14 matching lines for search term prfl.
- DMТак, ну, можем начать.Так, ну, можем начать.
- KRPAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYeah.
- TDATaːk, ọːn-kana goːnni...taːk.R ọːn =kEnE goːn -n(I)so.R how =contr say -3sgтак.R как =contr сказать -3sgUhm, how do you say it...
- TDAErek kụŋ(aː)kaːkaːn abụgadị beličidden grụːšaw [ka] grụːšaw čakandụ.er -k kụŋaː -kEːkEːn abaga -DI bel -E-Č -E-D -R(E) -n(I) gruša.R -W gruša.R -W čak -E-n -DUprox -nom child -dim grandfather -dat.prfl.sg help -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg pear.R -acc pear.R -acc gather -ep-anr -datprox -nom ребенок -dim дед -dat.prfl.sg помогать -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg pear.R -acc pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-anr -datThis child is helping his grandfather in gathering pears (to gather pears).
- TDAAbụgadị beletten, tar ịač-kana, vilasipeːt muttule atča, vilasipeːdač ebit dʒugučidden [ka] karzịːna, karzịːnadụk, abụgaj tepkuduŋgen.abaga -DI bel -E-Č -R(E) -n(I) tar ịa -Č =kEnE velosiped.R mut -(dU)LE aːtča velosiped.R -E-Č ebit.Y dʒugu -Č -E-D -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R korzina.R -DUk(U) abaga -J tepkudu -ŋ -GE -n(I)grandfather -dat.prfl.sg help -ep-res -nonfut -3sg dist what -ins =contr bycicle.R 1pl.in -loc neg.ex bycicle.R -ep-ins evid.Y transport -res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg basket basket -abl grandfather -prfl.sg container -aln -desig -poss.3sgдед -dat.prfl.sg помогать -ep-res -nonfut -3sg dist что -ins =contr bycicle.R 1pl.в -loc neg.ex bycicle.R -ep-ins evid.Y transport -res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg basket basket -abl дед -prfl.sg container -aln -desig -poss.3sgHe is helping the old man, and, how should I say it, we have no bicycles - he is transporting with his bicycle his grandfather's container for him from the basket.
- TDATaːk, ọːn-kana...taːk.R ọːn =kEnEso.R how =contrтак.R как =contrSo, and then, uhm...
- KRP?
- KRPAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYeah.
- KRPAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYeah.
- KRPAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYeah.
- TDATadụk tar omen, ee, nọŋan tačịn ŋeneddeken ịlan kụŋ(aː)kaːkaːn emde, nọŋman oːhejre.tar -DUk(U) tar omen ee nọŋan tar -čIn ŋen -E-D -REk -E-n(I) ịlan kụŋaː -kEːkEːn em -R(E) nọŋan -W -E-n(I) oːsej -R(E)dist -abl dist one intj 3sg dist -adv go -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg three child -dim come -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg tease -nonfut(3pl)dist -abl dist один intj 3sg dist -adv идти -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg три ребенок -dim прийти -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg tease -nonfut(3pl)Then, one, oh yeah, while he was thus going around, three little children came and made fun of him.
- TDA[meńi] Ee, ịar-kana, tikukeːn, gụrụːšaŋgaj tikukeːnni.* ee ịa -r =kEnE tik -WkEːn gruša.R -ŋ -GE -J tik -WkEːn -n(I)* intj what -3pl =contr fall -caus(nfut.3pl) pear.R -aln -desig -prfl.sg fall -caus -3sg* intj что -3pl =contr fall -caus(nfut.3pl) pear.R -aln -desig -prfl.sg fall -caus -3sgOh, uhm, they dropped, he dropped his pears.
- TDATarakọm meːndʒi xomujridʒi horžen, čakrịdʒị.tarakam meːn -DʒI khomuj.Y -RIdʒI hor -R(E) -n(I) čak -RIdʒIthen self -inst.prfl.sg gather.Y -ant.cvb go.away -nonfut -3sg gather -ant.cvbтогда сам -inst.prfl.sg собиратть.Y -ant.cvb идти.прочь -nonfut -3sg собиратть -ant.cvbThen, after he had collected them by himself, he went away, after he had gathered them.
- TDAEe, meːndʒi čakrịdʒị horžen.ee meːn -DʒI čak -RIdʒI hor -R(E) -n(I)intj self -inst.prfl.sg gather -ant.cvb go.away -nonfut -3sgintj сам -inst.prfl.sg собиратть -ant.cvb идти.прочь -nonfut -3sgSo, having gathered them by himself, he went away.
