
Suffixes in Even

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Search: ri. 419 total hits in 25 transcripts.
Stories of God and the Devil (6)
Buteːk binikeːn tiwomi kokeːri-de ịarị-da ọːča.
buteːk bi -nIkEːn tiemi kokeːn -RI =dE ịa -RI =dE ọː -čE
sickly be -sim.cvb therefore die -impf.ptc =ptl what -impf.ptc =ptl become -pf.ptc
sickly быть -sim.cvb therefore умереть -impf.ptc =ptl что -impf.ptc =ptl become -pf.ptc
Sickly and weak as he is, that's why he became mortal and all.
A conversation about Even culture (72)
Biː abagaw ukčeːnni bihin.
biː abaga -W ukčeːn -RI bi -RI -n(I)
1sg grandfather -poss.1sg tell -impf.ptc be -pst -poss.3sg
1sg дед -poss.1sg говорить -impf.ptc быть -pst -poss.3sg
My grandfather used to tell (stories).
Мой дед рассказывал.
Tompo in Soviet times (56)
Anị tụran gealagičeskaj upravlieńie ọnnaːn teriːritnen, ńaːn eričnej port ọːrịtnan, dʒeː pramislenos, gealogia upravlieńien üːskerin.
anï.Y turan.Y geologičeskoe.R upravlenie.R sonnon.Y terij.Y -RI -tEn ńaːn rečnoj.R port.R ọː -RI -tEn dʒeː.Y promyšlenost'.R geologija.R upravlenie.R -n(I) üöskeː.Y -RI -n(I)
now.Y ptl.Y geological.R administration.R in.same.way.Y organise.Y -pst -poss.3pl also river.R port.R do -pst -poss.3pl ptl.Y industry.R geology.R administration.R -poss.3sg appear.Y -pst -poss.3sg
сейчас.Y ptl.Y geological.R administration.R в.same.way.Y organise.Y -pst -poss.3pl тоже river.R port.R делать -pst -poss.3pl ptl.Y industry.R geology.R administration.R -poss.3sg появиться.Y -pst -poss.3sg
Then they also opened the geological administration, and made a river port, and the administration of industry and geology appeared.
Потом открыли геологическое управление. И построили речной порт, повились управления промышленности, геологии.
Chat about an Evenki film (53)
Biddin, əə, ọddịn.
bi -D -RI -n(I) əə ọd -RI -n(I)
be -prog -pst -poss.3sg hesit finish -pst -poss.3sg
быть -prog -pst -poss.3sg hesit закончить -pst -poss.3sg
That was it, it ended.
Так и закончилось, как он стоял.
An Even farce (5)
Ńaːn biː dʒọnịwụ!
ńaːn biː dʒọn-RI-W
also 1SG remember-PST-POSS.1SG
тоже 1ЕД remember-ПРОШ-ПОСС.1ЕД
Now I have remembered it, too!
И я вспомнила!
Bear story (11)
tụːs -RI -n(I)
trot -pst -poss.3sg
trot -pst -poss.3sg
She jumped in.
Cannibal story (38)
Nu, ŋọnọm bụkatịn bisin.
nu.R ŋọnam bukatïn.Y bi -RI -n(I)
ptl.R long completely.Y be -pst -poss.3sg
ptl.R длинный completely.Y быть -pst -poss.3sg
But it was very long.
Even ghost stories (6)
Tarak arịttị dien tụspa bụọlla.
tar -k arịč -RI dien.Y tuspa.Y buolla.Y
dist -nom spook -impf.ptc saying.Y separate ptl.Y
dist -nom spook -impf.ptc saying.Y separate ptl.Y
That spooking creature is a different thing.
Это пугающее совсем другое.
Even taboos and customs (5)
Tiːniw Ńiustroiv etikeːn ukčeːndin...
tiːniw Neustroev.R etikeːn ukčeːn -RI -n(I)
yesterday Neustorev.R old.man tell -pst -poss.3sg
yesterday Neustorev.R старый.мужчина говорить -pst -poss.3sg
The old man Neustroev told us yesterday...
Вчера старик нам Неустроев рассказал...
Pear story (5) (33)
[gịrqa] Gịrqaddịtan, i, ile ịssịtan?, bej grụːšaw čaqaddịla ịssịtan, grụːšaw čaqaddịla bejle ịssịtan, i iːlteŋčiriten čaːskị.
gịrka gịrka -D -RI -tEn i.R ir -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn bej gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE bej -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn i.R ielten -Č -RI -tEn čaːg -skI
walk walk -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R which -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl man pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc man -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -all.adv
идти идти -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R который -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl мужчина pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc мужчина -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -весь.adv
They were walking and, where did they arrive?, they arrived to the man that was collecting pears, to the man collecting pears they arrived, and they passed by him.