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Search: mi. 159 total hits in 20 transcripts.
Tompo in Soviet times (10)
"Emi, emi ụtụlda taraw kojeːčelde, erew teŋkew."
e -mI e -mI ụtal -R(E) tar -W kojeː -Č -(LI)lrE er -W teŋke -W
neg -cond.cvb neg -cond.cvb understand -neg.cvb dist -acc look -res -imp.2pl prox -acc dense.forest -acc
neg -cond.cvb neg -cond.cvb understand -neg.cvb dist -acc смотреть -res -imp.2pl prox -acc dense.лес -acc
"If you don't believe this, take a look at it, at that forest, for yourselves."
«Если не верите посмотрите сами». /«Идите осмотрите этот лес».
Even taboos and customs (2)
Nakat ịamị-sị hụlańa, hụlańamkar ọːča, mụːrkaːn ịamị-sị kọratan tačịn ọːča.
nakat ịa -mI =sI hụlańa hụlańa -mkEr ọː -čE mụnrụkaːn ịa -mI =sI kọrat -E-n(I) tar -čIn ọː -čE
bear what -cond.cvb =emph red red -aug become -pf.ptc hare what -cond.cvb =emph ear -ep-poss.3sg dist -adv become -pf.ptc
bear что -cond.cvb =emph красный красный -aug become -pf.ptc заяц что -cond.cvb =emph ear -ep-poss.3sg dist -adv become -pf.ptc
Why the bear became red, or why the rabbit's ears became like that.
Медведь почему красным стал, а у зайца уши такими стали.
Cannibal story (12)
Tara, noːhogčer ahatkaːr eγin họːjal biwrečel, tar ahaːl-dmar hebdʒeːnmi-gu ịamị-gụ tar...
tar noːsegčen -L asatkaːn -L eγin.Y họːja -L bi -Gr(E) -čE -L tar asị -L =dmEr hebdʒeːn -mI =GU ịa -mI =GU tar
dist young -pl girl -pl ptl.Y many -pl be -hab -pf.ptc -pl dist woman -pl =emph -cond.cvb =q what -cond.cvb =q dist
dist молодой -pl girl -pl ptl.Y много -pl быть -hab -pf.ptc -pl dist женщина -pl =emph -cond.cvb =q что -cond.cvb =q dist
Then, there were many young girls there, and these women, having fun and stuff, uhm ...
Тогда девушек было много, они собирались, просто чтоб повеселиться.
The raven and the crow (7)
Mangịr gerben tar varọːna, a gịa bimi ọːlịńdʒa, ebit er vọːrọn, ịak-kana goːweːtte, tụraːkị.
mangịr gerbe-N(I) tar vorona.R a gịa bi-mI ọːlịńdʒa ebit.Y er voron.R ịak=kEnE goːn-WEːČ-R(E) tụrakị
raven name-POSS.3SG DIST crow.R and.R other be-COND.CVB raven DP PROX raven.R what=CONTR say-GNR-NONFUT(3PL) crow
raven name-ПОСС.3ЕД DIST crow.R and.R другой быть-КОНД.КОНВ raven DP PROX raven.R что=CONTR сказать-GNR-NONFUT(3МН) crow
'Mangịr', it is a crow, another name is 'ọːlịńdʒa', whereas raven is probably, whatsitsname, 'tụraːkị'.
'Мангир'-это ворона, другое имя 'олиндьа', а ворон-это наверное 'тураки'.
An Even farce (2)
Kojeːčidmi naːn guːnem:
kojeː-D-mI ńaːn goːn-R(E)-m
смотреть-PROG-КОНД.КОНВ тоже сказать-НЕГ.КОНВ-DES
Watching this, I said:
Смотря на это, я говорю:
Bear story (7)
Dʒulle emie oːsinken ukčeːneklin goːmi.
dʒul -(dU)LE emie.Y oːsinken ukčeːnek -(dU)LI -n(I) goːn -mI
front.side -loc again.Y ancient story -prol -poss.3sg say -cond.cvb
перед.сторона -loc снова.Y стыринный story -prol -poss.3sg сказать -cond.cvb
Earlier, they used to talk stories about ancient times.
Black force and White force (2)
"Biː bimi etem hindu dabdatta", goːnče.
biː bi -mI e -DʒI -m hin -DU dabda -Č -R(E) goːn -čE
1sg =contr be -cond.cvb neg -fut -1sg 2sg.obl -dat loose -res -neg.cvb say -pf.ptc
1sg =contr быть -cond.cvb neg -fut -1sg 2sg.obl -dat loose -res -neg.cvb сказать -pf.ptc
'I will not loose (the fight) against you', he said.
- Ты меня не победишь (я тебе не поддамся), - говорит.
Even ghost stories (1)
Biː ịak, ịak naːda bidʒin goːmi, ŋiːdu?, dʒọmkaːtkararam.
biː ịa -k ịa -k nado.R bi -DʒI -n(I) goːn -mI ŋiː -DU dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -Gr(E) -R(E) -m
1sg what -nom what -nom need.R be -fut -3sg say -cond.cvb who -dat remember -caus -res -hab -nonfut -1sg
1sg что -nom что -nom нужно.R быть -fut -3sg сказать -cond.cvb кто -dat remember -caus -res -hab -nonfut -1sg
I thought, what is this needed for, to whom? - I thought.
Я думал, кому это понадобится.
A short chat about family (1)
Tar goːnmi taran, əə, nọŋọrtan, Tarabụkịn Ńịkụlaj edu hagdịl bejil ukčeːndeketnen biː eńmu haːnịn ebit, ajmakan.
tar goːn -mI tar -E-n(I) əə nọŋartan Tarabukin.R Nikolaj.R er -DU hagdị -L bej -L ukčen -REk -E-tEn biː eńen -W haːnị -n(I) e.Y -BIt.Y ajmaχ.Y -E-n(I)
dist say -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat old -pl man -pl tell -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg mother -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg be.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
dist сказать -cond.cvb dist -ep-poss.3sg hesit 3pl Tarabukin.R Nikolay.R prox -dat старый -pl мужчина -pl говорить -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl 1sg мать -poss.1sg blood.relative -poss.3sg быть.Y -past.ptc.Y relative.Y -ep-poss.3sg
So to say, Tarabukin Nikolay, old men here say that he is related to my mother, too.
Говорят так, по рассказу старых людей, Н. Тарабукин родственник моей матери.
Pear story (2) (1)
Erek hurkeːn bimi tadu dessidʒelden, helepečeːnni degelden, ile-de ile.
er -k hurkeːn bi -mI tar -DU desči -D -E-L -R(E) -n(I) šljapa.R -KEːn -n(I) deg -E-L -R(E) -n(I) ir -(dU)LE =dE ir -(dU)LE
prox -nom be -cond.cvb dist -dat lie -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg hat.R -dim -poss.3sg fly -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg which -loc =ptl which -loc
prox -nom молодой.мужчина быть -cond.cvb dist -dat лежать -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg hat.R -dim -poss.3sg летать -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg который -loc =ptl который -loc
That boy, he lay there, his hat flew away, oh, where is it?