
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Even.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: go. 139 total hits in 22 transcripts.
An Even farce (3)
Iː-nen awaškị olloːčidʒinni?
hiː=nEn awụg-skI hol-WEːČ-E-D-E-nrI
2SG=DP which-ALL.ADV go-GNR-0-PROG-0-2SG
2ЕД=DP который-ALL.ADV идти-GNR-0-PROG-0-2ЕД
And you, where have you been going?
А ты, куда ходила?
Glove and love (1)
Araj ŋendeken dọː...
araj.Y ŋen-REk-E-N(I) dọː
suddenly.Y go-COND.CVB-0-POSS.3SG inner:part
suddenly.Y идти-КОНД.КОНВ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД inner:part
And when she came there...
Вдруг когда подошла…
Cannibal story (23)
Tar [hor]...
tar hor
dist go.away
dist идти.прочь
That ...
Spirits (3)
Aj-ke ehni, ńimeːrret-ke horrigčin degńej.
aj=kE e-R(E)-N(I) ńimeːr-(dU)LE-t(I)=kE hor-RI-G(E)čIn deg-ńEj
"That's perfect, one should fly, as if one were going to visit the family."
"Хорошо, лететь надо, как-будто в гости к семье идешь."
A lighthearted exchange (2)
Ńan-da beridʒiken bọstọj, horli!
ńaːn=DE beri-DʒIk-N(I) bostuoj.Y hor-LI
and=DP lose-admon-POSS.3SG for:no:reason.Y go-IMP.2SG
and=DP потерять-admon-ПОСС.3ЕД for:no:reason.Y идти-ИМП.2ЕД
He will lose you again for no reason, go!
Опять потеряет тебя, иди!
The sacred reindeer (3)
Họnŋačajakam elgemi-de naːr dʒuldedun ŋengereče, ńọːgdaj mandụtkarača.
họnŋačan-jEkEn-W elge-mI=dE naːr.Y dʒulden-DU-N(I) ŋen-Gr(E)-E-čE ńọːg-DE-J manrụ-Č-Gr(E)-čE
baby:reindeer-DIM-ACC lead:on:leash-COND.CVB=DP always.Y front:part-DAT-POSS.3SG go-HAB-0-PF.PTC go:forward-PURP.CVB-POSS.REFL.SG strive-RES-HAB-PF.PTC
baby:reindeer-ДИМ-АКК lead:on:leash-КОНД.КОНВ=DP всегда.Y front:part-ДАТ-ПОСС.3ЕД идти-ХАБ-0-ПРФ.ПРИЧ go:forward-ПУРП.КОНВ-ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД strive-RES-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
When he took the little reindeer with him, it always went in front of him, it was always trying to go forward.
И когда мужчина уходил с олененком, он шел перед ним, старался ходить впереди.
Pear story (4) (4)
Horriten qụŋaːl.
hor -RI -tEn kụŋaː -L
go.away -pst -poss.3pl child -pl
идти.прочь -pst -poss.3pl ребенок -pl
The children went away.
Ушли ребята.
The creation of animals (8)
Erek bej horče, horridʒi, goːnni, urekčeːm, kadaːrụ ọjčịča.
er -k bej hor -čE hor -RIdʒI goːn -n(I) urekčeːn -W kadaːr -W ọjčị -čE
prox -nom man go.away -pf.ptc go.away -ant.cvb say -3sg mountain -acc rock -acc climb -pf.ptc
prox -nom мужчина идти.прочь -pf.ptc идти.прочь -ant.cvb сказать -3sg гора -acc камень -acc climb -pf.ptc
And this man left, and when he left, he probably climbed a mountain, a rock.
Этот человек пошел дальше. Поднялся на горы, на скалы и смотрит.
Chat about an Evenki film (27)
Ịadaːjị hulun?
ịa -DEː -J hol -U -n(I)
what -purp.cvb -prfl.sg go -intr -3sg(nonfut)
что -purp.cvb -prfl.sg идти -intr -3sg(nonfut)
Why did he go (sc. after him)?
Зачем бежал?
Pear story (2) (4)
Dʒeː tarpač tar horehenen.
dʒe.Y tarbač tar hor -E-s(E)n -R(E) -n(I)
ptl.Y ptl dist ptl go.away -ep-lim -nonfut -3sg
ptl.Y ptl dist ptl идти.прочь -ep-lim -nonfut -3sg
So he finally set off.