Tundra Nenets

Lexical glosses for Tundra Nenets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Nenets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: fat. 1 total hits in 1 transcripts.
The giant forest monsters (1)
Ŋob ŋay°ta súyum nʹǝqm°bǝ° ŋǝdʹimʹa.
one fat.PTC.IMPF calf.ACC grasp.MOD.CVB appear.SUBJ.3SG
один толстый.ПРИЧ.ИМПФ теленок.АКК схватить.МОД.КОНВ появиться.СУБ.3ЕД
She brought out a fat reindeer calf.
Она вынесла упитанного олененка,