
Suffixes in Even

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Search: ken. 39 total hits in 15 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Dʒe, emdidʒi, dʒụːlaj emdidʒi, oreŋčinikeːčeːkeːr er, ịaŋčaːnčal, edʒek ọrčaːnčal emnikeːn.
dʒe.Y em -RIdʒI dʒụː -(dU)LE -J em -RIdʒI oren -Č -nIkEːn -kEːkEːn -L er ịa -ŋ -KEːn -čEl edʒek ọran -KEn -čEl em -nIkEːn
ptl.Y come -ant.cvb house -loc -prfl.sg come -ant.cvb get.happy -res -sim.cvb -dim -pl prox what -aln -dim -com.rel sacred.reindeer reindeer -dim -com.rel come -sim.cvb
ptl.Y прийти -ant.cvb дом -loc -prfl.sg прийти -ant.cvb получить.счастливый -res -sim.cvb -dim -pl prox что -aln -dim -com.rel sacred.олень олень -dim -com.rel прийти -sim.cvb
So, when he went, went home, they were both happy, when he came with his, uhm, little sacred reindeer.
Когда он вернулся домой, они очень радовались, когда вернулся с олененком.
Spirits (2)
Tar amkačandụ tọgọčịddịn tiːniw, emeːptin, ụːčak, hagdịstakan ụːčakaŋụ.
tarak amkačan-DU tọg-E-Č-E-D-RI-N(I) tiːniw emeːn-B-RI-N(I) ụːčak hagdị-stE-KEn ụːčak-E-ŋ-W
DIST hill-DAT lie:down(animal)-0-RES-0-PROG-PST-POSS.3SG yesterday leave-MED-PST-POSS.3SG riding:reindeer old-ATTN-DIM riding:reindeer-0-AL-POSS.1SG
DIST холм-ДАТ lie:down(животное)-0-RES-0-PROG-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД yesterday оставить-MED-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД riding:reindeer старый-ATTN-ДИМ riding:reindeer-0-AL-ПОСС.1ЕД
"Yesterday, one riding reindeer was lying on the hill, it stayed there, one of my older riding reindeer."
"Вот на пригорке лежал вчера, остался верховой олень, мой старый верховик-олень."
Biblical stories (3)
Ee, mụran, mụran eti ịar, kusikečidnikeːn tar ịača, a, ọrọn dʒulle haːkman, ịača-kana, gụjịlača, dʒoːrmen ọːkan.
ee mụran mụran e -RI ịa -R(E) kusi -kEČ -E-D -nIkEːn tar ịa -čE a ọran dʒul -(dU)LE haːkan -W -E-n(I) ịa -čE =kEnE gụj -L -E-čE dʒoːr -men ọː -kEn
intj horse horse neg -impf.ptc what -neg.cvb fight -mult -ep-prog -sim.cvb dist what -pf.ptc and.R reindeer front.side -loc liver -acc -ep-poss.3sg what -pf.ptc =contr pierce -pl -ep-pf.ptc two -mult.nr do -trm.cvb
intj horse horse neg -impf.ptc что -neg.cvb fight -mult -ep-prog -sim.cvb dist что -pf.ptc and.R олень перед.сторона -loc liver -acc -ep-poss.3sg что -pf.ptc =contr pierce -pl -ep-pf.ptc два -mult.nr делать -trm.cvb
Yeah, the horse, the horse didn't do anything, he was fighting, and the reindeer had pierced his liver before, to cleave it into two parts.
Лошадь ничего не делала, пока дрались, это олень ее печень ударил, что она раздвоилась.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Noːji ịaw ọːrịwan beketkemen haːjụtnịkaːn hịŋnịtnịkaːn maːdʒaːngarača.
noː -J ịa -W ọː -RI -W -E-n(I) bekeč -KEn -W -E-n(I) haːjụ -Č -nIkEːn hịŋnị -Č -nIkEːn maː -dʒEːn -Gr(E) -čE
younger.silbing -prfl.sg what -acc do -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg all -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg break -res -sim.cvb harm -res -sim.cvb kill -dur -hab -pf.ptc
younger.silbing -prfl.sg что -acc делать -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg весь -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg break -res -sim.cvb harm -res -sim.cvb убить -dur -hab -pf.ptc
He would kill everything that his younger brother had made, he would ruin and torture it.
Cannibal story (1)
Tar, ọːn-ihi tar ọttọn uːže, anị tar edlej horre (ọmŋaram taraw), ikirilben beketčeːmen, erek atịkaːn bọlla ikiriwen iritnikeːn bụkaːtịn hoːnte bụgịla ečin hornikeːn, hoːnte toːrle ečin ịadụ-kana ečin uːldidʒi toːrdu, tadụ ečin ịmaːkačịtča, neːkeččen, neːkečidʒeːŋereče, ečin.
tar ọːn -E=sI tar otton.Y uže.R anï.Y tar e -dle -J hor -R(E) ọmŋa -R(E) -m tar -W ikiri -L -W -n(I) bekeč -KEːn -W -E-n(I) er -E-k atịkaːn buolla.Y ikiri -W -E-n(I) ir -I -Č -nIkEːn bukatïn.Y hoːnte bụg -(dU)LE er -čIn hor -nIkEːn hoːnte toːr -(dU)LE er -čIn ịa -DU -kEn er -čIn uːl -RIdʒI toːr -DU tar -DU er -čIn ịmaː -kEČ -E-D -čE neː -kEČ -R(E) -n(I) neː -kEČ -E-dʒEːn -Gr(E) -čE er -čIn
dist how -ep=emph dist advrs.ptl.Y still.R now.Y dist neg -trm.cvb -prfl.sg go.away -neg.cvb forget -nonfut -1sg dist -acc bone -pl -acc -poss.3sg all -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg prox -ep-nom old.woman ptl.Y bone -acc -ep-poss.3sg be.cooked -tr -res -sim.cvb completely.Y other taiga -loc prox -adv go.away -sim.cvb other other land prox -adv what -dat -trm.cvb prox -adv dig -ant.cvb land -dat dist -dat prox -adv bury -mult -ep-prog -pf.ptc put -mult -nonfut -3sg put -mult -ep-dur -hab -pf.ptc prox -adv
dist как -ep=emph dist advrs.ptl.Y все:еще.R сейчас.Y dist neg -trm.cvb -prfl.sg идти.прочь -neg.cvb забыть -nonfut -1sg dist -acc кость -pl -acc -poss.3sg весь -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg prox -ep-nom старый.женщина ptl.Y кость -acc -ep-poss.3sg быть.cooked -tr -res -sim.cvb completely.Y другой taiga -loc prox -adv идти.прочь -sim.cvb другой другой земля prox -adv что -dat -trm.cvb prox -adv dig -ant.cvb земля -dat dist -dat prox -adv bury -mult -ep-prog -pf.ptc положить -mult -nonfut -3sg положить -mult -ep-dur -hab -pf.ptc prox -adv
Then, how was it, uhm, before he left (I forgot to say this), all his bones, that old woman had cooked his bones and went to a distant place, to a distant land, and, uhm, dug a hole in the earth, buried them there, laid them, laid them there.