
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: poss. 954 total hits in 19 transcripts.
Chat about an Evenki film (128)
Taraŋan ŋịnan-da Ajawrịqta gerben, gịrqarịn.
tar -ŋ -E-n(I) ŋịn -E-n(I) =dE Ajawrịkta.Evk gerbe -n(I) gịrkarị -n(I)
dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg dog -ep-poss.3sg =ptl Ajawrikta.Evk name -poss.3sg wolf -poss.3sg
dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg собака -ep-poss.3sg =ptl Ajawrikta.Evk name -poss.3sg волк -poss.3sg
The name of that dog of his, of the wolf, was Ajawrikta (Beloved).
А эту собаку, волка, звали Аяврик (=любимый).
A conversation about Even culture (224)
Pọdọːšwan, boj boːdelen.
podošva.R -n(I) bej boːdel -E-n(I)
sole.R -poss.3sg man leg -ep-poss.3sg
sole.R -poss.3sg мужчина нога -ep-poss.3sg
The sole of the human leg.
Подошва, стопа человека.
The sacred reindeer (38)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da atča.
nọŋan -L -(dU)LE -tEn gụlụn -tEn ere.Y bi -R(E) -n(I) buolla.Y uonna.Y hoːnte -tEn ịa -tEn =dE aːtča
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y be -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y other -poss.3pl what -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y быть -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y другой -poss.3pl что -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
Pear story (5) (37)
Tikrin, ńaːn karzịːnan oŋkelbesnin.
tik -RI -n(I) ńaːn korzina.R -n(I) oŋke -LbE -s(E)n -RI -n(I)
fall -pst -poss.3sg also basket -poss.3sg pour -vr -lim -pst -poss.3sg
fall -pst -poss.3sg тоже basket -poss.3sg pour -vr -lim -pst -poss.3sg
He fell and his basket spilt.
Cannibal story (106)
Eńmu eńenni ukčeːnče taraw.
eńen -W eńen -n(I) ukčeːn -čE tar -W
mother -poss.1sg mother -poss.3sg tell dist -acc
мать -poss.1sg мать -poss.3sg говорить dist -acc
My mother's mother told this (story).
Мать моей матери мне рассказала.
The creation of animals (51)
Araj taraŋčaːnnị goːnče: "Taː, erek diː, hiː, bejŋe, hiː erek itli, minu taŋara errečkeːmen ọːrịn - ịnŋatụ ńegčekeŋi, kọrọtụ ńegčekeŋi, ọːŋọtụ. hịalụmụ bọllaːna ŋịnŋị, [bọ] kọkčịmụ ụːjamkaːnŋị", goːnče.
araj.Y tar -E-ŋ -KEːn -n(I) goːn -čE taː er -k diː hiː bej -ŋE hiː er -k it -LI min -W taŋara er -WEːčIn -KEːn -W -E-n(I) ọː -RI -n(I) ịnŋat -W ńegčeke -ŋI kọrat -W ńegčeke -ŋI ọːŋat -W hịalụn -W buollaγïna.Y ŋịn -ŋI kọkčịn -W ụːjamkaːn -ŋI goːn -čE
suddenly.Y dist -ep-aln -dim -poss.3sg say -pf.ptc intj prox -nom size 2sg self -pol.voc 2sg prox -nom see -imp.2sg 1sg.obl -acc god prox -qual -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg do -pst -poss.3sg hair -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss ear -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss nose -poss.1sg nostril -poss.1sg ptl.Y dog -pred.poss hoof -poss.1sg wild.ram -pred.poss say -pf.ptc
suddenly.Y dist -ep-aln -dim -poss.3sg сказать -pf.ptc intj prox -nom size 2sg сам -pol.voc 2sg prox -nom видеть -imp.2sg 1sg.obl -acc бог prox -qual -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg делать -pst -poss.3sg hair -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss ear -poss.1sg elk -pred.poss nose -poss.1sg nostril -poss.1sg ptl.Y собака -pred.poss hoof -poss.1sg wild.ram -pred.poss сказать -pf.ptc
And he said: "Hey, you, human, look here, God made me like this: my hair is like that of elk, my ears are like elk's, my nose and nostrils are from the dog, and my hoofs from the wild ram", he said.
Этот говорит: - Эй ты человек, посмотри на меня. Это Бог меня вот таким вот сделал, шерсть короткая, уши короткие, нос и ноздри собачьи, копыта горного барана.
Bear story (51)
tụːs -RI -n(I)
trot -pst -poss.3sg
trot -pst -poss.3sg
She jumped in.
A short chat about family (10)
Abagaw minŋi mịan ńamadụkụj huleken bihin, ńama mịandʒoːr. Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
abaga -W min -ŋI mịan ńama -DUk(U) -J hulek -E-n(I) bi -RI -n(I) ńama mịan dʒoːr
grandfather -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss ten hundred -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg be -pst -poss.3sg hundred ten two
дед -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss десять стоянка -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg быть -pst -poss.3sg стоянка десять два
My grandfather was 110 years old, he was 112. My grandfather lived 112 years.
Мой дед прожил сто двенадцать лет.Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
Tompo in Soviet times (80)
Gaːdan internaːt, gaːdan ọskọla binnen.
gaːd -E-n(I) internat.R gaːd -E-n(I) škola.R bi -nnE -n(I)
half -ep-poss.3sg boarding.school.R half -ep-poss.3sg school.R be -nec.ptc -poss.3sg
half -ep-poss.3sg boarding.школа.R half -ep-poss.3sg школа.R быть -nec.ptc -poss.3sg
It was to be half boarding school, half school.
На половину интернат, на половину школа.
Pear story (4) (16)
Ńaːn bejkeːje-dmer ewrin, [t] ịaŋan, ieken aːtča bisin, nọŋan.
ńaːn bej -kEːjE =dmEr ew -RI -n(I) ịa -ŋ -E-n(I) ieke -n(I) aːtča bi -RI -n(I) nọŋan
also man -aug =emph go.down -pst -poss.3sg what -aln -ep-poss.3sg cauldron -poss.3sg neg.ex be -pst -poss.3sg 3sg
тоже мужчина -aug =emph идти.down -pst -poss.3sg что -aln -ep-poss.3sg cauldron -poss.3sg neg.ex быть -pst -poss.3sg 3sg
And that man came down (from the tree), uhm, his cauldron was gone, that.
Человек тот спустился, посуды нет.