
Lexical words in Even

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Search: tar. 906 total hits in 26 transcripts.
Even taboos and customs (40)
Tar [...]
That [...]
Pear story (1) (7)
Tadụk tar kụŋaːkaːkaːn vịlasịpiedač ieltendʒidnikeːn tar karzịːnkaŋŋan ittidʒi tar towteŋelben garịdʒị hurun.
tar -DUk(U) tar kụŋaː -kEːkEːn velosiped.R -E-Č ielten -D -nIkEːn tar korzina.R -ŋ -W -E-n(I) it -RIdʒI tar tewte -ŋ -E-L -W -E-n(I) ga -RIdʒI hor -U -n(I)
dist -abl dist child -dim bycicle.R -ep-ins pass -prog -sim.cvb dist basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg see -ant.cvb dist berry -aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -ant.cvb go.away -tr -3sg
dist -abl dist ребенок -dim bycicle.R -ep-ins pass -prog -sim.cvb dist basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg видеть -ant.cvb dist berry -aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -ant.cvb идти.прочь -tr -3sg
Then a child passing by on a bicycle saw the basket and took his berries away.
The sacred reindeer (31)
Dʒe tar, taraŋčaːmụr dʒe elgeweːtnikeːn biweːčitčel, kočukeːn biče taraŋatnan.
dʒe.Y tar tar -ŋ -KEːn -WUr dʒe.Y elge -WEːČ -nIkEːn bi -WEːČ -E-Č -čE -L kočukeːn bi -čE tar -ŋ -E-tEn
ptl.Y dist dist -aln -dim -prfl.pl ptl.Y lead.on.leash -gnr -sim.cvb be -gnr -ep-res -pf.ptc -pl small be -pf.ptc dist -aln -ep-poss.3pl
ptl.Y dist dist -aln -dim -prfl.pl ptl.Y lead.на.leash -gnr -sim.cvb быть -gnr -ep-res -pf.ptc -pl маленький быть -pf.ptc dist -aln -ep-poss.3pl
And so, they were (always) taking it with them, on a leash, it was their little one.
Они его таскали с собой. Он был у них такой маленький.
A lighthearted exchange (6)
Ee, taraw.
ee tar-W
Oh, that!
Аа, это!
A short chat about family (4)
Dʒeː tar.
dʒe.Y tar
ptl.Y ptl
ptl.Y ptl
And so.
Pear story (2) (14)
Dʒeː tar.
dʒe.Y tar
ptl.Y dist
ptl.Y dist
So, that's it.
The creation of animals (35)
Dʒeː tar oliki tačịn ọːpča biče.
dʒe.Y tar oliki tar -čIn ọː -B -čE bi -čE
ptl.Y dist squirrel dist -adv do -med -pf.ptc be -pf.ptc
ptl.Y dist squirrel dist -adv делать -med -pf.ptc быть -pf.ptc
That's how the squirrel was made.
Вот так белка была сделана.
Glove and love (8)
E, tar kụkatmụ tar nọkča bihenni ehenni.
e tar kụkatan-W tar nọk-čE bi-R(E)-nrI e-R(E)-nrI
Oh, there, you seem to have hanged my glove there.
Е, вот, рукавичка, вот повесил же ты, оказывается.
Pear story (5) (16)
Ńaːn eč ulgimir, taraq tačịn-da čaqaddan.
ńaːn e -čE ulgimi -R(E) tar -k tar -čIn =dE čak -E-D -R(E) -n(I)
also neg -pf.ptc ask -neg.cvb dist -nom dist -adv =ptl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg
тоже neg -pf.ptc спросить -neg.cvb dist -nom dist -adv =ptl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg
And he didn't ask, and that (man) collected still them.
Pear story (4) (7)
Tar ńaːn, bej, eč emre qụŋaːqaːjaqaːn, ńaːn tar, tar-da, ńaːn ọmŋaram
tar ńaːn bej e -čE em -R(E) kụŋaː -KEːn -jEkEːn ńaːn tar tar =dE ńaːn ọmŋa -R(E) -m
dist also man neg -pf.ptc come -neg.cvb child -dim -dim also dist dist =ptl also forget -nonfut -1sg
dist тоже мужчина neg -pf.ptc прийти -neg.cvb ребенок -dim -dim тоже dist dist =ptl тоже забыть -nonfut -1sg
And then, the man, the boy did not come, and, and ... and I forgot.
Так и не пришел этот ребенок ... я забыла.