
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: y. 62 total hits in 10 transcripts.
Pear story (1) (1)
A conversation about Even culture (12)
Even ghost stories (5)
Ọttọ(n) heːjek?
otton.Y heːjek
advrs.ptl.Y demon
advrs.ptl.Y demon
And what is heyek then?
А тогда хэек, кто?
Tompo in Soviet times (11)
Kaːn-Tịgar bụọlbatak.
Khaːn-Tịgar buolbatakh.Y
Khan-Tigar is.not.Y
Khan-Tigar is.не.Y
It is not Kan-Tigar.
Не «хаан тыгар».
Cannibal story (21)
Tarịč, omen ọrọntan emeːpčelen erek etikeːn idehen, ideheče, họnnọn.
tar -E-Č omen ọran -tEn emeː -B -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) er -k etikeːn idehe.Y -n(I) idehe.Y -čE sonnon.Y
dist -ep-ins one reindeer -poss.3pl leave -med -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg prox -nom old.man kill.reindeer.Y -3sg kill.reindeer.Y -pf.ptc in.same.way.Y
dist -ep-ins один олень -poss.3pl оставить -med -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg prox -nom старый.мужчина убить.олень.Y -3sg убить.олень.Y -pf.ptc в.same.way.Y
Then, when only one reindeer of theirs was left over, that old man killed it, he killed it, all the same.
Так остался у них один олень, и этого съели.
Even taboos and customs (4)
Dʒulle ukčeːngerer ọttọn.
dʒul -(dU)LE ukčeːn -Gr(E) -R(E) otton.Y
front.side -loc tell -hab -nonfut(3pl) advrs.ptl.Y
перед.сторона -loc говорить -hab -nonfut(3pl) advrs.ptl.Y
Yes, they used to tell stories.
Да, рассказывали.
Bear story (2)
Tačịn ịanịkaːn-da tar kajmatmi ńuːń.
tar -čIn ịa -nIkEːn =dE tar khajaː.Y -mEČ -mI ńoːńe
dist -adv what -sim.cvb =ptl dist do.so.Y -rec -cond.cvb sin
dist -adv что -sim.cvb =ptl dist делать.так.Y -rec -cond.cvb sin
It was a sin to do so.
Это считалось большим грехом.
The creation of animals (4)
"Boːdulu alụs dedenič ọːča, keːńeli tarak."
boːdel -W olus.Y deden -E-Č ọː -čE keːńeli tar -k
leg -poss.1sg too.much.Y tired -ep-ins become -pf.ptc bad dist -nom
нога -poss.1sg тоже.много.Y уставший -ep-ins become -pf.ptc плохой dist -nom
"My legs are too weak, that's bad."
- Мои ноги чересчур слабые, это плохо.
A short chat about family (1)
Tar goːnmi taran, əə, nọŋọrtan, Tarabụkịn Ńịkụlaj edu hagdịl bejil ukčeːndeketnen biː eńmu haːnịn ebit, ajmakan.
tar goːn -mI tar -E-n(I) əə nọŋartan Tarabukin.R Nikolaj.R er -DU hagdị -L bej -L ukčen -REk -E-tEn biː eńen -W haːnị -n(I) e.Y -BIt.Y ajmaχ.Y -E-n(I)
dist say -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat old -pl man -pl tell -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg mother -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg be.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
dist сказать -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat старый -pl мужчина -pl говорить -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg мать -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg быть.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
So to say, Tarabukin Nikolay, old men here say that he is related to my mother, too.
Говорят так, по рассказу старых людей, Н. Тарабукин родственник моей матери.
Biblical stories (1)
Omen, əə, biriːnčiken họːjat bọlla họlọbụr ele muttule dʒịpụtaːtal ele emne, "ereŋet-te ọːpča, taraŋat-ta ọːpta" goːnikeːn neŋetidʒeːjne esten.
omen əə biriːnčik.Y -E-n(I) họːja -Č buolla.Y kholobur.Y er -(dU)LE mut -(dU)LE deputat.R -E-L er -(dU)LE em -R(E) er -E-ŋ -E-t(I) =dE ọː -B -čE tar -E-ŋ -E-t(I) =dE ọː -B -R(E) goːn -nIkEːn neŋ -E-Č -E-dʒEːn -R(E) e -R(E) -tEn
one hesit choosy.Y -ep-poss.3sg much -ins ptl.Y for.example.Y prox -loc 1pl.in -loc delegate.R -ep-pl prox -loc come -nonfut(3pl) prox -ep-aln -ep-poss.1pl.in =ptl do -med -pf.ptc dist -ep-aln -ep-poss.1pl.in =ptl do -med -nonfut say -sim.cvb pray -ep-res -ep-dur -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -poss.3pl
один hesit choosy.Y -ep-poss.3sg много -ins ptl.Y for.example.Y prox -loc 1pl.в -loc delegate.R -ep-pl prox -loc прийти -nonfut(3pl) prox -ep-aln -ep-poss.1pl.в =ptl делать -med -pf.ptc dist -ep-aln -ep-poss.1pl.в =ptl делать -med -nonfut сказать -sim.cvb pray -ep-res -ep-dur -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -poss.3pl
One, erm, they were quite picky: similar to the situations when our delegates come here to us, so they used to tell him (sc. god) that this and that had happened and would request things from him.
Люди к нему приходили и просили его.Как мы, когда приезжает депутат, начинаем просить: