Tundra Nenets

Lexical glosses for Tundra Nenets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Nenets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: fly. 3 total hits in 2 transcripts.
A seagull's tale (2)
Tʹírcʹ° pʹay°doh, pʹay°doh xanʹikudoh.
летать.ФРЕКВ.МОД.КОНВ начать.ОБ.МН.СУБ.3МН начать.ОБ.МН.СУБ.3МН оперевшийся:птенец.ДИМ.ПОСС.МН3МН
They started to fly, their little fledglings started to do that.
The moon and the sun (1)
Tǝd° tʹikaxǝd° numt°h tʹíyǝx°h.
then it.ABL sky.DAT fly.REFL.3DU
тогда этот.АБЛ небо.ДАТ летать.РЕФЛ.3ДВ
Then the boy and the girl flew up to the sky.
Затем девочка и мальчик улетели на небо