
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: inst. 43 total hits in 15 transcripts.
The creation of animals (2)
"Erek ịamị huː meːndʒur-ehi goːweːtteh, «Minu erroːčim ọːlị»."
er -k ịa -mI huː meːn -DʒUr =E-sI goːn -WEːČ -R(E) -s min -W er -WEːčIn -W ọː -LI
prox -nom what -cond.cvb 2pl self -inst.prfl.pl =ep-emph say -gnr -nonfut -2pl 1sg.obl -acc prox -qual -acc do -imp.2sg
prox -nom что -cond.cvb 2pl сам -inst.prfl.pl =ep-emph сказать -gnr -nonfut -2pl 1sg.obl -acc prox -qual -acc делать -imp.2sg
"This is why: you yourselves say, «Make me like this!»."
Это почему, вы сами так говорите: - Сделай меня таким!
Chat about an Evenki film (3)
Ịadʒịn-asị, ọrarban, ọrarban gadaqan.
ịa -DʒI -n(I) -E=sI ọran -L -W -E-n(I) ọran -L -W -E-n(I) ga -REk -E-n(I)
do.what -inst.prfl.sg -3sg -ep=emph reindeer -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg reindeer -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg
делать.что -inst.prfl.sg -3sg -ep=emph олень -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg олень -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg
He thingoed, he took the reindeer.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tadụ bọllaːna, ịak-karịa, əə, biː tadụ dʒoːris-ku anŋanịw, ịlịs-kụ anŋanịw hupkučodduku, anị, internaːt hurelni butunni, omen dʒụːdụ bihil kụŋaːl butunni, urdʒur, is, ur, tiːptur kokeːritnen.
tar -DU buollaγïna.Y ịa -k =kErIE əə biː tar -DU dʒoːr -IS.Y =GU anŋan -W ịlan -IS.Y =GU anŋan -W hupku -Č -E-D -REk -W anï.Y internat.R hute -SEl -n(I) bütün.Y -n(I) omen dʒụː -DU bi -RI -L kụŋaː -L büttüːn.Y -n(I) ur -DʒUr is.Y ur tiːp.Y -DʒUr kokeː -RI -tEn
dist -dat ptl.Y what -nom =contr hesit 1sg dist -dat two -ord.Y =q year -acc three -ord.Y =q year -acc learn -res -ep-prog -cond.cvb -poss.1sg now.Y boarding.school.R child -pl -poss.3sg all.Y -poss.3sg one house -dat be -impf.ptc -pl child -pl all.Y -poss.3sg stomach -inst.prfl.pl stomach.Y stomtyphoid.fever.Y -inst.prfl.pl die -pst -poss.3pl
dist -dat ptl.Y что -nom =contr hesit 1sg dist -dat два -ord.Y =q год -acc три -ord.Y =q год -acc learn -res -ep-prog -cond.cvb -poss.1sg сейчас.Y boarding.школа.R ребенок -pl -poss.3sg весь.Y -poss.3sg один дом -dat быть -impf.ptc -pl ребенок -pl весь.Y -poss.3sg stomach -inst.prfl.pl stomach.Y stomtyphoid.fever.Y -inst.prfl.pl умереть -pst -poss.3pl
Then, uhm, while I was attending the second or the third class, then, all the boarding school children, all kids that lived together in one house, died of stomach, uhm, typhoid fever.
Тогда я учился во втором или же пошел в третий класс, все дети которые жили в интернате заболели, и умерли. / Там на второй или на третий, когда я учился, все интернатовские дети, которые жили в одном доме заболели тифом и умерли.
Pear story (5) (1)
Čaqadʒịlrịn, họtarandụlị asatqaːn iːn, ee, hurkeːčeːkeːn, hurkeːkeːkeːn ŋenrin, veːl'ikči, vilosipeːdeč hiruŋčin.
čak -E-D -E-L -RI -n(I) họtaran -(dU)LI asatkaːn iː -n(I) ee hurkeːn -kEːkEːn hurkeːn -kEːkEːn ŋen -RI -n(I) velik.R -DʒI velosiped.R -E-Č hiru -n -Č -n(I)
gather -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg road -prol girl come.in -3sg(nonfut) intj young.man -dim young.man -dim go -pst -poss.3sg bicycle.R -inst.prfl.sg bycicle.R -ep-ins ride -mult -res -3sg(nonfut)
собиратть -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg road -prol girl прийти.в -3sg(nonfut) intj молодой.мужчина -dim молодой.мужчина -dim идти -pst -poss.3sg bicycle.R -inst.prfl.sg bycicle.R -ep-ins ехать:верхом -mult -res -3sg(nonfut)
He began to collect pears, and girl came, no, a boy, a little boy was going, on a bicycle, he was riding a bicycle.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
[ede] Edeːji ičukeːn ịara-kana bimi erek, əə, arịwkị goːnče [ač]: "Tiwomi, ịajị-kana, amaskị boːli enŋatụ" goːnikeːn geleːtče, "gadʒam biː hinduku".
* e -DEː -J it -WkEːn ịa -R(E) =kEnE bi -mI er -k əə arịwkị goːn -čE tiemi ịa -J =kEnE amar -skI boː -LI ịnŋat -W goːn -nIkEːn geleː -Č -čE ga -DʒI -m biː hin -DUk(U)
* neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg see -caus(neg.cvb) what -nonfut =contr be -cond.cvb prox -nom hesit evil.spirit say -pf.ptc therefore what -prfl.sg =contr back.side -all.adv give -imp.2sg hair -poss.1sg say -sim.cvb search -res -pf.ptc take -inst.prfl.sg -1sg 1sg 2sg.obl -abl
* neg -purp.cvb -prfl.sg видеть -caus(neg.cvb) что -nonfut =contr быть -cond.cvb prox -nom hesit evil.spirit сказать -pf.ptc therefore что -prfl.sg =contr назад.сторона -весь.adv дать -imp.2sg hair -poss.1sg сказать -sim.cvb искать -res -pf.ptc взять -inst.prfl.sg -1sg 1sg 2sg.obl -abl
When he didn't want to show it, the devil said: "So, er, give me back my fur", he said, required it (back), "I'll take it from you".