
Suffixes in Even

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Search: b. 48 total hits in 11 transcripts.
Bear story (5)
Tiek baγar tarak aːtča, beripče.
tiek baγar.Y tar -k aːtča beri -B -čE
now maybe.Y dist -nom neg.ex lose -med -pf.ptc
сейчас может:быть.Y dist -nom neg.ex потерять -med -pf.ptc
That (sc. taboo) probably doesn't exist anymore, it has been lost.
А сейчас нет наверное такого запрета.
Biblical stories (7)
Tačịn dụkụpča?
tar -čIn dụk -B -čE
dist -adv write -med -pf.ptc
dist -adv писать -med -pf.ptc
Was it written like that?
Так было написанно?
A conversation about Even culture (12)
Ọrọŋčịmŋa-da adụkụːn, tarak [berib], ọrọl beribnikeːhel.
ọraŋčị -mŋE =dE adị -kUN -ː tar -k beri -B ọran -L beri -B -nIkEːn -SEl
herd.reindeer -ag.nr =ptl how.much -adjr -ints dist -nom lose -med reindeer -pl lose -med -sim.cvb -pl
herd.олень -ag.nr =ptl как.много -adjr -ints dist -nom потерять -med олень -pl потерять -med -sim.cvb -pl
But there are very few reindeer herders, so that reindeer get lost.
Да и оленеводов мало, олены теряются.
The creation of animals (3)
Dʒeː tar oliki tačịn ọːpča biče.
dʒe.Y tar oliki tar -čIn ọː -B -čE bi -čE
ptl.Y dist squirrel dist -adv do -med -pf.ptc be -pf.ptc
ptl.Y dist squirrel dist -adv делать -med -pf.ptc быть -pf.ptc
That's how the squirrel was made.
Вот так белка была сделана.
Spirits (4)
Apkatnịkan maːbajaktak.
apka-Č-nIkEn maː-B-E-jEktEːk.Y
strangle-RES-SIM.CVB kill-MED-0-NEC.Y
strangle-RES-SIM.КОНВ убить-MED-0-НЕЦ.Y
It must be killed by strangling.
Душать-так нужно его убивать.
Even ghost stories (1)
Aha, nu, tar heːjek ewedič goːpče bọlla, tar heːjek herikugben bọlla.
aha nu.R tar heːjek ewen -DI -Č goːn -B -čE buolla.Y tar heːjek herike -gbEn buolla.Y
aff.intj ptl.R dist demon Even -adjr -ins say -med -pf.ptc ptl.Y dist demon wiggle.arse -nr ptl.Y
aff.intj ptl.R dist demon Even -adjr -ins сказать -med -pf.ptc ptl.Y dist demon wiggle.arse -nr ptl.Y
Well, 'heyek' is what the Evens say, 'heyek' is from 'arse wiggler' (herikugben).
Хэек – это эвены так говорят. Хэек – прыгающий.
Cannibal story (9)
Tar naːr ahịːl ahatkaːr emeːbgerečel.
tar naːr.Y asị -L asatkaːn -L emeːn -B -Gr(E) -čE -L
dist always.Y woman -pl girl -pl leave -med -hab -pf.ptc -pl
dist всегда.Y женщина -pl girl -pl оставить -med -hab -pf.ptc -pl
The women and the girls always stayed back.
Тогда оставались женщины и девушки.
Tompo in Soviet times (4)
Tarak goːnni: "Erek bụkaːtịn keːńelidu-de ọːpča", goːnni.
tar -k goːn -n(I) er -k bukatïn.Y keːńeli -DU =dE ọː -B -čE goːn -n(I)
dist -nom say -3sg prox -nom completely.Y bad -dat =ptl do -med -pf.ptc say -3sg
dist -nom сказать -3sg prox -nom completely.Y плохой -dat =ptl делать -med -pf.ptc сказать -3sg
He said: "All that is built on a very bad location".
Он ответил: «Это все, строительство и постройки сделали на плохой местности». /Он сказал: «На очень плохом месте построили»,- говорит.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Erek bejeŋi bimi hewki ńọːgụnnan ịlan-ńụn ineŋiwu emeːpče
er -k bej -E-ŋ -J bi -mI hewki ńọːg -U -nnE -n(I) ịlan =ńUn ineŋ -W emeːn -B -čE
prox -nom man -ep-aln -prfl.sg be -cond.cvb god go.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg three =only day -acc leave -med -pf.ptc
prox -nom мужчина -ep-aln -prfl.sg быть -cond.cvb бог идти.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg три =only день -acc оставить -med -pf.ptc
God was to take out that man in only three days.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
[ap] Apqattakan taraw neŋeketten họːjaw, họːjaw neŋeketten, nokukeːnellin.
a -B apka -Č -REk -E-n(I) tar -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) họːja -W họːja -W neŋ -E-kEČ -R(E) -n(I) nokukeːn -E-L -RI -n(I)
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg much -acc much -acc bow -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
and.R -med strangle -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist -acc complain -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg много -acc много -acc лук -ep-mult -nonfut -3sg sidestep -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg
When he (sc. the wolf) strangled him (sc. the dog), he (the owner of the dog) complained a lot, he complained a lot, he (sc. the wolf) stepped away.
Когда придушил, он жаловался, жаловался, отскочил в сторону.