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Search: ski. 38 total hits in 18 transcripts.
The creation of animals (2)
Ee, tar goːnče: "Awụhkị-da ekič ńọːn."
ee tar goːn -čE aw -skI =dE e -kIT ńọːn
intj dist say -pf.ptc which -all.adv =ptl neg -nr flee(neg.cvb)
intj dist сказать -pf.ptc который -весь.adv =ptl neg -nr flee(neg.cvb)
Then he said: "It isn't possible to escape anywhere."
- Никуда не возможно убежать.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Tolehki bihi.
tol -E-skI bi -RI
outside -ep-all.adv be -impf.ptc
снаружи -ep-весь.adv быть -impf.ptc
On the outside.
На уличной бывает (перевернута).
Pear story (5) (7)
Taraq hurkeːn ńaːn họtarandụla horrin amaskị
tar -k hurkeːn ńaːn họtaran -(dU)LE hor -RI -n(I) amar -skI
dist -nom also road -loc go.away -pst -poss.3sg back.side -all.adv
dist -nom молодой.мужчина тоже road -loc идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg назад.сторона -весь.adv
That boy then went back on the road.
An Even farce (1)
Iː-nen awaškị olloːčidʒinni?
hiː=nEn awụg-skI hol-WEːČ-E-D-E-nrI
2SG=DP which-ALL.ADV go-GNR-0-PROG-0-2SG
2ЕД=DP который-ALL.ADV идти-GNR-0-PROG-0-2ЕД
And you, where have you been going?
А ты, куда ходила?
A lighthearted exchange (1)
[hụːn] Hụːnakịč tọːbar dehčirin, biː taraw dọːhki neːrem.
* hụːnakịč tọːbar desči-RI-N(I) biː tarak-W dọː-skI neː-R(E)-m
* saw axe.R lie-PST-POSS.3SG 1SG DIST-ACC inner:part-all.ADV put-NONFUT-1SG
* saw топор.R лежать-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД 1ЕД DIST-АКК inner:part-весь.ADV положить-NONFUT-1ЕД
The saw and the axe were lying there, and I put them inside.
Топор и пила лежали, я их внутрь положила.
Even ghost stories (1)
Talị nọŋartan dʒeː, nulgedʒek, dʒụkčala emen amahkị mụčụn-diː bọlla.
tar -(dU)LI nọŋartan dʒe.Y nulge -E-ČEk dʒụkča -(dU)LE emen.Y amar -skI mụčụ -n(I) =dIː.Y buolla.Y
dist -prol 3pl ptl.Y nomadise -ep-nr -loc old.Y back.side -all.adv return -3sg(nonfut) =emph.Y ptl.Y
dist -prol 3pl ptl.Y nomadise -ep-nr abandoned.стоянка -loc старый.Y назад.сторона -весь.adv вернуться -3sg(nonfut) =emph.Y ptl.Y
There they, erm, in the camp, (sc. they thought that) he came back to the old foresaken camp.
Так они (думали), что он обратно вернулся в старое стойбище.
Birds in love (1)
Tadụk ogeski eti degelle binne.
tar-DUk(U) oj-E-skI e-RI deg-E-L-R(E)
From that time, it stopped flying high.
А высоко вверх перестала летать.
Tadụk ogeski eti degelle binne.
tar-DUk(U) oj-E-skI e-RI deg-E-L-R(E)
From that time, it stopped flying high.
А высоко вверх перестала летать.
Biblical stories (3)
Ịan, ńaːn erki-de, ọːk manụnnan, kụlịčaːn.
ịa -n(I) ńaːn er -skI =dE ọːk man -U -n -R(E) -n(I) kụlị -KEːn
what -poss.3sg also prox -all.adv =ptl when spend -intr -mult -nonfut -3sg mosquito -dim
что -poss.3sg тоже prox -весь.adv =ptl когда провести -intr -mult -nonfut -3sg mosquito -dim
Also, when it's spent, mosquito (sc. repellent).
И на комаров, когда же закончится это комарье.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Ajkaːkaːń neːče biwren ečin bụgahkị.
aj -kEːkEːn -Č neː -čE bi -Gr(E) -n(I) er -čIn bụg -E-skI
good -dim -ins put -pf.ptc be -hab -3sg prox -adv taiga -ep-all.adv
хороший -dim -ins положить -pf.ptc быть -hab -3sg prox -adv taiga -ep-весь.adv
He neatly lays them (on the ground) turned towards the forest.
Он очень хоршо ложит так, в сторону леса.