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Search: ti. 44 total hits in 14 transcripts.
A short chat about family (1)
Tala Mọːmala, muttule Silipcovel emie mut ajmakaltị bih, miltereː, biː eńenduliwu.
tar -(dU)LE Mọːma -(dU)LE mut -(dU)LE Slepcov.R -E-L emie.Y mut ajmaχ.Y -E-L -t(I) bi -R(E) miltereː biː eńen -(dU)LI -W
dist -loc Moma -loc -loc Slepcov.R -ep-pl again.Y relative.Y -ep-pl be -nonfut(3pl) full 1sg mother -prol -poss.1sg
dist -loc Moma -loc 1pl.в -loc Slepcov.R -ep-pl снова.Y 1pl.в relative.Y -ep-pl -poss.1pl.в быть -nonfut(3pl) full 1sg мать -prol -poss.1sg
There in Moma, we also have relatives among the Slepcovs, loads (of them), in my mother's line.
Там в Моме и Слепцовы наши родственники, их много по материнской линии.
The creation of animals (1)
[egre] Ọːkarap ọːpčal bihep bọlla, ọlịhịn tar ọːptịdʒụr metučesčireket-de,
* ọːk -E-rEp ọː -B -čE -L bi -R(E) -p buolla.Y ol_ihin.Y tar ọː -B -RIdʒI -L metu -Č -E-sčI -REk -E-t(I) =dE
* when do -med -pf.ptc -pl be -nonfut ptl.Y therefore.Y dist do -med -ant.cvb -pl warn -res -ep-conat -cond.cvb =ptl
* когда делать -med -pf.ptc -pl быть -nonfut -1pl.в ptl.Y therefore.Y dist делать -med -ant.cvb -pl warn -res -ep-conat -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.в =ptl
"At that time we were made, and then, after we were made, when we tried to complain to him, ..."
Это когда он нас такими сделал, мы хотели его предупредить.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Goːndʒidgerer, ajdʒịt-karịa ịak-karịa, nọŋan, kočukeːn biddeketi, hụčụnaːńụn bakaldamatkaračawan.
goːn -D -Gr(E) -R(E) ajdʒịt =kErIE ịa -k =kErIE nọŋan kočukeːn bi -D -REk -E-t(I) čụčụna -ńUn bak -E-ldE -mEČ -Gr(E) -čE -W -E-n(I)
say -prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) truth =contr what -nom =contr 3sg small be -prog -cond.cvb ghost -com find -ep-soc -rec -hab -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
сказать -prog -hab -nonfut(3pl) правда =contr что -nom =contr 3sg маленький быть -prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.1pl.в ghost -com найти -ep-soc -rec -hab -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg
They really said, uhm, that she, when we were little, used to meet with a chuchuna.
Так говорили, что, когда мы были маленькие, они встречались с чучуной.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Muttu traktorač holloːčitčewut ịlam anŋanụ det bisidʒi edeːn emre goːniten ečil iː.
mut -DU traktor.R -E-Č hol -WEːČ -E-Č -čE -W -t(I) ịlan -W anŋan -W det bi -RIdʒI e -DEː -n(I) em -R(E) goːn -RI -tEn e -čE -L iː -dat tractor.R -ep-ins go -gnr -ep-res -pf.ptc -acc three -acc year -acc tundra be -ant.cvb neg -purp.cvb -poss.3sg come -neg.cvb say -pst -poss.3pl neg -pf.ptc -pl ptl
1pl.в -dat tractor.R -ep-ins идти -gnr -ep-res -pf.ptc -acc -poss.1pl.в три -acc год -acc тундра быть -ant.cvb neg -purp.cvb -poss.3sg прийти -neg.cvb сказать -pst -poss.3pl neg -pf.ptc -pl ptl
They said that (the recording of) us riding a tractor in the tundra will not come (be sent) to us sooner than after three years.
Помните, когда мы то ездили на тракторе, даже через три года что не придём эта съёмка, сказали.