
Lexical words in Even

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Search: anï. 53 total hits in 14 transcripts.
Bear story (2)
Anị abagaŋata tar toːreče:
anï.Y abaga -ŋ -E-t(I) tar toːre -čE
now.Y grandfather -aln -ep-poss.1pl.in dist speak -pf.ptc
сейчас.Y дед -aln -ep-poss.1pl.в dist говорить -pf.ptc
Then this bear said:
Медветь сказал:
The creation of animals (2)
Dʒeː, tarịč anị tugeni ọːča.
dʒe.Y tar -E-Č anï.Y tugeni ọː -čE
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins now.Y winter become -pf.ptc
ptl.Y dist -ep-ins сейчас.Y winter become -pf.ptc
And then, the winter came.
Затем наступила зима.
Biblical stories (8)
Taraw emie [čulil] čuliptukuj-de, anị emie keːńeli.
tar -W emie.Y ? anï.Y emie.Y keːńeli
dist -acc again.Y ? now.Y again.Y bad
dist -acc снова.Y ? сейчас.Y снова.Y плохой
That [???], then it's also bad.
A conversation about Even culture (6)
Kata, anị ńụːčịdịč gaːdịč Ụtčịrị.
khata.Y anï.Y ńụːčị -E-D -E-Č gaːsač Ụtčịrị
ptl.Y now.Y Russian -ep-prog -ep-ins permanently Utchiri
ptl.Y сейчас.Y русский -ep-prog -ep-ins permanently Utchiri
And now it's always in Russian, Utchiri.
Теперь постоянно по-русски Уччири.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Erek anị-da họnŋačačamị anị elgeweːčen ọːča erek, bukaːtịn, nụmak-ta nụmak ọːča.
er-E-k anï.Y=dE họnŋačan-KEn-J anï.Y elge-WEːČ-E-N ọː-čE er-E-k buketin nụmak=dE nụmak ọː-čE
PROX-0-NOM now.Y=DP baby:reindeer-DIM-POSS.REFL.SG now.Y lead:on:leash-GNR-0-N become-PF.PTC PROX-0-NOM in:general tame=DP tame become-PF.PTC
PROX-0-NOM сейчас.Y=DP baby:reindeer-ДИМ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД сейчас.Y lead:on:leash-GNR-0-N become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ PROX-0-NOM in:general tame=DP tame become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
He began to lead his little reindeer around on a leash all the time, and it became perfectly tame.
Он постоянно таскл олененка с собой, и тот стал совершенно домашним, прирученным.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Erek anị-da họnŋačaːčaːmị anị elgeweːčen ọːča erek, bụkaːtịn, nụmak-ta nụmak ọːča.
er -k anï.Y =dE họnŋačaːn -KEːn -J anï.Y elge -WEːčIn ọː -čE er -E-k bukatïn.Y nụmak =dE nụmak ọː -čE
prox -nom now.Y =ptl fawn -dim -prfl.sg now.Y lead.on.leash -qual become -pf.ptc prox -ep-nom completely.Y tame =ptl tame become -pf.ptc
prox -nom сейчас.Y =ptl fawn -dim -prfl.sg сейчас.Y lead.на.leash -qual become -pf.ptc prox -ep-nom completely.Y tame =ptl tame become -pf.ptc
He began to lead his little reindeer around on a leash all the time, and it became perfectly tame.
Он постоянно таскал олененка с собой, и тот стал совершенно домашним, прирученным.
Glove and love (1)
Anị bọlla, ịaw goːndʒim, hajịrụ haŋaːnni.
anï.Y buollar.Y ịak-W goːn-DʒI-m hajịr-W haŋaːn-LI
now.Y DP.Y what-ACC say-FUT-1SG glove-ACC sew-IMP.2SG
сейчас.Y DP.Y что-АКК сказать-ФУТ-1ЕД glove-АКК шить-ИМП.2ЕД
And still, how should I say, sew some gloves.
Все же что скажу, перчатки сшей.
Spirits (2)
Anị tarak lientačka, ačča ọːrakah dụkọbannan.
anï.Y tar-k lentočka.R aːčča ọː-REk-E-s(I) dụk-E-B-E-nnE-N(I)
now.Y DIST-NOM ribbon.R NEG.EXC become-COND.CVB-0-POSS.2SG write-0-MED-0-NEC.PTC-POSS.3SG
сейчас.Y DIST-NOM ribbon.R НЕГ.EXC become-КОНД.КОНВ-0-ПОСС.2ЕД писать-0-MED-0-НЕЦ.ПРИЧ-ПОСС.3ЕД
And on that ribbon, your date of death was also written.
Здесь ещё ленточка, когда умрёшь, пишется.
Even ghost stories (1)
Anị meːndʒur egrečel ičur tol'ko.
anï.Y meːn -DʒUr e -Gr(E) -čE -L it -U -R(E) tol'ko.R
now.Y self -inst.prfl.pl neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl see -intr -neg.cvb onlyR.
сейчас.Y сам -inst.prfl.pl neg -hab -pf.ptc -pl видеть -intr -neg.cvb onlyR.
But they themselves wouldn't show themselves.
Только их не было видно, они не показывались на глаза людям.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Tar, anị 'abaga', ịak, emie tar 'gudʒehiw'...
tar anï.Y abaga ịa -k emie.Y tar gudʒej
dist now.Y grandfather what -nom again.Y dist poor
dist сейчас.Y дед что -nom снова.Y dist poor
So, then, (sc. bear is called) 'grandfather', and also 'poor soul'...
И тоже, (медведя) "дедушка", тоже "бедный (жалкий)"...