
Suffixes in Even

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Search: gide. 18 total hits in 7 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (6)
Čọːŋaːlgịda [...]
čọːŋaːl -gIdE
place.for.dishes.in.yurt -nr
место.for.dishes.в.чум -nr
The area where the place for the dishes is [...]
Где посуда стоит...
An Even farce (1)
A bit closer here.
Поближе сюда.
A short chat about family (1)
Targịdalị biː tar, biː eńmu aŋatkaːn bitle.
tar -gIdE -(dU)LI biː tar biː eńen -W aŋatkaːn bi -tlE
dist -nr -prol 1sg dist 1sg mother -acc orphan be -nr
dist -nr -prol 1sg dist 1sg мать -acc сирота быть -nr
My mother, from that region, was also an orphan.
Моя мать тоже оттуда, она тоже сирота.
Bear story (7)
Kurbelek gerbe bihni er, dereːngidele.
Kurbelek gerbe bi -R(E) -n(I) er dereːn -gIdE -(dU)LE
Kurbelek name be -nonfut -3sg prox source -nr -loc
Kurbelek name быть -nonfut -3sg prox source -nr -loc
There is a place called Kurbelek there, in the upper flow.
Есть на верховьях местность, под названием Курбэлэх.
Cannibal story (1)
Ohom haːr irgidele tarak, ajdʒịt-kụ bihin, oleːk-ku bihin.
e -R(E) -m haː -R(E) ir -gIdE -(dU)LE tar -E-k ajdʒịt =GU bi -RI -n(I) oleːk =GU bi -RI -n(I)
neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb which -nr -loc dist -ep-nom truth =q be -pst -poss.3sg lie =q be -pst -poss.3sg
neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb который -nr -loc dist -ep-nom правда =q быть -pst -poss.3sg лежать =q быть -pst -poss.3sg
I don't know in which region this happened, and whether it is true or not.
Я не знаю где это было, правда или нет, я не знаю.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Biː ergidew ehem haːr, mindu tar etikeːŋu Kalïmaːdụk, nọŋan ukčeːngeren.
biː er -gIdE -W e -R(E) -m haː -R(E) min -DU tar etikeːn -ŋ -W Kolyma.R -DUk(U) nọŋan ukčeːn -Gr(E) -n(I)
1sg prox -nr -acc neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb 1sg.obl -dat dist old.man -aln -poss.1sg Kolyma.R -abl 3sg tell -hab -3sg
1sg prox -nr -acc neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb 1sg.obl -dat dist старый.мужчина -aln -poss.1sg Kolyma.R -abl 3sg говорить -hab -3sg
I don't know about this region, my husband is from the Kolyma region, he told me (sc. about their customs).
Я не знаю как тут делают. Мой муж из Колымы, он рассказывал, (как у них выдают замуж).
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Ọːtnaːraqatan ńaːn atịqaŋčaːnnị-da awgịdala-da gurgewčireken, mukučimekem, uŋridʒi, mọːldarịdʒị bagụqnan ŋiː-de aːtčadụn oːńettiw taraw gịrqarịqaːjaw.
ọː -Č -nE -REk -E-tEn ńaːn atịkan -KEːn -n(I) =dE aw -gIdE -(dU)LE =dE gurgewči -REk -E-n(I) mukeči -mEkEn -W uŋ -RIdʒI mọː -ldE -RIdʒI bag -E-k -nE -n(I) ŋiː =dE aːtča -DU -n(I) oːńe -Č -RI -W tar -W gịrkarị -kEːjE -W
do -res -intent -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl also old.woman -dim -poss.3sg =ptl which -nr -loc =ptl work -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg log -ints -acc hesit -ant.cvb wood -soc -ant.cvb beat -ep-tr.mult -mult -3sg(nonfut) who =ptl neg.ex -dat -poss.3sg tie -res -impf.ptc -acc dist -acc wolf -aug -acc
делать -res -intent -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl тоже старый.женщина -dim -poss.3sg =ptl который -nr -loc =ptl работать -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg log -ints -acc hesit -ant.cvb wood -soc -ant.cvb beat -ep-tr.mult -mult -3sg(nonfut) кто =ptl neg.ex -dat -poss.3sg связать -res -impf.ptc -acc dist -acc волк -aug -acc
When they went to vaccinate and his wife was away somewhere working, he, erm, made a log out of wood and went on to beat that wolf, which was tied, while nobody was there.
Когда они пошли делать вакциницию, а его жена где-то работала, он (тот мужик) зделал бревно и привязанного волка стал бить, когда никого не было.