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Search: j. 210 total hits in 23 transcripts.
Pear story (2) (3)
Dʒeː tarịč bọllaːna omen bej bọllaːna dʒeː kọzaːčaːmị elgenikeːn ieltenni tar bej hatlịn.
dʒe.Y tar -E-Č buollaγïna.Y omen bej buollaγïna.Y dʒe.Y koza.R -KEːn -W -J elge -nIkEːn ielten -n(I) tar bej hat -(dU)LI -n(I)
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins ptl.Y one man ptl.Y ptl.Y goat.R -dim -acc lead.on.leash -sim.cvb pass -3sg dist man near -prol -poss.3sg
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins ptl.Y один мужчина ptl.Y ptl.Y goat.R -dim -acc lead.на.leash -sim.cvb pass -3sg dist мужчина near -prol -poss.3sg
And then, a man with his little goat passed by near that man.
Pear story (4) (2)
Ńaːn hoːntelbu ịlam qụŋaːw baqaldarịdʒị iekej oŋkerin.
ńaːn hoːnte -L -W ịlan -W kụŋaː -W bak -E-ldE -RIdʒI ieke -J oŋke -RI -n(I)
also strange -pl -acc three -acc child -acc find -ep-soc -ant.cvb cauldron pour -pst -poss.3sg
тоже strange -pl -acc три -acc ребенок -acc найти -ep-soc -ant.cvb cauldron pour -pst -poss.3sg
And he met three other children and dropped his cauldron.
Встретил он других детей и уронил посуду.
Pear story (5) (4)
Dʒoːr, dʒoːr miltereː [kar] karcịːnaw ittidʒi ńaːn ewrin [vilosip] vilosipeːttukuj ńaːn ŋenridʒi dʒọmqaːttan:
dʒoːr dʒoːr miltereː korzina.R -W it -RIdʒI ńaːn ew -RI -n(I) velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J ńaːn ŋen -RIdʒI dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -n(I)
two two full basket -acc see -ant.cvb also go.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl also go -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sg
два два full basket -acc видеть -ant.cvb тоже идти.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl тоже идти -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sg
He saw two full baskets, and got off his bicycle, and went there, thinking: