
Suffixes in Even

This list of suffixes found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ten. 219 total hits in 23 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (4)
Nọŋardụlatnan [nọŋar] gụlụntan ere bihni bọlla, ụọnna hoːntetnen ịatnan-da atča.
nọŋan -L -(dU)LE -tEn gụlụn -tEn ere.Y bi -R(E) -n(I) buolla.Y uonna.Y hoːnte -tEn ịa -tEn =dE aːtča
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y be -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y other -poss.3pl what -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
3sg -pl -loc -poss.3pl bonfire -poss.3pl only.Y быть -nonfut -poss.3sg ptl.Y and.Y другой -poss.3pl что -poss.3pl =ptl neg.ex
They only had a fire burning, and there was nothing else.
У них только огонь горел, ничего другого не было.
The sacred reindeer (4)
Ịatnan-da tačịkan, dʒebennetnen ịatnan ačča biče.
ịak-tEn=dE tačịn-KEn dʒeb-E-nnE-tEn ịak-tEn ačča bi-čE
They did not have anything, not even food to eat.
Нечего у них не было, даже еды.
A conversation about Even culture (42)
Hoːnte, hoːnte ụlụːsla hoːntetenten goːŋner.
hoːnte hoːnte ulus.Y -(dU)LE hoːnte -tEn -tEn goːn -Gr(E) -R(E)
other other district -loc other -distr -poss.3pl say -hab -nonfut(3pl)
другой другой district -loc другой -distr -poss.3pl сказать -hab -nonfut(3pl)
They say it differently in different districts.
В других улусах по другому говорят.
An Even farce (1)
Tiːk-kel esten-de-titte-je
tiek=kEl e-R(E)-tEn=dE=tIttE(je)
Nowadays they don't give anything for a fox.
Cейчас-то ничего даже не дают.
Black force and White force (2)
[missing 5 seconds] ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmečeketnen gerbe.
* ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmeček -E-tEn gerbe
* also white force conversation -ep-poss.3pl name
* тоже белый force conversation -ep-poss.3pl name
A Conversation between [...] and the White Force.
Разговор (черной силы) и белой силы.
Even ghost stories (6)
Tar bụkaːtịn amtantan [...] ajị-da ajị.
tar bukatïn.Y amta -n -tEn aj =dE aj
dist completely.Y smell -mult -poss.3pl good =ptl good
dist completely.Y smell -mult -poss.3pl хороший =ptl хороший
They have a very good sense of smell.
У них очень развит нюх.
Chat about an Evenki film (38)
Iːniten-de dʒụːtan tarrọːčịn biče bidʒin, er-ke.
iːni -tEn =dE dʒụː -tEn tar -WEːčIn bi -čE bi -DʒI -n(I) er =kkE
life -poss.3pl =ptl house -poss.3pl dist -qual be -pf.ptc be -fut -3sg prox =emph
жизнь -poss.3pl =ptl дом -poss.3pl dist -qual быть -pf.ptc быть -fut -3sg prox =emph
They probably had such a home in their lives, too, right?
Но у них по жизни такой дом был.
Tompo in Soviet times (34)
Anị tụran gealagičeskaj upravlieńie ọnnaːn teriːritnen, ńaːn eričnej port ọːrịtnan, dʒeː pramislenos, gealogia upravlieńien üːskerin.
anï.Y turan.Y geologičeskoe.R upravlenie.R sonnon.Y terij.Y -RI -tEn ńaːn rečnoj.R port.R ọː -RI -tEn dʒeː.Y promyšlenost'.R geologija.R upravlenie.R -n(I) üöskeː.Y -RI -n(I)
now.Y ptl.Y geological.R administration.R in.same.way.Y organise.Y -pst -poss.3pl also river.R port.R do -pst -poss.3pl ptl.Y industry.R geology.R administration.R -poss.3sg appear.Y -pst -poss.3sg
сейчас.Y ptl.Y geological.R administration.R в.same.way.Y organise.Y -pst -poss.3pl тоже river.R port.R делать -pst -poss.3pl ptl.Y industry.R geology.R administration.R -poss.3sg появиться.Y -pst -poss.3sg
Then they also opened the geological administration, and made a river port, and the administration of industry and geology appeared.
Потом открыли геологическое управление. И построили речной порт, повились управления промышленности, геологии.
Pear story (4) (1)
Horriten qụŋaːl.
hor -RI -tEn kụŋaː -L
go.away -pst -poss.3pl child -pl
идти.прочь -pst -poss.3pl ребенок -pl
The children went away.
Ушли ребята.
Pear story (5) (8)
Họːqanịdʒị nọŋandụn emučewuten, nọŋardụtan ịlnịdụtan grụːšaŋgatan boːn.
họːka -n -RIdʒI nọŋan -DU -n(I) em -U -čE -W -tEn nọŋan -L -DU -tEn ịlan -I -DU -tEn gruša.R -ŋ -GE -tEn boː -n(I)
be.glad -mult -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg come -tr -pf.ptc -acc -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -dat -poss.3pl three -coll.num -dat -poss.3pl pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3pl give -3sg(nonfut)
быть.glad -mult -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg прийти -tr -pf.ptc -acc -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -dat -poss.3pl три -coll.num -dat -poss.3pl pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3pl дать -3sg(nonfut)
Happy that they brought it to him, he gave each of the three of them a pear.