
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: dim. 165 total hits in 17 transcripts.
Biblical stories (19)
"Dʒe tiek ụdaldʒịn, [merik], egdʒen tanmarị meːnkeːn togeːčin ọːnịkaːn, ụdan degnikeːn meːnkeːn tikteːn.
dʒe.Y tiek ụdan -L -DʒI -n(I) egdʒen tanmarị meːn -KEːn togeːčin ọː -nIkEːn ụdan deg -nIkEːn meːn -KEːn tik -DEː -n(I)
ptl.Y now rain -inch -fut -3sg big fog self -dim cloud become -sim.cvb rain fly -sim.cvb self -dim fall -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
ptl.Y сейчас rain -inch -fut -3sg большой fog сам -dim cloud become -sim.cvb rain летать -sim.cvb сам -dim fall -purp.cvb -poss.3sg
"It will rain now, let the great fog turn into a rainy cloud by itself, let the rain fly and fall as it pleases."
- Сейчас пойдет дождь, большой туман сам превратится в тучу, дождь будет лететь и сам будет капать, когда захочет.
Bear story (3)
Biː tala omnekeːn-ńun biweːttiwu.
biː tar -(dU)LE omen -RE -KEːn =ńUn bi -WEːČ -RI -W
1sg dist -loc one -iter -dim =only be -gnr -pst -poss.1sg
1sg dist -loc один -iter -dim =only быть -gnr -pst -poss.1sg
I've been there only once.
Я там был один раз.
Pear story (5) (2)
Nọŋan tačịn adịrakaːn-da ńekrin.
nọŋan tar -čIn adị -RE -KEːn =dE nek -RI -n(I)
3sg dist -adv how.much -iter -dim =ptl do -pst -poss.3sg
3sg dist -adv как.много -iter -dim =ptl делать -pst -poss.3sg
He did this a couple of times.
Pear story (1) (2)
Tawčalatan erek bej, ee, erek kụŋaːjakaːn hurun, čaːhkị.
taw -čE -(dU)LE -tEn er -k bej ee er -k kụŋaː -jEkEːn hor -U -n(I) čaːg -skI
gather -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3pl prox -nom man intj prox -nom child -dim go.away -tr -3sg distant -all.adv
собиратть -pf.ptc -loc -poss.3pl prox -nom мужчина intj prox -nom ребенок -dim идти.прочь -tr -3sg distant -весь.adv
When they have collected (them), that man, uhm, that little boy took (them) away, further.
Even ghost stories (3)
Omnekeːn ammụ itče bihin, urekčeːnduk, bịnọːkụl, gọrịnụk, tegeleŋčičel họtarandụ iː, dʒụkčadụ.
omen -RE -KEːn aman -W it -čE bi -RI -n(I) urekčeːn -DUk(U) binokl'.R gọr -E-nUk tegelen -Č -čE -L họtaran -DU iː dʒụkča -DU
one -iter -dim father -poss.1sg see -pf.ptc be -pst -poss.3sg mountain -abl binocular.R long -ep-abl.adv sit -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl abandoned.camp -dat
один -iter -dim отец -poss.1sg видеть -pf.ptc быть -pst -poss.3sg гора -abl binocular.R длинный -ep-abl.adv сидеть -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl abandoned.стоянка -dat
Once my father saw, from the mountain, binocular, from far, they were sitting on a path, at an old abandoned camp.
Однажды мой отец, на горе с бинокля увидел из далека, как они сидели у дороги, у старого стойбища.
Stories of God and the Devil (1)
Noːji ịaw ọːrịwan beketkemen haːjụtnịkaːn hịŋnịtnịkaːn maːdʒaːngarača.
noː -J ịa -W ọː -RI -W -E-n(I) bekeč -KEn -W -E-n(I) haːjụ -Č -nIkEːn hịŋnị -Č -nIkEːn maː -dʒEːn -Gr(E) -čE
younger.silbing -prfl.sg what -acc do -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg all -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg break -res -sim.cvb harm -res -sim.cvb kill -dur -hab -pf.ptc
younger.silbing -prfl.sg что -acc делать -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg весь -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg break -res -sim.cvb harm -res -sim.cvb убить -dur -hab -pf.ptc
He would kill everything that his younger brother had made, he would ruin and torture it.
Tompo in Soviet times (2)
Tadụk bọllaːna tar biː abaːw kụlaːk Eloksejik etikeːn bọlarapač maj bịagan [ọːka] ọːkan beriwenew ịrụːrin.
tar -DUk(U) buollaγïna.Y tar biː abaga -W kulak.R Aleksej.R -ik.R etikeːn bọlanị -rEp -E-Č maj.R bịag -E-n(I) ọː -kEn brevno.R -W ịrụː -RI -n(I)
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg grandfather -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R old.man late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg дед -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R старый.мужчина late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
Then, my grandpa, kulak, old man Aleksej, transported logs from late autumn till May.
Мой дедушка Алексей кулак старик с мая до осени возил бревна. /Тогда мой дед, кулак, старик Алексей до месяца мая возил бревна.