Tundra Nenets

Lexical glosses for Tundra Nenets (Russian)

This list of Russian lexical glosses found in the Tundra Nenets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: чум. 59 total hits in 11 transcripts.
Nenets girl (2)
Mʹak(eywa xəy)nan(ey)°
In my tent,
How we met a bear (3)
M′ad°m məs′°t′emp′iwaq.
tent.ACC set:up.DUR.SUBJ.1PL
чум.АКК поставить.ДУБ.СУБ.1МН
We're setting up the tent.
Lexe (1)
Mʹat°h tʹú(ŋeyŋ)əmcʹ(ey)°
tent.DAT enter.PST.SUBJ.1SG
чум.ДАТ войти.ПРОШ.СУБ.1ЕД
I entered the tent.
The seven holy birch trees (11)
Mʹak°nʹi xæxǝd°m.
tent.DAT.POSS.1SG depart.HORT.SUBJ.1SG
чум.ДАТ.ПОСС.1ЕД отправиться.ХОРТ.СУБ.1ЕД
I’d better go home.
Пойду-ка я лучше домой.
The giant forest monsters (7)
Mʹak°nʹi pʹabcuw°q.”
tent.DAT.POSS.1SG start.NEC.REFL.1SG
чум.ДАТ.ПОСС.1ЕД начать.НЕЦ.РЕФЛ.1ЕД
I’ll go home.”
Придётся пойти домой.”
The two brothers and the old man of the earth (19)
Mʹata pʹelʹey°kutǝwi°.
tent.POSS.3SG have:unused:part.NARR.SUBJ.3SG
чум.ПОСС.3ЕД с:неиспользованной:частью.НАРР.СУБ.3ЕД
Apparently, the tent had a part where nobody lived.
Оказывается, у него есть половина, где никто не живет.
A Nenets joke (4)
puxac′ada m′ak°na mewi°.
old:woman.POSS.3SG tent.LOC be.NARR.SUBJ.3SG
старуха.ПОСС.3ЕД чум.ЛОК быть.НАРР.СУБ.3ЕД
But his wife was apparently at home.
The old man and his daughter-in-law (1)
s´an° (ey°) yur m´aq(mow°q (ŋey°ey°)
several hundred yurt.PL
несколько стоянка чум.МН
Several hundred yurts,
The three pikes' sister and the Russian (5)
Tər′em n′ux°l′o° m′at°n_tæwi°q.
so dragged.MOD.CVB tent.DAT_arrive.REFL.3SG
так волочиться.МОД.КОНВ чум.ДАТ_прибыть.РЕФЛ.3ЕД
Being so dragged he arrived at the tent.
No ladles under women's hems (1)
Əpoy°h n′in′aki° yil′eq, m′ak°na ŋoka yil′en′aq.
He's not likely to live alone, [by contrast] there are many inhabitants at [his] home.