
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: indef. 28 total hits in 10 transcripts.
Chat about an Evenki film (9)
ọːk =WUl
when =indef
когда =indef
At some point in time.
The creation of animals (2)
"Erek ụŋdụk ulgimimi naːda."
er -k ụŋ -DUk(U) ulgimi -mI nado.R
prox -nom indef -abl ask -cond.cvb need.R
prox -nom indef -abl спросить -cond.cvb нужно.R
"This question needs to be asked (from someone). = I have to ask somebody about this."
- Это спросить надо.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Ọːk-ụt-ta bihin, ọmŋaram.
ọːk =WUt =dE bi -RI -n(I) ọmŋa -R(E) -m
when =indef =ptl be -pst -poss.3sg forget -nonfut -1sg
когда =indef =ptl быть -pst -poss.3sg забыть -nonfut -1sg
It was long time ago, I forgot.
Это было давно, забыла.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ịak-kụl gerbo biče bidʒin bọlla?
ịa -k =WUl gerbe bi -čE bi -DʒI -n(I) buolla.Y
what -nom =indef name be -pf.ptc be -fut -3sg ptl.Y
что -nom =indef name быть -pf.ptc быть -fut -3sg ptl.Y
What could that mean?
Не может ничего понять.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
"Ịaw-wụt-ta dọldọrọp-da, ịarọp-ta", goːn.
ịa -W =WUt =dE dọlda -R(E) -p =dE ịa -R(E) -p =dE goːn
what -acc =indef =ptl hear -nonfut -1pl.in =ptl what -nonfut -1pl.in =ptl say(nonfut.3pl)
что -acc =indef =ptl слышать -nonfut -1pl.в =ptl что -nonfut -1pl.в =ptl сказать(nonfut.3pl)
"We've heard something or something like that", they say.
"Мы что-то услышали", говорят.
Cannibal story (9)
Ịak-kụl, ịak bökečen iːnile, ịak bökečen mergelkeːn.
ịa -k =WUl ịa -k bekeč -E-n(I) iːni -(dU)LE ịa -k bekeč -E-n(I) merge -lkEːn
what -nom =indef what -nom all -ep-poss.3sg life -loc what -nom all -ep-poss.3sg soul -prop
что -nom =indef что -nom весь -ep-poss.3sg жизнь -loc что -nom весь -ep-poss.3sg soul -prop
Everything is alive, everything has a soul.
В жизне все, все имеет душу.
Even ghost stories (1)
Ọːn dʒe, ọːčarap, ịak, diːkej ịak-ụt-ta dʒe, bej-gu ịak-kụ biče.
ọːn dʒe.Y ọː -čE -rEp ịa -k dikij.R ịa -k =WUt =dE dʒe.Y bej =GU ịa -k =GU bi -čE
how ptl.Y become -pf.ptc -temp.nr what -nom wild.R what -nom =indef =ptl ptl.Y man =q what -nom =q be -pf.ptc
как ptl.Y become -pf.ptc -temp.nr что -nom wild.R что -nom =indef =ptl ptl.Y мужчина =q что -nom =q быть -pf.ptc
Erm, long ago, they were wild something, wild people or so.
Раньше одичавшие люди были, или кто.
Pear story (4) (1)
Tar ịaqawụ-qqa, ịaqaːqaːm-ụt-ta elgerin bejkeːn-e, ịaq gerben tarak?
tar ịa -k aw -g(Eg) =kkE ịa -kEːkEːn -W =WUt =dE elge -RI -n(I) bej -KEːn =E ịa -k gerbe -n(I) tar -k
ptl what -nom which -adjr =emph what -dim -acc =indef =ptl lead.on.leash -pst -poss.3sg man -dim =ints what -nom name -poss.3sg dist -nom
ptl что -nom который -adjr =emph что -dim -acc =indef =ptl lead.на.leash -pst -poss.3sg мужчина -dim =ints что -nom name -poss.3sg dist -nom
And, what's that, a man brought something with him, what's its name?
Что это, что-то за собой привел человек. Как это называется?
Pear story (5) (1)
Tarak bej ịlrịn, ewridʒi, leːsnicele ewridʒi kojeːttin: ịaqawụ, ịaq-ụt-ta aːtčamdes.
tar -k bej ịl -RI -n(I) ew -RIdʒI lestnica.R -(dU)LE ew -RIdʒI kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) - ịakaw ịa -k aw -g(Eg) ịa -k =WUt =dE aːtča -mdEs
dist -nom man stand.up -pst -poss.3sg go.down -ant.cvb ladder.R -loc go.down -ant.cvb look -res -pst -poss.3sg - what.like what -nom which -adjr what -nom =indef =ptl neg.ex -sml
dist -nom мужчина стоять.вверх -pst -poss.3sg идти.down -ant.cvb ladder.R -loc идти.down -ant.cvb смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg - что.любить что -nom который -adjr что -nom =indef =ptl neg.ex -sml
That man straightened up, he got down, he got down on a ladder, and took a look: something seemed to be missing.
Biblical stories (1)
Dʒe tar toːr mụdandʒallakan bimi taraŋan uŋen haːjụbnadʒịn, toːr ọjlịn degenni bekečen emi tiketneːdʒin.
dʒe.Y tar toːr mụdan -D -E-L -REk -E-n(I) bi -mI tar -ŋ -E-n(I) uŋ -E-n(I) haːjụ -B -nE -DʒI -n(I) tar ọj -(dU)LI -n(I) deg -E-n -n(I) bekeč -E-n(I) e -mI tik -E-Č -nE -DʒI -n(I)
ptl.Y dist earth end -prog -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg be -cond.cvb dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg indef -ep-poss.3sg break -med -intent -fut -3sg dist surface -prol -poss.3sg fly -ep-mult -3sg all -ep-poss.3sg neg -cond.cvb fall -ep-res -mult -fut -3sg
ptl.Y dist earth конец -prog -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg быть -cond.cvb dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg indef -ep-poss.3sg break -med -intent -fut -3sg dist поверхность -prol -poss.3sg летать -ep-mult -3sg весь -ep-poss.3sg neg -cond.cvb fall -ep-res -mult -fut -3sg
When the world comes to an end, those (sc. planes) will be breaking down, they will all fly and fall on the earth.
А когда будет наступать конец света, начнут падать самолеты, ломаться техника.