
Suffixes in Even

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Search: ŋsi. 4 total hits in 3 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Biŋhiwu bụkaːtan, taŋara, itegejel, ịak-ta goːnikeːn.
bi -ŋsI -W bukatïn.Y taŋara.Y itegejel.Y ịa -k =dE goːn -nIkEːn
be -impf.cvb -poss.1sg completely.Y god.Y faith.Y what -nom =ptl say -sim.cvb
быть -impf.cvb -poss.1sg completely.Y бог.Y faith.Y что -nom =ptl сказать -sim.cvb
When I was..., they were saying that there was nothing, no god, no faith.
Говорили, что ничего нет, бога, веры.
Cannibal story (1)
Tar eńmu eńenni, biː upewu bọlla, ahatkaːn biŋhij tar, ịadụkụn...
tar eńen -W eńen -n(I) biː upe -W buolla.Y asatkaːn bi -ŋsI -J tar ịa -DUk(U) -n(I)
dist mother -poss.1sg mother -poss.3sg 1sg grandmother -poss.1sg ptl.Y girl be -impf.cvb -prfl.sg dist what -abl -poss.3sg
dist мать -poss.1sg мать -poss.3sg 1sg бабушка -poss.1sg ptl.Y girl быть -impf.cvb -prfl.sg dist что -abl -poss.3sg
When my mother's mother, my grandmother, was a girl, uhm...
Вот, моя бабушка когда она была девушкой...
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tọmka ọrọjọnnị aːtča biŋhin, ele ịak-ta terilte ịak-ta aːtča biŋhin, eli, eli tegettil ewehel ọrọm irgetnikeːn, bujum, ọldọw bụltanịkaːn iːnitnen.
Tọmkọ rajon.R -n(I) aːtča bi -ŋsI -n(I) er -(dU)LE ịa -k =dE terilte.Y ịa -k =dE aːtča bi -ŋsI -n(I) er -(dU)LI er -(dU)LI teg -E-Č -RI -L ewen -SEl ọran -W irge -Č -nIkEːn bujun -W ọlra -W bulta.Y -nIkEːn iːn -RI -tEn
Tompo district.R -poss.3sg neg.ex be -impf.cvb -poss.3sg prox -loc what -nom =ptl organization.Y what -nom =ptl neg.ex be -impf.cvb -poss.3sg prox -prol prox -prol sit -ep-res -impf.ptc -pl Even -pl reindeer -acc breed -res -sim.cvb wild.reindeer -acc fish -acc hunt.Y -sim.cvb be.alive -pst -poss.3pl
Tompo district.R -poss.3sg neg.ex быть -impf.cvb -poss.3sg prox -loc что -nom =ptl organization.Y что -nom =ptl neg.ex быть -impf.cvb -poss.3sg prox -prol prox -prol сидеть -ep-res -impf.ptc -pl Even -pl олень -acc breed -res -sim.cvb wild.олень -acc рыба -acc охотиться.Y -sim.cvb быть.alive -pst -poss.3pl
When there was no Tompo District, when there were no organizations or anything here, the Evens that lived here lived on reindeer breeding, and on wild reindeer hunting and fishing.
Когда еще не было Томпонского района, когда не было никаких учреждений, живущие здесь эвены занимались оленеводством, охотой, рыболовством.