
Lexical glosses for Even (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ant. 167 total hits in 17 transcripts.
Stories of God and the Devil (14)
Itče, erek arịwkị anị ittidʒi erew, əə, mọːw gadịdʒị ečin dọgụdʒaːnča.
it -čE er -k arịwkị anï.Y it -RIdʒI er -W əə mọː -W ga -RIdʒI er -čIn dụgụ -dʒEːn -čE
see -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit now.Y see -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc take -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
видеть -pf.ptc prox -nom evil.spirit сейчас.Y видеть -ant.cvb prox -acc hesit wood -acc взять -ant.cvb prox -adv sting -dur -pf.ptc
He saw, that devil saw him now, took a stick and pricked him like this.
The creation of animals (5)
Dʒeː erek adalịj tuldidʒi, hịaŋačaːm hepkeridʒi-de dịllan ajmakań tolgeče.
dʒe.Y er -k adal -J tul -RIdʒI hịaŋan -KEːn -W hepke -RIdʒI =dE dịl -W -E-n(I) ajmakan -Č telge -čE
ptl.Y prox -nom net -prfl.sg put -ant.cvb burbot -dim -acc catch -ant.cvb =ptl head -acc -ep-poss.3sg well -ins flay -pf.ptc
ptl.Y prox -nom net -prfl.sg положить -ant.cvb burbot -dim -acc catch -ant.cvb =ptl голова -acc -ep-poss.3sg хорошо -ins flay -pf.ptc
And he put his nets, caught the burbot and dissected its head.
Поставил свои сети, поймал налима и голову разбил.
Tompo in Soviet times (10)
Horridʒur dʒeː taraw, Ïtanńak, əə, ittidʒur dʒeː, tịmịnnị mụnńaktarịdʒụr dʒeː, Ïtanńaktụ dʒụːw ọːndụ hop eleken ebit goːnikeheːl, ịar...
hor -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y tar -W Ïtanńak əə it -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y tịmịn -n(I) munńakhta.Y -RIdʒI -L dʒe.Y Ïtanńak -DU dʒụː -W ọː -n -DU söp.Y eleken ebit.Y goːn -nIkEːn -SEl ịa -R(E)
go.away -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y dist -acc Ïtannyak hesit see -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y tomorrow -poss.3sg organise.assembly.Y -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y Ïtannyak -dat house -acc do -anr -dat correct.Y enough evid.Y say -sim.cvb -pl what -nonfut(3pl)
идти.прочь -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y dist -acc Ïtannyak hesit видеть -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y завтра -poss.3sg organise.assembly.Y -ant.cvb -pl ptl.Y Ïtannyak -dat дом -acc делать -anr -dat correct.Y досиаточно evid.Y сказать -sim.cvb -pl что -nonfut(3pl)
They went there, took a look at that, Ïtannyak, and on the next day, they convened an assembly, decided that it would be good to build houses on Ïtannyak, and so on...
Осмотрели Ытанньак и решили на завтрашнем собрании строить дома на Ытанньаке.
Even ghost stories (5)
Ukčeːnedʒeːngeren ispisielne desčihenčelew, hukleːmhidʒur, ečin palaːkkadụ desčihnidʒur.
ukčeːn -E-dʒEːn -Gr(E) -n(I) special'no.R desči -s(E)n -čE -(dU)LE -W hukleː -m -RIdʒI -L er -čIn palatka.R -DU desči -s(E)n -RIdʒI -L
tell -ep-dur -hab -3sg(nonfut) especially.R lie -lim -pf.ptc -loc -poss.1sg sleep -des -ant.cvb -pl prox -adv tent.R -dat lie -lim -ant.cvb -pl
говорить -ep-dur -hab -3sg(nonfut) especially.R лежать -lim -pf.ptc -loc -poss.1sg спать -des -ant.cvb -pl prox -adv чум.R -dat лежать -lim -ant.cvb -pl
He (sc. the father) would tell long stories especially when I lay down, when we were about to fall asleep, having lain down in the tent.
Когда я ложился спать, мне специально рассказывали.
Bear story (7)
Aːrkadụk ele emnidʒur ọlọχsujnịkaːn, goːli.
Aːrka -DUk(U) er -(dU)LE em -RIdʒI -L olokhsuj.Y -nIkEːn goːn -LI
Arka -abl prox -loc come -ant.cvb -pl settle.Y -sim.cvb say -imp.2sg
Arka -abl prox -loc прийти -ant.cvb -pl settle.Y -sim.cvb сказать -imp.2sg
Came here from Arka and settled down, one could say.
С Арки приехали, скажи.
Even taboos and customs (3)
Tar Borew iːndʒilben čịkịrịdʒị tiːnče tačịn.
tar börö.Y -W iːndʒi -L -W -E-n(I) čịkị -RIdʒI tiːn -čE tar -čIn
dist wolf.Y -acc tendon -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg cut.off -ant.cvb release -pf.ptc dist -adv
dist волк.Y -acc tendon -pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg резать.off -ant.cvb release -pf.ptc dist -adv
Then he let Boro (wolf) go, having cut off his tendons.
Так отрезав жилы, он отпустил
Pear story (2) (2)
Tala bọllaːna omen bej gụrụːšaw hịakịtadụk tawaddan, tar tawrịdʒị bọllaːna karzịːnaldu hịńdan, họːja ọːdnị.
tarak -(dU)LE buollaγïna.Y omen bej gruša.R -W hịakịta -DUk(U) taw -E-D -R(E) -n(I) tar taw -RIdʒI buollaγïna.Y korzina.R -L -DU hịn -R(E) -n(I) họːja ọː -R(E) -n(I)
dist -loc ptl.Y one man pear.R -acc tree -abl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist gather -ant.cvb ptl.Y basket -pl -dat insert -nonfut -3sg many become -nonfut -3sg
dist -loc ptl.Y один мужчина pear.R -acc дерево -abl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist собиратть -ant.cvb ptl.Y basket -pl -dat insert -nonfut -3sg много become -nonfut -3sg
There a man was picking pears from a tree, and after he had picked them, he put them in baskets. He gathered quite a lot.