- TDATarịt amardaːdụn omen kụŋ(aː)kaːkaːn hɛːrin.tar -E-Č amar -dE -DU -n(I) omen kụŋaː -kEːkEːn hie -RI -n(I)dist -ep-ins back.side -nr -dat -poss.3sg one child -dim appear -pst -poss.3sgdist -ep-ins назад.сторона -nr -dat -poss.3sg один ребенок -dim появиться -pst -poss.3sgThen one little child appeared behind him.
- TDAEe, hɛːrin, tarịč [goːn] goːŋun, ịawan-kana aːwụman, hokkidu tetučeŋken aːwụčaːnnị bihni, taraŋman boːnen.ee hie -RI -n(I) tar -E-Č goːn goːŋi -n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) =kEnE aːwan -W -E-n(I) hok -RI -DU tet -U -Č -E-ŋkE -n(I) aːwan -KEːn -n(I) bi -R(E) -n(I) tarak -ŋ -W -E-n(I) boː -nE -n(I)intj appear -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins say call -3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg be.hot -impf.ptc -dat wear -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg be -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg give -intent -3sgintj появиться -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins сказать звать -3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg быть.горячий -impf.ptc -dat носить -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg быть -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg дать -intent -3sgSo, she appeared and called (him), uhm, whatchamacallit, his hat, he had a hat that is worn in heat, that's what she went to give him.
- TDATar meːndʒi tar grụːšaw tar kụŋaːjakaːn boːn, boːrin urečin gụrụːšaŋgan, ometeldʒi, taraw dʒebnikeːkeːn horžen.tar meːn -DʒI tar gruša.R -W tar kụŋaː -jEkEːn boː -n(I) boː -RI -n(I) urečin gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) omen -tEl -DʒI tar -W dʒeb -nIkEːn -KEːn hor -R(E) -n(I)dist self -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist child -dim give -3sg give -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg one -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc eat -sim.cvb -dim go.away -nonfut -3sgdist сам -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist ребенок -dim дать -3sg дать -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg один -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc есть -sim.cvb -dim идти.прочь -nonfut -3sgThen that kid himself gave (her) a pear, he gave her a pear, one by one, I think, and (she?) left eating it.
- KRPAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYeah.
- TDAỌnnọ tar, talịwụr nọŋan čakaddan, talị bejil bọlla ielteŋder.onno.Y tar tar -(dU)LI -WUr nọŋan čak -E-D -R(E) -n(I) tar -(dU)LI bej -E-L buolla.Y ielten -Gr(E) -rthen.Y then dist -prol -prfl.pl 3sg gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist -prol man -ep-pl ptl.Y pass -hab -3plтогда.Y тогда dist -prol -prfl.pl 3sg собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist -prol мужчина -ep-pl ptl.Y pass -hab -3plAnd then, (where) he was gathering pears, there some men passed by.
- TDAOmen tar, omen bej, ịak [ka] kaza-gụ, ịak, kaza ịak-kụ, omen bej tar kazalkaːn bej ieltenni.omen tar omen bej ịa -k koza.R =GU ịa -k koza.R ịa -k =GU omen bej tar koza.R -lkEːn bej ielten -n(I)one then one man what -nom goat.R =q what -nom goat.R what -nom =q one man dist goat.R -prop man pass -3sgодин тогда один мужчина что -nom goat.R =q что -nom goat.R что -nom =q один мужчина dist goat.R -prop мужчина pass -3sgThen, one, one man, goat how, how, how to say 'goat', a man, uhm, man with a goat passed by.
- KRPMm.mmintjintjMmh.
- TDATarịč tar ịlan kụŋaːjakaːr ɛːlten.tar -E-Č tar ịlan kụŋaː -jEkEːn -L ieltendist -ep-ins dist three child -dim -pl pass(nfut.3pl)dist -ep-ins dist три ребенок -dim -pl pass(nfut.3pl)Then, uhm, three children passed by.
- TDATara, tačịn beličidden.tar tar -čIn bel -E-Č -E-D -R(E) -n(I)dist dist -adv help -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgdist dist -adv помогать -ep-res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgSo he helps (him).
- TDATaraw ittem biː.tar -W it -R(E) -m biːdist -acc see -nonfut -1sg 1sgdist -acc видеть -nonfut -1sg 1sgThat's what I saw.
- TDAErek, ịala-kana ...er -k ịa -(dU)LE =kEnEprox -nom what -loc =contrprox -nom что -loc =contrIn this, whatsitsname ...