
Suffixes in Even

This list of suffixes found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: dʒiŋe. 7 total hits in 5 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tar-ka taŋara goːnin minteki, haːtar edʒekkeh boːdʒiŋewu.
tar=kE taŋara.Y goːn-RI-N(I) min-t(E)kI saːtar.Y edʒek-GE-s(I) boː-DʒIŋE-W
DIST=EMPH god.Y say-PST-POSS.3SG 1SG.OBL-all DP.Y sacred:reindeer-DESIG-POSS.2SG give-HYP.PTC-POSS.1SG
DIST=ЭМФ бог.Y сказать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД 1ЕД.ОБЛ-весь DP.Y sacred:reindeer-ДЕСИГ-ПОСС.2ЕД дать-HYP.ПРИЧ-ПОСС.1ЕД
"God told me that he would give me a sacred reindeer."
"Бог сказал мне, что подарит мне священного оленя."
The sacred reindeer (1)
"Tar-ka taŋara goːnin minteki, haːtar edʒekkeh boːdʒiŋewu."
tar =kE taŋara.Y goːn -RI -n(I) min -t(E)kI saːtar.Y edʒek -GE -s(I) boː -DʒIŋE -W
dist =emph god.Y say -pst -poss.3sg 1sg.obl -all ptl.Y sacred.reindeer -desig -poss.2sg give -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg
dist =emph бог.Y сказать -pst -poss.3sg 1sg.obl -весь ptl.Y sacred.олень -desig -poss.2sg дать -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg
"God told me that he would give me a sacred reindeer."
"Бог сказал мне, что подарит мне священного оленя."
Chat about an Evenki film (2)
Ụjandʒịːna tarbač kńịːgaw gadʒịŋawan goːniten.
Ụjandʒịːna tarbač kniga.R -W ga -DʒIŋE -W -E-n(I) goːn -RI -tEn
Ujandina ptl book.R -acc take -hyp.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg say -pst -poss.3pl
Ujandina ptl книга.R -acc взять -hyp.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg сказать -pst -poss.3pl
They say that Ujandina is to receive the book.
Про Уяндины сказали, что она получила книги.
Biblical stories (2)
Ọl aːta tar tọgụ hiːwideːji pọtọpụ ọːwkaːndʒịŋawụ.
ol.Y aːta.Y tar tọg -W hiːw -I -DEː -J potop.R -W ọː -WkEːn -DʒIŋE -W
dist.Y ptl.Y dist fire -acc be.extinguished -tr -purp.cvb -prfl.sg flood.R -acc become -caus -hyp.ptc -acc
dist.Y ptl.Y dist огонь -acc быть.extinguished -tr -purp.cvb -prfl.sg flood.R -acc become -caus -hyp.ptc -acc
So that, in order to extinguish the fire, he will cause a flood.
сделает всемирный потоп.
The creation of animals (1)
[Mịan] Mịaŋčịča erek, "Hịaŋačaːkaːjaw hepkendʒiŋew bụrkataŋŋan itteːj".
mịan mịan -Č -E-čE er -k hịaŋan -KEːn -kEːjE -W hepke -n -DʒIŋE -W bụrkat -E-ŋ -W -E-n(I) it -DEː -J
wonder ten -res -ep-pf.ptc prox -nom burbot -dim -aug -acc catch -mult -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg flint -ep-aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg see -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
wonder десять -res -ep-pf.ptc prox -nom burbot -dim -aug -acc catch -mult -hyp.ptc -poss.1sg flint -ep-aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg видеть -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
And he wondered, "Let me catch a burbot to take a look at its flint stone?"
И стал удивляться: - Поймаю-ка я налима, чтоб посмотреть на кварц.