
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Even.

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Search: so. 46 total hits in 13 transcripts.
An Even farce (4)
Ile-kke tala umekič ečin-eː nekeleddʒoːtte-ši, ečin-eː, ečin.
ir-(dU)LE=kkE tar-(dU)LE omekič ečin=e ńek-E-L-E-D-WEːČ-R(E)=sI ečin=e ečin
который-ЛОК=ЭМФ DIST-ЛОК very:much так-INTS делать-0-ИНХ-0-PROG-GNR-NONFUT.3МН=ЭМФ так=INTS так
It is where people go like this, like this, like that.
Где люди так делают, вот так, вот так.
The sacred reindeer (5)
Ečin goːnni:
ečin goːn-N(I)
so say-3SG
так сказать-3ЕД
This is what he (god) said:
И он (бог) говорит:
A lighthearted exchange (2)
Tačịn goːnni!
tačịn goːn-N(I)
so say-3SG
так сказать-3ЕД
That's what they said!
Так сказали!
Birds in love (5)
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
The raven and the crow (2)
Ajụka-da ečin [mang maŋ tan] bargụtča.
ajụka=dE ečin barag-Č-čE
unconsciously=DP so answer-RES-PF.PTC
unconsciously=DP так answer-RES-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
Without feeling guilty, it answered like that.
Воронa как-будто невиновата, так ответила.
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
Spirits (8)
Tačịn goːniken ukčeːngeren.
tačịn goːn-nIkEn ukčeːn-Gr(E)-N(I)
so say-SIM.CVB tell-HAB-3SG
так сказать-SIM.КОНВ говорить-ХАБ-3ЕД
That's what (my father) said.
Так сказал (мой отец).
Pear story (3) (2)
Taːk, ọːn-kana...
taːk.R ọːn =kEnE
so.R how =contr
так.R как =contr
So, and then, uhm...
Glove and love (1)
Tačịn-takan meːne bičče, bičče.
tačịn=t(E)kEn meːne.Y bi-Č-čE bi-Č-čE
so=restr DP.Y be-RES-PF.PTC be-RES-PF.PTC
так=restr DP.Y быть-RES-ПРФ.ПРИЧ быть-RES-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
And she stayed like that.
Так и была.
Bear story (3)
Taːk noːsegčeːrdu egrečel.
taːk.R noːsegčeːn -L -DU e -Gr(E) -čE -L
so.R young -pl -dat neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl
так.R молодой -pl -dat neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl
Young people didn't.
А молодым нельзя.