
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: taiga. 13 total hits in 7 transcripts.
Spirits (2)
Doːmŋedu [ńe]...
In the taiga...
В тайгу...
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Bụgịla eti, etil biweːtte egin.
bụg -(dU)LE e -RI e -RI -L bi -WEːČ -R(E) egin.Y
taiga -loc neg -impf.ptc neg -pst -pl be -gnr -neg.cvb ptl.Y
taiga -loc neg -impf.ptc neg -pst -pl быть -gnr -neg.cvb ptl.Y
(People) that have never been in the taiga.
Которые в лесу ни когда не были.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Ajkaːkaːń neːče biwren ečin bụgahkị.
aj -kEːkEːn -Č neː -čE bi -Gr(E) -n(I) er -čIn bụg -E-skI
good -dim -ins put -pf.ptc be -hab -3sg prox -adv taiga -ep-all.adv
хороший -dim -ins положить -pf.ptc быть -hab -3sg prox -adv taiga -ep-весь.adv
He neatly lays them (on the ground) turned towards the forest.
Он очень хоршо ложит так, в сторону леса.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Gịrqarịqaːja hịːralrịdʒị emetenesnen bụgụskị [...]
gịrkarị -kEjE hịːr -E-L -RIdʒI em -E-Č -nEs -s(E)n -n(I) bụg -skI
wolf -aug rage -ep-inch -ant.cvb come -ep-res -intent.rev -lim -3sg(nonfut) taiga -all.adv
волк -aug rage -ep-inch -ant.cvb прийти -ep-res -intent.rev -lim -3sg(nonfut) taiga -весь.adv
The wolf grew angry and fled to the forest.
Волк рассердился и убежал в лес.
Cannibal story (5)
Moːntelhe giːn, ńarịl horgerečel, bụltan, bụgịla horre bụọlla
moːntelse giːn ńarị -L hor -Gr(E) -čE -L bulta.Y -n bụg -(dU)LE hor -R(E) buolla.Y
early.autumn uninhabited.place man -pl go.away -hab -pf.ptc -pl hunt.Y -anr taiga -loc go.away -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
рано.autumn uninhabited.место мужчина -pl идти.прочь -hab -pf.ptc -pl охотиться.Y -anr taiga -loc идти.прочь -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
In early autumn it was a waste place - the men would go away, hunting, they would go to the taiga.
Осенью когда парни уходили в лес.
The creation of animals (1)
Doːmŋele biweːttiklej-de bokočutnen egreče bejčir, meːndi eleken-ńun bejčigreče.
doːmŋe -(dU)LE bi -WEːČ -RI -klE -J =dE bekeč -W -tEn e -Gr(E) -čE bejči -r meːn -DI eleken =ńUn bejči -Gr(E) -čE
taiga -loc be -gnr -impf.ptc -all.loc -prfl.sg =ptl all -acc -poss.3pl neg -hab -pf.ptc hunt -3pl refl -dat.prfl.sg enough =only hunt -hab -pf.ptc
taiga -loc быть -gnr -impf.ptc -весь.loc -prfl.sg =ptl весь -acc -poss.3pl neg -hab -pf.ptc охотиться -3pl refl -dat.prfl.sg досиаточно =only охотиться -hab -pf.ptc
When he was in the tayga, he never hunted all, he hunted only what he needed for himself.
Находясь в лесу, он не на всех охотился, только маленько для себя.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Dʒe tarịč bụọllaːna omnekeːn hịːlalča, tuguni ọːmalčan, hịːlalča, ńarịkaːn, ịača-kana, bụwahkị gịrkahanča, mendeneče dʒuru, ịak-ta, bakụmču goːnikeːn.
dʒe.Y tar -Č buollaγïna.Y omen -RE -KEːn hịːl -E-L -čE tugeni ọː -mElčI -n(I) hịːl -E-L -čE ńarị -KEːn ịa -čE =kEnE bụg -E-skI gịrka -s(E)n -čE mend -E-nE -čE dʒur -W ịa -k =dE bak -E-mč(I) -W goːn -nIkEːn
ptl.Y dist -ins ptl.Y one -iter -dim suffer -ep-inch -pf.ptc winter become -accel -3sg suffer -ep-inch -pf.ptc man -dim what -pf.ptc =contr taiga -ep-all.adv walk -lim -pf.ptc search -ep-intent -pf.ptc luck -acc what -nom =ptl find -ep-sbjv -poss.1sg say -sim.cvb
ptl.Y dist -ins ptl.Y один -iter -dim suffer -ep-inch -pf.ptc winter become -accel -3sg suffer -ep-inch -pf.ptc мужчина -dim что -pf.ptc =contr taiga -ep-весь.adv идти -lim -pf.ptc искать -ep-intent -pf.ptc luck -acc что -nom =ptl найти -ep-sbjv -poss.1sg сказать -sim.cvb
Then, once, the winter was coming, and one man, suffering, went to the woods, he went to try his luck, because he thought that he might kill (an animal there).
Приближалась зима, один человек мучился, и решил он пойти в лес, поохотиться, чтобы было чем кормиться зимой.