
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: see. 83 total hits in 20 transcripts.
The creation of animals (7)
Če hop, dʒeː tarịč erek bej horedʒeːnče tar, dʒeː ńowčekew, [it] tar hịaŋačaːŋị itten, ńowčekeŋi itten, tọːkịŋịj ịajị-karịa itten, buːčeːnčeːmi itten.
če.Y söp.Y dʒeː.Y tar -E-Č er -k bej hor -E-dʒEːn -čE tar dʒe.Y ńegčeke -W it tar hịaŋan -KEːn -ŋ -J it -R(E) -n(I) ńegčeke -ŋ -J it -R(E) -n(I) tọːkị -ŋ -J ịa -J =kErIE it -R(E) -n(I) buːčeːn -KEːn -J it -R(E) -n(I)
ptl.Y yes.Y ptl.Y dist -ep-ins prox -nom man go.away -ep-dur -pf.ptc dist ptl.Y elk -acc see dist burbot -dim -aln -prfl.sg see -nonfut -3sg elk -aln -prfl.sg see -nonfut -3sg elk -aln -prfl.sg what -prfl.sg =contr see -nonfut -3sg musk.deer -dim -prfl.sg see -nonfut -3sg
ptl.Y yes.Y ptl.Y dist -ep-ins prox -nom мужчина идти.прочь -ep-dur -pf.ptc dist ptl.Y elk -acc видеть dist burbot -dim -aln -prfl.sg видеть -nonfut -3sg elk -aln -prfl.sg видеть -nonfut -3sg elk -aln -prfl.sg что -prfl.sg =contr видеть -nonfut -3sg musk.deer -dim -prfl.sg видеть -nonfut -3sg
OK, so this man was going, and an elk, uhm, he saw a burbot, he saw an elk, he saw an elk and all, he saw a musk deer.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Togomi irew taraw ikkererem.
tiemi irek -W tar -W it -Gr(E) -R(E) -m
therefore which -acc dist -acc see -hab -nonfut -1sg
therefore который -acc dist -acc видеть -hab -nonfut -1sg
Therefore I could see this and that (sc. at the assembly).
Так я (был всегда в курсе событий) и все видел.
Bear story (3)
Esni ičukeːŋner, hagdị bej.
e -R(E) -n(I) it -WkEːn -Gr(E) -R(E) hagdị bej
neg -nonfut -3sg see -caus -hab -neg.cvb old man
neg -nonfut -3sg видеть -caus -hab -neg.cvb старый мужчина
They don't show it (sc. to the young), the old people.
Старый человек не показывает.
Stories of God and the Devil (8)
Itče, erek arịwkị anị ittidʒi erew, əə, mọːw gadịdʒị ečin dọgụdʒaːnča.
it -čE er -k arịwkị anï.Y it -RIdʒI er -W əə mọː -W ga -RIdʒI er -čIn dụgụ -dʒEːn -čE
see -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit now.Y see -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc take -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
видеть -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit сейчас.Y видеть -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc взять -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
He saw, that devil saw him now, took a stick and pricked him like this.
Cannibal story (10)
Ečin itten bọlla ečin ịadụkụn...
er -čIn it -R(E) -n(I) buolla.Y er -čIn ịa -DUk(U) -n(I)
prox -adv see -nonfut -3sg ptl.Y prox -adv what -abl -poss.3sg
prox -adv видеть -nonfut -3sg ptl.Y prox -adv что -abl -poss.3sg
Thus she saw it, from where ...
Biblical stories (3)
Taraptụk dʒe hewkiw ečel itte.
tar -rEp -DUk(U) dʒe.Y hewki -W e -čE -L it -R(E)
dist -temp.nr -abl ptl.Y god -acc neg -pf.ptc -pl see -neg.cvb
dist -temp.nr -abl ptl.Y бог -acc neg -pf.ptc -pl видеть -neg.cvb
They haven't seen god since that time.
С тех пор, его никто не видел.
Pear story (1) (2)
Ečin ukčeneːnnewu, ịaw ittiŋi goːnnem, da?.
er -čIn ukčeːn -E-nnE -W ịa -W it -DEŋ -J goːn -nnE -m da.R
prox -adv tell -ep-nec.ptc -poss.1sg what -acc see -pst.ptc -prfl.sg say -nec.ptc -1sg yes.R
prox -adv говорить -ep-nec.ptc -poss.1sg что -acc видеть -pst.ptc -prfl.sg сказать -nec.ptc -1sg yes.R
I should tell it like that, tell (you) what I saw, right?
Pear story (5) (2)
Hiruŋčiridʒi ńaːn itten-de er [karz] ịlan karzịːna ịlattịwan.
hiru -n -Č -RIdʒI ńaːn it -R(E) -n(I) =dE er ịlan korzina.R ịl -E-Č -RI -W -E-n(I)
ride -mult -res -ant.cvb also see -nonfut -3sg(nonfut) =ptl prox three basket stand.up -ep-res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
ехать:верхом -mult -res -ant.cvb тоже видеть -nonfut -3sg(nonfut) =ptl prox три basket стоять.вверх -ep-res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
While riding, he saw a basket, three baskets standing there.
Even taboos and customs (1)
[iču] Ičukeːtnikeːn ukčeːneddin ereger dịlalban, ịak-karịa goːnikeːn.
* it -WkEːn -Č -nIkEːn ukčeːn -E-D -RI -n(I) ereger dịl -E-L -W -E-n(I) ịa -k =kErIE goːn -nIkEːn
* see -caus -res -sim.cvb tell -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg always head -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg what -nom =contr say -sim.cvb
* видеть -caus -res -sim.cvb говорить -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg всегда голова -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg что -nom =contr сказать -sim.cvb
He was showing them and telling stories about their heads and stuff. It was a story or something, we didn't pay attention to that.
Он мне показывая рассказывал, оленьи головы. То-ли сказка или что, я даже не расспрашивала про это.
The sacred reindeer (3)
Tar dʒuldedi ŋenukeːnikeːn itteken er bujun-de araj biče, ọŋkọtča.
tar dʒul -dE -DI ŋen -WkEːn -nIkEːn it -REk -E-n(I) er bujun =dE araj.Y bi -čE ọŋka -Č -čE
ptl front.side -nr -dat.prfl.sg go -caus -sim.cvb see -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg prox wild.reindeer =ptl suddenly.Y be -pf.ptc graze -res -pf.ptc
ptl перед.сторона -nr -dat.prfl.sg идти -caus -sim.cvb видеть -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg prox wild.олень =ptl suddenly.Y быть -pf.ptc graze -res -pf.ptc
And while the man let it go in front of him, it suddenly saw a wild reindeer grazing.
Мужчина пускал его ходить впереди, и однажды он так вдруг увидел дикого оленя, который пасся.