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Search: measure. 6 total hits in 4 transcripts.
Lexe (1)
Sʹa°qni°(ŋey°) pʹir°kə(ŋow°)
while measure
пока мера
After a while
The hare (2)
pir° s´erl° yaŋko(w°),
measure business.POSS.2SG not:exist.SUBJ.3SG
мера дело.ПОСС.2ЕД не:существовать.СУБ.3ЕД
Is none of your business,
How we met a bear (1)
Takeəd° an′°h, takeəd° (уже в советское время, я уже) s′an° (класс) yolc′es′am°nta ...
that.ABL again that.ABL () how:many () measure.INTER.SUBJ.1SG.EMPH
тот.АБЛ снова тот.АБЛ () сколько () мера.ИНТЕР.СУБ.1ЕД.ЭМФ
Then again, then (already in the Soviet period), I had indeed (already) finished a few (classes)
Life story (2)
Oy°, toxodə° š°kolam yolc′eqma°dən° səl′an°n_toəm°h, t′uku° səl′an°n_toəm°_mən′° an′°h.
INTJ study.MOD.CVB school.ACC measure.PF.NMLZ.ABL.1SG headland.DAT_come.SUBJ.1SG this headland.DAT_come.SUBJ.1SG_PRON.1SG again
МЕЖД учиться.МОД.КОНВ школа.АКК мера.ПРФ.НМЛЗ.АБЛ.1ЕД мыс.ДАТ_прийти.СУБ.1ЕД этот мыс.ДАТ_прийти.СУБ.1ЕД_МЕСТ.1ЕД снова
Oh, after I had finished studying at school, I came to the headland, I came again to this headland.