
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

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Search: nonfut. 675 total hits in 18 transcripts.
Pear story (3) (10)
Taraw ittem biː.
tar -W it -R(E) -m biː
dist -acc see -nonfut -1sg 1sg
dist -acc видеть -nonfut -1sg 1sg
That's what I saw.
The creation of animals (35)
Ajdʒịt-ta bihni ebit, tar ńọːbatị bụrkat, dʒoːr bihni ebit bụkaːtịn.
ajdʒịt =t(E) bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y tar ńọːbatị bụrkat dʒoːr bi -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Y bukatïn.Y
truth =ptl be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist white flint two be -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
правда =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y dist белый flint два быть -nonfut -3sg evid.Y completely.Y
And indeed, there were white flints, two of them.
И действительно, там было два белых кварца.
Pear story (2) (12)
Tar gụrụːšaŋgan tawra, bịlasịpịattụn neːde.
tar gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) taw -R(E) velosiped.R -DU -n(I) neː -R(E)
dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg gather -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg put -nonfut(3pl)
dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg собиратть -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg положить -nonfut(3pl)
The collected the pears for him and put them on his bicycle.
The sacred reindeer (16)
Dʒe taraŋị hiːgren.
dʒe.Y tar -ŋ -J hiːg -R(E) -n(I)
ptl.Y dist -aln -prfl.sg flay -nonfut -3sg
ptl.Y dist -aln -prfl.sg flay -nonfut -3sg
And he flayed it.
Разделали его.
Black force and White force (7)
"Biː-kkoː hineč ehem ŋeːlde, hiː-kke tar moːč ŋeːlukeːčendi."
biː =kkE -ː hin -E-Č e -R(E) -m ŋeːl -R(E) hiː =kkE tar moː -Č ŋeːl -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -nrI
1sg =emph -ints 2sg.obl -ep-ins neg -nonfut -1sg fear -neg.cvb 2sg =emph dist water -ins fear -caus -res -nonfut -2sg
1sg =emph -ints 2sg.obl -ep-ins neg -nonfut -1sg fear -neg.cvb 2sg =emph dist вода -ins fear -caus -res -nonfut -2sg
"I'm not afraid of you, and you are threatening me with water?".
- Я тебя не боюсь. Что ты меня водой пугаешь?
Pear story (4) (4)
Haːwan-da bụːdịč ukčeːnrem.
haː -W -E-n(I) dE bụːdị -Č ukčeːn -R(E) -m
other -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl mottley -ins tell -nonfut -1sg
другой -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl mottley -ins говорить -nonfut -1sg
I have told the rest luxuriously.
Остальное пестрым рассказала.
A short chat about family (4)
Mut ehep ịagrar-karịa, [hopje], hop, haːdaːwụr-da ehep mandụtkarar.
mut e -R(E) -p ịa -Gr(E) -R(E) =kErIE söp.Y haː -DEː -WUr =dE e -R(E) -p manrụt -Gr(E) -R(E)
1pl.in neg -nonfut -1pl.in what -hab -neg.cvb =contr yes.Y know -purp.cvb -prfl.pl =ptl neg -nonfut -1pl.in try -hab -neg.cvb
1pl.в neg -nonfut -1pl.в что -hab -neg.cvb =contr yes.Y know -purp.cvb -prfl.pl =ptl neg -nonfut -1pl.в try -hab -neg.cvb
We are not, uhm, we do not try to keep record (of this).
Мы даже не стараемся знать.
Stories of God and the Devil (8)
Ŋịn bimi tetten, [ta] ịnŋatị boːčelen tarịč ịar-kana, ajị-keː, ńama-keː biče.
ŋịn bi -mI tet -R(E) -n(I) ịnŋat -J boː -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) tar -E-Č ịa -R(E) =kEnE aj =kEː ńam -E=kEː bi -čE
dog be -cond.cvb wear -nonfut -3sg hair -prfl.sg give -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins what -nonfut =contr good -adj.ints warm -ep-adj.ints be -pf.ptc
собака быть -cond.cvb носить -nonfut -3sg hair -prfl.sg дать -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg dist -ep-ins что -nonfut =contr хороший -adj.ints теплый -ep-adj.ints быть -pf.ptc
The dog put it on: when he (the devil) gave him the fur, they did so, it was so good, so warm!