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Search: abl. 108 total hits in 17 transcripts.
Even ghost stories (2)
Omnekeːn ammụ itče bihin, urekčeːnduk, bịnọːkụl, gọrịnụk, tegeleŋčičel họtarandụ iː, dʒụkčadụ.
omen -RE -KEːn aman -W it -čE bi -RI -n(I) urekčeːn -DUk(U) binokl'.R gọr -E-nUk tegelen -Č -čE -L họtaran -DU iː dʒụkča -DU
one -iter -dim father -poss.1sg see -pf.ptc be -pst -poss.3sg mountain -abl binocular.R long -ep-abl.adv sit -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl -dat
один -iter -dim отец -poss.1sg видеть -pf.ptc быть -pst -poss.3sg гора -abl binocular.R длинный -ep-abl.adv сидеть -res -pf.ptc -pl road -dat ptl abandoned.стоянка -dat
Once my father saw, from the mountain, binocular, from far, they were sitting on a path, at an old abandoned camp.
Однажды мой отец, на горе с бинокля увидел из далека, как они сидели у дороги, у старого стойбища.
Pear story (2) (2)
Dʒeː, taraw kojeːčidnikeːn bọlla bịlasịpịattụkụj tikren, karzịːnadụkụn gụrụːšaŋan bokotkeːnni oŋkelben.
dʒe.Y tar -W kojeː -Č -E-D -nIkEːn buolla.Y velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J tik -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R -DUk(U) -n(I) gruša.R -ŋ -E-n(I) bekeč -KEːn -n(I) oŋke -LbE -n(I)
ptl.Y dist -acc look -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg all -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sg
ptl.Y dist -acc смотреть -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg весь -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sg
While he was looking at her, he fell from the bicycle, and all his pears spilt out from his basket.
A short chat about family (1)
Abagaw minŋi mịan ńamadụkụj huleken bihin, ńama mịandʒoːr. Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
abaga -W min -ŋI mịan ńama -DUk(U) -J hulek -E-n(I) bi -RI -n(I) ńama mịan dʒoːr
grandfather -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss ten hundred -abl surplus -ep-poss.3sg be -pst -poss.3sg hundred ten two
дед -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss десять стоянка -abl surplus -ep-poss.3sg быть -pst -poss.3sg стоянка десять два
My grandfather was 110 years old, he was 112. My grandfather lived 112 years.
Мой дед прожил сто двенадцать лет.Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
Even taboos and customs (3)
Biː ergidew ehem haːr, mindu tar etikeːŋu Kalïmaːdụk, nọŋan ukčeːngeren.
biː er -gIdE -W e -R(E) -m haː -R(E) min -DU tar etikeːn -ŋ -W Kolyma.R -DUk(U) nọŋan ukčeːn -Gr(E) -n(I)
1sg prox -nr -acc neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb 1sg.obl -dat dist -aln -poss.1sg Kolyma.R -abl 3sg tell -hab -3sg
1sg prox -nr -acc neg -nonfut -1sg know -neg.cvb 1sg.obl -dat dist старый.мужчина -aln -poss.1sg Kolyma.R -abl 3sg говорить -hab -3sg
I don't know about this region, my husband is from the Kolyma region, he told me (sc. about their customs).
Я не знаю как тут делают. Мой муж из Колымы, он рассказывал, (как у них выдают замуж).
Stories of God and the Devil (3)
Taraŋdụkịjị dʒeː toːr dọːdụn dʒajịrịdʒị, dʒajụtnịkaːn isuwkeːnče erew boju.
tar -E-ŋ -DUk(U) -J dʒeː.Y toːr dọː -DU -n(I) dʒaj -RIdʒI dʒaj -U -Č -nIkEːn isu -WkEːn -čE er -W bej -W
dist -ep-aln -abl ptl.Y earth inner.part -dat -poss.3sg hide -ant.cvb hide -intr -res -sim.cvb grow -caus -pf.ptc prox -acc man -acc
dist -ep-aln -abl ptl.Y earth inner.часть -dat -poss.3sg прятать -ant.cvb прятать -intr -res -sim.cvb расти -caus -pf.ptc prox -acc мужчина -acc
It is for that reason that he hid that man under the earth and raised him secretly.
Pear story (3) (2)
Tadụk tar omen, ee, nọŋan tačịn ŋeneddeken ịlan kụŋ(aː)kaːkaːn emde, nọŋman oːhejre.
tar -DUk(U) tar omen ee nọŋan tar -čIn ŋen -E-D -REk -E-n(I) ịlan kụŋaː -kEːkEːn em -R(E) nọŋan -W -E-n(I) oːsej -R(E)
dist -abl dist one intj 3sg dist -adv go -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg three child -dim come -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg tease -nonfut(3pl)
dist -abl dist один intj 3sg dist -adv идти -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg три ребенок -dim прийти -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -acc -ep-poss.3sg tease -nonfut(3pl)
Then, one, oh yeah, while he was thus going around, three little children came and made fun of him.
Pear story (1) (1)
Tadụk tar kụŋaːkaːkaːn vịlasịpiedač ieltendʒidnikeːn tar karzịːnkaŋŋan ittidʒi tar towteŋelben garịdʒị hurun.
tar -DUk(U) tar kụŋaː -kEːkEːn velosiped.R -E-Č ielten -D -nIkEːn tar korzina.R -ŋ -W -E-n(I) it -RIdʒI tar tewte -ŋ -E-L -W -E-n(I) ga -RIdʒI hor -U -n(I)
dist -abl dist child -dim bycicle.R -ep-ins pass -prog -sim.cvb dist basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg see -ant.cvb dist berry -aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -ant.cvb go.away -tr -3sg
dist -abl dist ребенок -dim bycicle.R -ep-ins pass -prog -sim.cvb dist basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg видеть -ant.cvb dist berry -aln -ep-pl -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -ant.cvb идти.прочь -tr -3sg
Then a child passing by on a bicycle saw the basket and took his berries away.