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Search: l. 530 total hits in 26 transcripts.
A short chat about family (3)
Tala Mọːmala, muttule Silipcovel emie mut ajmakaltị bih, miltereː, biː eńenduliwu.
tar -(dU)LE Mọːma -(dU)LE mut -(dU)LE Slepcov.R -E-L emie.Y mut ajmaχ.Y -E-L -t(I) bi -R(E) miltereː biː eńen -(dU)LI -W
dist -loc Moma -loc -loc Slepcov.R -ep-pl again.Y relative.Y -ep-pl be -nonfut(3pl) full 1sg mother -prol -poss.1sg
dist -loc Moma -loc 1pl.в -loc Slepcov.R -ep-pl снова.Y 1pl.в relative.Y -ep-pl -poss.1pl.в быть -nonfut(3pl) full 1sg мать -prol -poss.1sg
There in Moma, we also have relatives among the Slepcovs, loads (of them), in my mother's line.
Там в Моме и Слепцовы наши родственники, их много по материнской линии.
Birds in love (6)
Tadụk ogeski eti degelle binne.
tar-DUk(U) oj-E-skI e-RI deg-E-L-R(E)
From that time, it stopped flying high.
А высоко вверх перестала летать.
Tadụk ogeski eti degelle binne.
tar-DUk(U) oj-E-skI e-RI deg-E-L-R(E)
From that time, it stopped flying high.
А высоко вверх перестала летать.
The creation of animals (6)
[egre] Ọːkarap ọːpčal bihep bọlla, ọlịhịn tar ọːptịdʒụr metučesčireket-de,
* ọːk -E-rEp ọː -B -čE -L bi -R(E) -p buolla.Y ol_ihin.Y tar ọː -B -RIdʒI -L metu -Č -E-sčI -REk -E-t(I) =dE
* when do -med -pf.ptc -pl be -nonfut ptl.Y therefore.Y dist do -med -ant.cvb -pl warn -res -ep-conat -cond.cvb =ptl
* когда делать -med -pf.ptc -pl быть -nonfut -1pl.в ptl.Y therefore.Y dist делать -med -ant.cvb -pl warn -res -ep-conat -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.в =ptl
"At that time we were made, and then, after we were made, when we tried to complain to him, ..."
Это когда он нас такими сделал, мы хотели его предупредить.
Pear story (1) (3)
Erek kinedu, ịak, ịak-ka bejen tar tawaddan, tewteŋil, tewteŋilbi tawaddan.
er -k kine -DU ịa -k ịa -k =kkE bej -E-n(I) tar taw -E-D -R(E) -n(I) tewte -ŋ -E-L tewte -ŋ -E-L -J taw -E-D -R(E) -n(I)
prox -nom film -dat what -nom what -nom =emph man -ep-poss.3sg dist gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg berry -aln -ep-pl berry -aln -ep-pl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg
prox -nom film -dat что -nom что -nom =emph мужчина -ep-poss.3sg dist собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg berry -aln -ep-pl berry -aln -ep-pl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg
In this film, uhm, some man was gathering, uhm, his berries, he was gathering his berries.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Erek ŋen bimi egreče ičukeːn-de, egreče-de dalbụlụkaːn, "Edʒi emne, tar [em], biː, taŋara eten [je], hewki eten dʒọkụr", goːnikeːn.
er -k ŋịn bi -mI e -Gr(E) -čE it -WkEːn =dE e -Gr(E) -čE =dE dalba -L -WkEːn e -LI em -R(E) tar biː taŋara e -DʒI -n(I) hewki e -DʒI -n(I) dʒọk -U -R(E) goːn -nIkEːn
prox -nom dog be -cond.cvb neg -hab -pf.ptc see -caus =ptl neg -hab -pf.ptc =ptl approach -inch -caus(neg.cvb) neg -imp.2sg come -neg.cvb dist 1sg god neg -fut -3sg god neg -fut -3sg agree -intr -neg.cvb say -sim.cvb
prox -nom собака быть -cond.cvb neg -hab -pf.ptc видеть -caus =ptl neg -hab -pf.ptc =ptl approach -inch -caus(neg.cvb) neg -imp.2sg прийти -neg.cvb dist 1sg бог neg -fut -3sg бог neg -fut -3sg agree -intr -neg.cvb сказать -sim.cvb
The dog didn't show him anything and didn't let him come any closer, saying "Don't come here, er, god won't, god won't be happy about it.".