
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: poss. 954 total hits in 19 transcripts.
Black force and White force (17)
"bụgụ mụraːman etutli!"
bụg -W mụraːn -W -E-n(I) etu -Č -LI
homeland -poss.1sg spirit -acc -ep-poss.3sg care -res -imp.2sg
homeland -poss.1sg spirit -acc -ep-poss.3sg care -res -imp.2sg
"take care of the spirit of my country!"
моей земли дух оберегай.
Biblical stories (85)
Haːn-a tar, kụlịčaːn ịan, humtečeːr ịan bih esten, magdʒịlịl, egdʒen bisiten.
haː -n(I) =E tar kụlị -KEːn ịa -n(I) humtečeːn -L ịa -n(I) bi -R(E) e -R(E) -tEn magdʒịlị -L egdʒen bi -RI -tEn
other -3sg =ints dist mosquito -dim what -poss.3sg blackfly -pl what -poss.3sg be -nonfut neg -nonfut -poss.3pl worm -pl big be -pst -poss.3pl
другой -3sg =ints dist mosquito -dim что -poss.3sg blackfly -pl что -poss.3sg быть -nonfut neg -nonfut -poss.3pl worm -pl большой быть -pst -poss.3pl
And also other (sc. bad things), there were mosquitoes, blackflies, worms, they were huge.
Он придумал насекомых, комаров, мошек, оводов, большие были.
Pear story (3) (5)
Ee, hɛːrin, tarịč [goːn] goːŋun, ịawan-kana aːwụman, hokkidu tetučeŋken aːwụčaːnnị bihni, taraŋman boːnen.
ee hie -RI -n(I) tar -E-Č goːn goːŋi -n(I) ịa -W -E-n(I) =kEnE aːwan -W -E-n(I) hok -RI -DU tet -U -Č -E-ŋkE -n(I) aːwan -KEːn -n(I) bi -R(E) -n(I) tarak -ŋ -W -E-n(I) boː -nE -n(I)
intj appear -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins say call -3sg what -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg be.hot -impf.ptc -dat wear -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg be -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg give -intent -3sg
intj появиться -pst -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins сказать звать -3sg что -acc -ep-poss.3sg =contr hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg быть.горячий -impf.ptc -dat носить -intr -res -ep-nr -poss.3sg hat -dim -poss.3sg быть -nonfut -3sg dist -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg дать -intent -3sg
So, she appeared and called (him), uhm, whatchamacallit, his hat, he had a hat that is worn in heat, that's what she went to give him.
Pear story (2) (10)
Tar gụrụːšaŋgan tawra, bịlasịpịattụn neːde.
tar gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) taw -R(E) velosiped.R -DU -n(I) neː -R(E)
dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg gather -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg put -nonfut(3pl)
dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg собиратть -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg положить -nonfut(3pl)
The collected the pears for him and put them on his bicycle.
Even taboos and customs (34)
Ele-de tačịnnị. Eču-de ulgimir.
er -(dU)LE =dE tar -čIn -n(I) e -čE -W =dE ulgimi -R(E)
prox -loc =ptl dist -adv -poss.3sg neg -pf.ptc -poss.1sg =ptl ask -neg.cvb
prox -loc =ptl dist -adv -poss.3sg neg -pf.ptc -poss.1sg =ptl спросить -neg.cvb
Here it is similar. I never asked.
Тут тоже наверное так же. Я не спрашивала.
Even ghost stories (26)
Tarịč ịadʒịn, hukleːhnekednen emie-eji, tutenenten iːgreče.
tar -E-Č ịa -Č -n(I) hukleː -s(E)n -REk -tEn emie.Y =EjI tut -E-n -E-tEn iː -Gr(E) -čE
dist -ep-ins what -ins -poss.3sg sleep -lim -cond.cvb -poss.3pl again.Y -ints run -ep-mult -ep-poss.3pl be.heard -hab -pf.ptc
dist -ep-ins что -ins -poss.3sg спать -lim -cond.cvb -poss.3pl снова.Y -ints бежать -ep-mult -ep-poss.3pl быть.heard -hab -pf.ptc
Then, when they were going to sleep, their running around was heard.
А когда спать ложился, опять их бег слышен.
Stories of God and the Devil (27)
"Họgdʒịs ewikeŋes erek-te bideːn iː", goːnikeːn ečin ietče, hewki.
họgdʒị -s(I) ewike -ŋ -E-s(I) er -k =dE bi -DEː -n(I) iː goːn -nIkEːn er -čIn iet -čE hewki
tail -poss.2sg toy -aln -ep-poss.2.sg prox -nom =ptl be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg ptl say -sim.cvb prox -adv hit -pf.ptc god
tail -poss.2sg toy -aln -ep-poss.2.sg prox -nom =ptl быть -purp.cvb -poss.3sg ptl сказать -sim.cvb prox -adv hit -pf.ptc бог
"Your tail will be your toy", God said and hit him like this.
Taraŋdʒị ońnidʒi bimi, kuːkeki ogili eti degse ọːdnị.
tar-E-ŋ-DʒI oń-RIdʒI bi-mI kuːkeki oj-E-(dU)LI e-RI deg-R(E) ọː-R(E)-N(I)
DIST-0-AL-insT.POSS.REFL.SG be:insulted-ANT.CVB be-COND.CVB sojka.R top-0-PROL NEG-IMPF.PTC fly-NEG.CVB become-NONFUT-3SG
DIST-0-AL-insT.ПОСС.РЕФЛ.ЕД be:insulted-ANT.КОНВ быть-КОНД.КОНВ sojka.R top-0-ПРОЛ НЕГ-ИМПФ.ПРИЧ летать-НЕГ.КОНВ become-NONFUT-3ЕД
Enraged by that, SOJKA stopped flying high.
Расстроилась сойка и с тех пор перестала летать высоко.
Pear story (1) (8)
Kụŋaː hịːwụhančalan tukeːnni.
kụŋaː hịːw -U -s(E)n -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) tiwkeːn -n(I)
child turn -intr -lim -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg drop -3sg
ребенок turn -intr -lim -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg drop -3sg
The child stumbled and dropped (the berries).