
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: how. 105 total hits in 19 transcripts.
Bear story (3)
"Ọːn tačịn bidʒin, ọːn dʒebdʒire-kke beju, beju?", goːnni.
ọːn tar -čIn bi -DʒI -n(I) ọːn dʒeb -DʒI -R(E) =kkE bej -W bej -W goːn -n(I)
how dist -adv be -fut -3sg how eat -fut -nonfut =emph man -acc man -acc say -3sg
как dist -adv быть -fut -3sg как есть -fut -nonfut =emph мужчина -acc мужчина -acc сказать -3sg
"How is it possible, how are they going to eat a human?", she said.
- Как это так, как они будут есть человека.
Even ghost stories (3)
Toːr ọːn [ọːdọŋ ọːdọŋ] ọːdaŋan?
toːr ọːn ọː -DEŋ -E-n(I)
earth how do -pst.ptc -ep-poss.3sg
earth как делать -pst.ptc -ep-poss.3sg
How was the earth created?
Как земля сотворилась?
Pear story (5) (1)
Nọŋan tačịn adịrakaːn-da ńekrin.
nọŋan tar -čIn adị -RE -KEːn =dE nek -RI -n(I)
3sg dist -adv how.much -iter -dim =ptl do -pst -poss.3sg
3sg dist -adv как.много -iter -dim =ptl делать -pst -poss.3sg
He did this a couple of times.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Hiːgridʒur bụkaːtịn adị-da dọlbọnịw dʒepte bọlla.
hiːg -RIdʒI -L bukatïn.Y adị =dE dọlbanị -W dʒeb -R(E) buolla.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y how.much =ptl night -acc eat -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
flay -ant.cvb -pl completely.Y как.много =ptl ночь -acc есть -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y
When he flayed it, they ate it for a couple of days.
Мясо тарбагана они ели несколько дней.
The creation of animals (4)
"Ọːn-ahị ńekčip, helbetčim kata", goːnče.
ọːn =E-sI nek -DʒI -p helbe -Č -DʒI -m khata.Y goːn -čE
how =ep-emph do -fut -1pl.in lead -res -fut -1sg ptl.Y say -pf.ptc
как =ep-emph делать -fut -1pl.в lead -res -fut -1sg ptl.Y сказать -pf.ptc
"What should we do, I have to drag them with me", he said.
- А что поделаю, буду таскать с собой.
A short chat about family (1)
Ńịkụlaj Tarabụkịn er ọːn mutkečin-e, Mọːma bejiŋeni, nọŋan aŋatkaːn bej, [...] bọlla.
Nikolaj.R Tarabukin.R er ọːn mut -G(E)čIn =E Mọːma bej -ŋ -E-n(I) nọŋan aŋatkaːn bej buolla.Y
Nikolay.R Tarabukin.R prox how 1pl.in -sml =ints Moma man -aln -ep-poss.3sg 3sg orphan man ptl.Y
Nikolay.R Tarabukin.R prox как 1pl.в -sml =ints Moma мужчина -aln -ep-poss.3sg 3sg сирота мужчина ptl.Y
Nikolay Tarabukin, uhm, he is, like us, a man from Moma, he is an orphan.
Он как мы, из Момы, он сирота.
Chat about an Evenki film (3)
[iŋ] "Ịadaːwụr dʒelgenkew, ọːn-sị dʒelgenkedu tereːwen ńekes?"
* ịa -DEː -WUr dʒelgenke -W ọːn =sI dʒelgenke -DU tereː -W -E-n(I) ńek -R(E) -s
* do.what -purp.cvb -prfl.pl beast -acc how =emph beast -dat prize -acc -ep-poss.3sg do -nonfut -2pl
* делать.что -purp.cvb -prfl.pl beast -acc как =emph beast -dat prize -acc -ep-poss.3sg делать -nonfut -2pl
"Why are you giving the prize to the wild beast?"
Зачем вы зверю даёте приз?
Tompo in Soviet times (3)
Tadụ bọllaːna hin adịw-da anŋanịw ọskọlaw ọːrịtnan, internaːtụ ọːrịtnan, tadụ toːrdụ.
tar -DU buollaγïna.Y sin.Y adị -W =dE anŋan -W škola.R -W ọː -RI -tEn internaːt -W ọː -RI -tEn tar -DU toːr -DU
dist -dat ptl.Y ptl.Y how.much -acc =ptl year -acc school.R -acc do -pst -poss.3pl boarding.school -acc do -pst -poss.3pl dist -dat land -dat
dist -dat ptl.Y ptl.Y как.много -acc =ptl год -acc школа.R -acc делать -pst -poss.3pl boarding.школа -acc делать -pst -poss.3pl dist -dat земля -dat
And there, in a couple of years, they built the school there and the boarding school, on that land.
Так спустя несколько лет, они построили школу, интернат на той местности. Там через несколько лет построили школу, интернат.
Pear story (1) (1)
Tarịč adịw dʒoːr karzịːnaw [taw] tawčalan, ńaːn-da, ńaːn-da tarịč ogehki ọjčịn tawdaːj.
tar -E-Č adị -W dʒoːr korzina.R -W taw taw -čE -(dU)LE -n(I) ńaːn =dE ńaːn =dE tar -E-Č oj -E-skI ọjčị -n(I) taw -DEː -J
dist -ep-ins how.much -acc two basket -acc gather gather -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg also =ptl also =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-all.adv climb -3sg gather -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
dist -ep-ins как.много -acc два basket -acc собиратть собиратть -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg тоже =ptl тоже =ptl dist -ep-ins top -ep-весь.adv climb -3sg собиратть -purp.cvb -prfl.sg
Then, having gathered, how many, two baskets, he again climbed up (the tree) to gather (further).