr.3pl dist -attr male -gen ребенок тоже aff= идти.прочь -pfv -intr.3
    Then these children left, and that boy also went on.
  • MNK
    Qad'ir tadaːt taŋ, tideŋ, tideŋ köde taŋ tude pureːpulγənə aptaːnullək waː waː mə=kereːj, alun.
    qad'ir ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ tide -ŋ tide -ŋ köde(ŋ) ta -ŋ tude pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -γənə aptə -nu -R(ə)lək waːj waːj mə= ker -Aː -j al -u -n
    dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr person dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb also also aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3 under -0 -adv.prol
    dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr человек dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb тоже тоже aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3 под -0 -adv.prol
    Then, that man had collected his berries and went down again.
  • MNK
    Arai ičoːdəγənə maːrqən aptəjoːlgi eul'ə.
    araj.Y ičoː -dəγənə(ŋ) maːrqə -ND aptə -j -oːl -l -gi eul'ə
    once.Y look -3.ds.cond.cvb one -gen collect -0 -res -nmlz -3poss not.be(neg.3)
    однажды.Y смотреть -3.ds.cond.cvb один -gen collect -0 -res -nmlz -3poss не.быть(neg.3)
    He saw at once that that one (of the baskets) he collected wasn't there.
  • MNK
    Taŋ [ičoː], ičoːldəγənə, taːt ičoːnudəγənəŋ arai jaːn köːd'əd-öːrpək uːčiːnul, öːrpək uːčiːnul.
    ta -ŋ ičoː -l -də -γənə taːt ičoː -nu -dəγənə(ŋ) araj.Y jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -k uː -čiː -nu -l öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -k uː -čiː -nu -l
    dist -attr look -nmlz -3poss.obl -def.acc so look -ipfv -3.ds.cond.cvb.fc suddenly.Y three -gen male -gen child -pl -mod.pred go -intr.punct -ipfv -sf child -pl -mod.pred go -intr.punct -ipfv -sf
    dist -attr смотреть -nmlz -3poss.obl -def.acc так смотреть -ipfv -3.ds.cond.cvb.fc suddenly.Y три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl -mod.pred идти -intr.punct -ipfv -sf ребенок -pl -mod.pred идти -intr.punct -ipfv -sf
    While he was looking like that, three boys were passing by, children were passing by.
  • MNK
    Taŋpə taŋ pureː, ende maːrqən pureː moirəŋ uːčiːnuŋi.
    ta -ŋ -pə(ŋ) ta -ŋ pureː(ŋ) endə maːrqə -ND pureː(ŋ) moi -Rəŋ uː -čiː -nu -ŋi
    dist -attr -pl dist -attr berry distr one -gen berry hold -ss.sim.cvb go -intr.punct -ipfv -intr.3pl
    dist -attr -pl dist -attr berry distr один -gen berry держать -ss.sim.cvb идти -intr.punct -ipfv -intr.3pl
    They were passing by holding berries, each was holding a berry.
  • MNK
    Taŋullək, l'e, mə=, mə=joːγəč.
    ta -ŋun -lək l'e mə= mə= joːγə -(A)j -j
    dist -n -ins hesit aff= aff= finish -pfv -intr.3
    dist -n -ins hesit aff= aff= закончить -pfv -intr.3
    This is how it ended.