
Suffixes in Even

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Search: mŋe. 10 total hits in 9 transcripts.
Biblical stories (1)
Keːńeliw-ńin ọːčịmŋa bisin, tar akannị Satana.
keːńeli -W =ńUn ọː -Č -mŋE bi -RI -n(I) tar akan -n(I) Satana.R
bad -acc =only do -res -ag.nr be -pst -poss.3sg dist older.brother -poss.3sg Satan.R
плохой -acc =only делать -res -ag.nr быть -pst -poss.3sg dist older.брат -poss.3sg Satan.R
He did only bad things, that elder brother of his (sc. of god), Satan.
Even ghost stories (1)
Arịwkị [ger] gerbe dien bọlla haːmaj, ịaw-kana, keːńeliw ọːčịmŋa, saŋarara.
arịwkị gerbe dien.Y buolla.Y samyj.R ịa -W =kEnE keːńeli -W ọː -Č -mŋE saŋar.Y -Er.Y -E.Y
evil.spirit name saying.Y ptl.Y self.R what -advrs =contr bad -acc do -res -ag.nr speak.Y -prs.ptc.Y -3sg.poss.Y
evil.spirit name saying.Y ptl.Y сам.R что -advrs =contr плохой -acc делать -res -ag.nr говорить.Y -prs.ptc.Y -3sg.poss.Y
Ariwki is the one that does most evil, they say.
Он делает плохое.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tar nọŋan ịaw-da baktan ńuːnečemŋe biče ebit.
tar nọŋan ịak-W=dE bak-DE-N(I) ńuːn-E-Č-E-mŋE bi-čE ebit.Y
DIST 3SG what-ACC=DP find-PURP.CVB-POSS.3SG show:with:gesture-0-RES-0-AG.NMLZ be-PF.PTC EVID.Y
DIST 3ЕД что-АКК=DP найти-ПУРП.КОНВ-ПОСС.3ЕД show:with:gesture-0-RES-0-AG.НМЛЗ быть-ПРФ.ПРИЧ EVID.Y
It showed him how to find something (sc. where to kill an animal).
Он всегда подсказывал, что найти.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Tar nọŋan ịaw-da baktaːn ńuːnečemŋe biče ebit.
tar nọŋan ịa -W =dE bak -DEː -n(I) ńuːn -E-Č -E-mŋE bi -čE ebit.Y
dist 3sg what -acc =ptl find -purp.cvb -poss.3sg point -ep-res -ep-agnr be -pf.ptc evid.Y
dist 3sg что -acc =ptl найти -purp.cvb -poss.3sg point -ep-res -ep-agnr быть -pf.ptc evid.Y
It showed him how to find something (sc. where to kill an animal).
Он всегда подсказывал, что найти.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Tar isuwkeːndʒiddeken etumŋen bimi ŋen biče.
tar isu -WkEːn -D -REk -E-n(I) etu -mŋE -n(I) bi -mI ŋịn bi -čE
dist grow -caus -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg care -agnr -poss.3sg be -cond.cvb dog be -pf.ptc
dist расти -caus -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg care -agnr -poss.3sg быть -cond.cvb собака быть -pf.ptc
While he was raising him, his guardian was a dog.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Ọrọŋčịmŋa-da adụkụːn, tarak [berib], ọrọl beribnikeːhel.
ọraŋčị -mŋE =dE adị -kUN -ː tar -k beri -B ọran -L beri -B -nIkEːn -SEl
herd.reindeer -ag.nr =ptl how.much -adjr -ints dist -nom lose -med reindeer -pl lose -med -sim.cvb -pl
herd.олень -ag.nr =ptl как.много -adjr -ints dist -nom потерять -med олень -pl потерять -med -sim.cvb -pl
But there are very few reindeer herders, so that reindeer get lost.
Да и оленеводов мало, олены теряются.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Mut, dʒeː biː teriːriw taraw ịaw-karịa ekspediciaw ịaw horumŋew, kajụru.
mut dʒeː.Y biː terij.Y -RI -W tar -W ịa -W =kErIE ekspedicija.R -W ịa -W hor -U -mŋE -W kajur.R -W
1pl.in ptl.Y 1sg organise.Y -pst -poss.1sg dist -acc what -acc =contr expedition.R -acc what -acc go.away -tr -ag.nr -acc waggoner.R -acc
1pl.в ptl.Y 1sg organise.Y -pst -poss.1sg dist -acc что -acc =contr expedition.R -acc что -acc идти.прочь -tr -ag.nr -acc waggoner.R -acc
We, well I organised that uhm expedition as a guide, as a musher (slegde driver).
Я сопровождал эту экспедицию. //Я организовал эту экспедицию, был каюром.
Pear story (2) (1)
Taraŋan bọllaːna dʒugutemŋen bọllaːna, ịak-karịa, bịlasipịadalkaːn hurkeːn emedden ebit.
tar -ŋ -E-n(I) buollaγïna.Y dʒugu -Č -E-mŋE -n(I) buollaγïna.Y ịa -k =kErIE velosiped.R -E-lkEːn hurkeːn em -E-D -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y
dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y transport -res -ep-ag.nr -poss.3sg ptl.Y what -nom =contr bycicle.R -ep-prop young.man come -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg evid.Y
dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y transport -res -ep-ag.nr -poss.3sg ptl.Y что -nom =contr bycicle.R -ep-prop молодой.мужчина прийти -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg evid.Y
This fellow's transport assistant, uhm, a boy with a bicycle was approaching, apparently.
Even taboos and customs (1)
[eres] Ịadụkụn-da, stadala-da tar, ọrọlčịmŋal bọlọnịdụ aːnŋattakatan dʒọlọč ečin dʒọldawračal ịawračal, hukleːddeketen.
* ịa -DUk(U) -n(I) =dE stado.R -(dU)LE =dE tar ọralčị -mŋE -L bọlanị -DU aːnŋa -Č -REk -E-tEn dʒọl -E-Č er -čIn dʒọlda -Gr(E) -čE -L ịa -Gr(E) -čE -L hukleːn -D -REk -E-tEn
* what -abl -poss.3sg =ptl herd.R -loc =ptl dist herd.reindeer -ag.nr -pl late.autumn -dat stay.overnight -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl stone -ep-ins prox -adv fling.stone -hab -pf.ptc what -hab -pf.ptc -pl sleep -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl
* что -abl -poss.3sg =ptl herd.R -loc =ptl dist herd.олень -ag.nr -pl late.autumn -dat остаться.overnight -res -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl камень -ep-ins prox -adv fling.камень -hab -pf.ptc что -hab -pf.ptc -pl спать -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3pl
And from there, in the herds, when shepherds stay overnight in the night camp, with stones, they (ariwki) throw stones and stuff, while they are asleep.
И в стадах, где оленеводы когда ночуют, камнем кидают.