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Search: anï. 53 total hits in 14 transcripts.
Tompo in Soviet times (14)
Tadụk ọrọjọn terijilindeken, anï maŋnajgị dʒụːw ọːrịtnan ele.
tar -DUk(U) rajon.R terij.Y -IlIn.Y -REk -E-n(I) anï.Y maŋnajgï.Y dʒụː -W ọː -RI -tEn er -(dU)LE
dist -abl district.R organise.Y -pass.Y -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg now.Y first.Y house -acc do -pst -poss.3pl prox -loc
dist -abl district.R organise.Y -pass.Y -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg сейчас.Y первый.Y дом -acc делать -pst -poss.3pl prox -loc
Then, when the organization of the District begun, the first houses were raised here.
Когда начали организовывать район, тогда впервые начали строить дома.
Pear story (2) (2)
Ometel karzịːnaw hurunikeːn horunnen anị tar [...] čakụŋka toːreŋnej urečin.
omen -tEl korzina.R -W hor -U -nIkEːn hor -U -nnE -n(I) anï.Y tar čak -E-ŋkE toːr -E-ŋ -(dU)LE -J urečin
one -distr basket -acc go.away -tr -sim.cvb go.away -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg now.Y dist gather -ep-nr land -ep-aln -loc evid
один -distr basket -acc идти.прочь -tr -sim.cvb идти.прочь -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg сейчас.Y dist собиратть -ep-nr земля -ep-aln -loc evid
Carrying the baskets one by one, he was then supposed [...] to take them to the place where he collects them (=to his place for gathering), apparently.
Cannibal story (9)
Tarịt tar ikiriŋiten manụča anị tar [kọtịŋịŋat] kọtịŋịŋụr ere dʒebgerečel.
tar -E-Č tar ikiri -ŋ -E-tEn man -U -čE anï.Y tar kọtịŋị -ŋ -E-t(I) kọtịŋị -ŋ -WUr ere.Y dʒeb -Gr(E) -čE -L
dist -ep-ins dist bone -aln -ep-poss.3pl spend -intr -pf.ptc now.Y dist dry.meat -aln dry.meat -aln ptl.Y eat -hab -pf.ptc -pl
dist -ep-ins dist кость -aln -ep-poss.3pl провести -intr -pf.ptc сейчас.Y dist dry.мясо -aln -ep-poss.1pl.в dry.мясо -aln ptl.Y есть -hab -pf.ptc -pl
Then, they had no more bones, so they were eating the dry meat.
Так закончились и кости оленя, стали есть сушеное мясо.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Itče, erek arịwkị anị ittidʒi erew, əə, mọːw gadịdʒị ečin dọgụdʒaːnča.
it -čE er -k arịwkị anï.Y it -RIdʒI er -W əə mọː -W ga -RIdʒI er -čIn dụgụ -dʒEːn -čE
see -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit now.Y see -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc take -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
видеть -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit сейчас.Y видеть -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc взять -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
He saw, that devil saw him now, took a stick and pricked him like this.