
Suffixes in Even

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Search: u. 85 total hits in 20 transcripts.
Pear story (2) (1)
Ometel karzịːnaw hurunikeːn horunnen anị tar [...] čakụŋka toːreŋnej urečin.
omen -tEl korzina.R -W hor -U -nIkEːn hor -U -nnE -n(I) anï.Y tar čak -E-ŋkE toːr -E-ŋ -(dU)LE -J urečin
one -distr basket -acc go.away -tr -sim.cvb go.away -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg now.Y dist gather -ep-nr land -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evid
один -distr basket -acc идти.прочь -tr -sim.cvb идти.прочь -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg сейчас.Y dist собиратть -ep-nr земля -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evid
Carrying the baskets one by one, he was then supposed [...] to take them to the place where he collects them (=to his place for gathering), apparently.
A lighthearted exchange (1)
Ịaw-ka erek eksperimentalnaj ewenskij, ịak-karịa, plaščatka goːniken dụkụttan?
ịak-W=kE erek eksperimentalnaj ewenskij ịak=kArV plaščatka.R goːn-nIkEn dụk-U-Č-R(E)-N(I)
what-ACC=EMPH PROX experimental.R ewen.R what=CONTR area.R say-SIM.CVB write-INTR-RES-NONFUT-3SG
что-АКК=ЭМФ PROX experimental.R ewen.R что=CONTR area.R сказать-SIM.КОНВ писать-ИНТР-RES-NONFUT-3ЕД
And why is it written "Experimental Even area" here?
А зачем тут написано "Экспериментальная эвенская площадка"?
The sacred reindeer (4)
Dʒe dʒụːlaj iːwdeku erew, ụọnna, ọːn-ka ịan-da eńenni-da, ịan-da ŋiːn-de gerbe emie ehni ičur.
dʒe.Y dʒụː-(dU)LE-J iː-U-DE-W er-W ụọnna.Y ọːn=kE ịak-N(I)=dE eńen-N(I)=dE ịak-N(I)=dE ŋiː-N(I)=dE gerbe emie.Y e-R(E)-N(I) it-U-R(E)
"But let me take him home-he seems to have no mother, nor anybody else in the world."
"Занесу-ка его домой-у него, видать, ни матери нет, никого."
The sacred reindeer (4)
Dʒụːlaj iːwče, ahịŋan ọlanča: "Erek ịak gerbew iːwendi?"
dʒụː -(dU)LE -J iː -U -čE asị -ŋ -E-n(I) ọlan -čE er -k ịa -k gerbe -W iː -U -R(E) -nrI
house -loc -prfl.sg come.in -tr -pf.ptc woman -aln -ep-poss.3sg be.scared -pf.ptc prox -nom what -nom name -acc come.in -tr -nonfut -2sg
дом -loc -prfl.sg прийти.в -tr -pf.ptc женщина -aln -ep-poss.3sg быть.scared -pf.ptc prox -nom что -nom name -acc прийти.в -tr -nonfut -2sg
He took him home. His wife was astonished. "What on earth have you brought home?"
Занес домой. Жена его удивилась. "Что это ты принес?"
Spirits (4)
Ečin anụhmattan, goːŋder.
ečin an-U-s(E)N-mEČ-R(E)-N(I) goːn-Gr(E)-r
так push-TR-ЛИМ-REC-NONFUT-3ЕД сказать-ХАБ-3МН
"She is pushing her out", they used to say.
"Так толкается", говорили.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Mut, dʒeː biː teriːriw taraw ịaw-karịa ekspediciaw ịaw horumŋew, kajụru.
mut dʒeː.Y biː terij.Y -RI -W tar -W ịa -W =kErIE ekspedicija.R -W ịa -W hor -U -mŋE -W kajur.R -W
1pl.in ptl.Y 1sg organise.Y -pst -poss.1sg dist -acc what -acc =contr expedition.R -acc what -acc go.away -tr -ag.nr -acc waggoner.R -acc
1pl.в ptl.Y 1sg organise.Y -pst -poss.1sg dist -acc что -acc =contr expedition.R -acc что -acc идти.прочь -tr -ag.nr -acc waggoner.R -acc
We, well I organised that uhm expedition as a guide, as a musher (slegde driver).
Я сопровождал эту экспедицию. //Я организовал эту экспедицию, был каюром.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Bore tar ọralbụ-da ịan-kana bọlla, hulutkeren ehni, ajịmaːwran.
börö.Y tar ọran -L =dE ịa -n(I) =kEnE buolla.Y hol -U -Č -Gr(E) -n(I) e -R(E) -n(I) ajmaː.Y -Gr(E) -n(I)
wolf.Y dist reindeer -pl =ptl what -3sg =contr ptl.Y go -tr -res -hab -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg scare.Y -hab -3sg
волк.Y dist олень -pl =ptl что -3sg =contr ptl.Y идти -tr -res -hab -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg scare.Y -hab -3sg
That Boro (Wolf), he, uhm, used to chase reindeer, didn't he, and scare them off.
Борэ пас оленей, гонялся за ними.
Stories of God and the Devil (5)
Erek bejeŋi bimi hewki ńọːgụnnan ịlan-ńụn ineŋiwu emeːpče
er -k bej -E-ŋ -J bi -mI hewki ńọːg -U -nnE -n(I) ịlan =ńUn ineŋ -W emeːn -B -čE
prox -nom man -ep-aln -prfl.sg be -cond.cvb god go.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg three =only day -acc leave -med -pf.ptc
prox -nom мужчина -ep-aln -prfl.sg быть -cond.cvb бог идти.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg три =only день -acc оставить -med -pf.ptc
God was to take out that man in only three days.
Pear story (5) (2)
Tarak [veːli] vilosipeːdelkeːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeːttin, nọŋan aːwman nọŋandụn emurin.
tar -k velosiped.R -E-lkEːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) nọŋan aːwan -W -E-n(I) nọŋan -DU -n(I) em -U -RI -n(I)
dist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop also young.man look -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg come -tr -pst -poss.3sg
dist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop тоже молодой.мужчина смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg прийти -tr -pst -poss.3sg
That boy with a bicycle then looked, he had brought him his hat.
Pear story (3) (1)
Ee, hɛːrin, tarịč [goːn] goːŋun, ịawan-kana aːwụman, hokkidu tetučeŋken aːwụčaːnnị bihni, taraŋman boːnen.
ee hie -RI -n(I) tar -E-Č goːn goːŋi -n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) =kEnE aːwan -W -E-n(I) hok -RI -DU tet -U -Č -E-ŋkE -n(I) aːwan -KEːn -n(I) bi -R(E) -n(I) tarak -ŋ -W -E-n(I) boː -nE -n(I)
intj appear -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins say call -3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg be.hot -impf.ptc -dat wear -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg be -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg give -intent -3sg
intj появиться -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins сказать звать -3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg быть.горячий -impf.ptc -dat носить -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg быть -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg дать -intent -3sg
So, she appeared and called (him), uhm, whatchamacallit, his hat, he had a hat that is worn in heat, that's what she went to give him.