
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: distr. 10 total hits in 7 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (4)
Tiːkerepel esten.
tiek -E-rEp -E-L e -R(E) -tEn
now -ep-temp.nr -ep-pl neg -nonfut -distr
сейчас -ep-temp.nr -ep-pl neg -nonfut -distr
Yes, it's modern people.
Да, сегодняшние.
Even ghost stories (1)
Ŋịnamdahal-diː, he, dalda, biče, ometeldʒi [...]
ŋịn -E-mdEs -E-L =dIː.Y he dalra bi -čE omen -tEl -DʒI
dog -ep-sml -ep-pl =emph.Y intj smell be -pf.ptc one -distr -inst.prfl.sg
собака -ep-sml -ep-pl =emph.Y intj smell быть -pf.ptc один -distr -inst.prfl.sg
Like dogs, smell, one by one [...]
Как собаки, они издалека могли учуять запахи.
Biblical stories (1)
Meːretekmedukur-mi ịan, maːmačukaːŋnača, kusikečukeːŋneče.
meːn -L -tEkEn -DUk(U) -WUr =mI ịa -n(I) maː -mEČ -WkEːn -Gr(E) -čE kusi -kEČ -WkEːn -Gr(E) -čE
self -pl -distr -abl -prfl.pl =ptl what -3sg kill -rec -caus -hab -pf.ptc fight -mult -caus -hab -pf.ptc
сам -pl -distr -abl -prfl.pl =ptl что -3sg убить -rec -caus -hab -pf.ptc fight -mult -caus -hab -pf.ptc
He (sc. Satan) made them kill each other and fight each other, of their own accord.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Tiek-te-si uŋli televizorli ereger, ineŋten nọvaščịla ičukeːtčoːtte esten.
tiek =dE =sI uŋ -(dU)LI televizor.R -(dU)LI ereger ineŋ -tEn novosti.R -(dU)LE it -WkEːn -Č -WEːČ -R(E) e -R(E) -tEn
now =ptl =emph hesit -prol television.R -prol always day -distr news.R -loc see -caus -res -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -poss.3pl
сейчас =ptl =emph hesit -prol television.R -prol всегда день -distr news.R -loc видеть -caus -res -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -poss.3pl
Nowadays, too - they always, every day show it in the news, don't they.
И сейчас по телевизору постоянно, каждый день показывают, ведь по новостям показывают.
The creation of animals (1)
Minu hoːntel emie dʒebdeːwur ńekkoːtte, esten hepkudeːwur.
min -W hoːnte -L emie.Y dʒeb -DEː -WUr nek -WEːČ -R(E) e -R(E) -tEn hepke -DEː -WUr
1sg.obl -acc different -pl again.Y eat -purp.cvb -prfl.pl do -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -distr catch -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
1sg.obl -acc different -pl снова.Y есть -purp.cvb -prfl.pl делать -gnr -nonfut(3pl) neg -nonfut -distr catch -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
"Many wanted to eat me, but they couldn't catch me."
- Меня многие хотели съесть, но не могли поймать.
Pear story (2) (1)
Ometel karzịːnaw hurunikeːn horunnen anị tar [...] čakụŋka toːreŋnej urečin.
omen -tEl korzina.R -W hor -U -nIkEːn hor -U -nnE -n(I) anï.Y tar čak -E-ŋkE toːr -E-ŋ -(dU)LE -J urečin
one -distr basket -acc go.away -tr -sim.cvb go.away -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg now.Y dist gather -ep-nr land -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evid
один -distr basket -acc идти.прочь -tr -sim.cvb идти.прочь -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg сейчас.Y dist собиратть -ep-nr земля -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evid
Carrying the baskets one by one, he was then supposed [...] to take them to the place where he collects them (=to his place for gathering), apparently.
Pear story (3) (1)
Tar meːndʒi tar grụːšaw tar kụŋaːjakaːn boːn, boːrin urečin gụrụːšaŋgan, ometeldʒi, taraw dʒebnikeːkeːn horžen.
tar meːn -DʒI tar gruša.R -W tar kụŋaː -jEkEːn boː -n(I) boː -RI -n(I) urečin gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) omen -tEl -DʒI tar -W dʒeb -nIkEːn -KEːn hor -R(E) -n(I)
dist self -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist child -dim give -3sg give -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg one -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc eat -sim.cvb -dim go.away -nonfut -3sg
dist сам -inst.prfl.sg dist pear.R -acc dist ребенок -dim дать -3sg дать -pst -poss.3sg evid pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg один -distr -inst.prfl.sg dist -acc есть -sim.cvb -dim идти.прочь -nonfut -3sg
Then that kid himself gave (her) a pear, he gave her a pear, one by one, I think, and (she?) left eating it.