
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: tr. 63 total hits in 16 transcripts.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Bore tar ọralbụ-da ịan-kana bọlla, hulutkeren ehni, ajịmaːwran.
börö.Y tar ọran -L =dE ịa -n(I) =kEnE buolla.Y hol -U -Č -Gr(E) -n(I) e -R(E) -n(I) ajmaː.Y -Gr(E) -n(I)
wolf.Y dist reindeer -pl =ptl what -3sg =contr ptl.Y go -tr -res -hab -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg scare.Y -hab -3sg
волк.Y dist олень -pl =ptl что -3sg =contr ptl.Y идти -tr -res -hab -3sg neg -nonfut -3sg scare.Y -hab -3sg
That Boro (Wolf), he, uhm, used to chase reindeer, didn't he, and scare them off.
Борэ пас оленей, гонялся за ними.
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Targịt kụltawaza bọllaːna eduk ülehet atča [...], ńụːč bejiŋelben emuritnen.
tar -GIČ kul'tbaza.R buollaγïna.Y er -DUk(U) ülehit.Y aːtča ńụːčị bej -E-ŋ -E-L -W -E-n(I) em -U -RI -tEn
dist -elat kultbaza.R ptl.Y prox -abl worker.Y neg.ex Russian man -ep-aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg come -tr -pst -poss.3pl
dist -elat kultbaza.R ptl.Y prox -abl worker.Y neg.ex русский мужчина -ep-aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg прийти -tr -pst -poss.3pl
This culture base, there were not enough workers [...], Russians were brought here.
Так как не хватало людей на строительство культбазы, привезли русских. /Здесь не было работников и поэтому привезли русских людей.
Stories of God and the Devil (3)
Erek bejeŋi bimi hewki ńọːgụnnan ịlan-ńụn ineŋiwu emeːpče
er -k bej -E-ŋ -J bi -mI hewki ńọːg -U -nnE -n(I) ịlan =ńUn ineŋ -W emeːn -B -čE
prox -nom man -ep-aln -prfl.sg be -cond.cvb god go.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg three =only day -acc leave -med -pf.ptc
prox -nom мужчина -ep-aln -prfl.sg быть -cond.cvb бог идти.forward -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg три =only день -acc оставить -med -pf.ptc
God was to take out that man in only three days.
Pear story (5) (2)
Tarak [veːli] vilosipeːdelkeːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeːttin, nọŋan aːwman nọŋandụn emurin.
tar -k velosiped.R -E-lkEːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) nọŋan aːwan -W -E-n(I) nọŋan -DU -n(I) em -U -RI -n(I)
dist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop also young.man look -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg come -tr -pst -poss.3sg
dist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop тоже молодой.мужчина смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg прийти -tr -pst -poss.3sg
That boy with a bicycle then looked, he had brought him his hat.
The creation of animals (1)
"Edʒi ńụmụrịn, [minete] minu-de iriridʒi dʒeptekeh aj bidʒin", goːnče.
e -LI ńụmarịn min -W =dE ir -I -RIdʒI dʒeb -REk -E-s(I) aj bi -DʒI -n(I) goːn -čE
neg -imp.2sg be.ashamed(neg.cvb) 1sg.obl -acc =ptl be.cooked -tr -ant.cvb eat -cond.cvb -ep-poss.2.sg good be -fut -3sg say -pf.ptc
neg -imp.2sg быть.ashamed(neg.cvb) 1sg.obl -acc =ptl быть.cooked -tr -ant.cvb есть -cond.cvb -ep-poss.2.sg хороший быть -fut -3sg сказать -pf.ptc
"Don't hesitate, if you cook me and eat me up it'll be fine", it said.
- Ты меня не бойся, если меня сварить и съесть, тоже хорошо.
Black force and White force (1)
"Hiːwidʒim tar, hinu, tọgụh-ta, ịaŋụh-karịa, duriŋuh-te ịaŋụh-da."
hiːw -I -DʒI -m tar hin -W tọg -W -s(I) =dE ịa -ŋ -W -s(I) =kErIE duri -ŋ -W -s(I) =dE ịa -ŋ -W -s(I) =dE
be.extinguished -tr -fut -1sg dist 2sg.obl -acc fire -acc -poss.2sg =ptl what -aln -acc -poss.2sg =contr fire -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl what -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl
быть.extinguished -tr -fut -1sg dist 2sg.obl -acc огонь -acc -poss.2sg =ptl что -aln -acc -poss.2sg =contr огонь -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl что -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl
"I will extinguish you, your fire and, uhm, your burning and all."
- Тогда я погашу твой огонь и твой пожар.