
Suffixes in Even

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Search: sel. 44 total hits in 12 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (12)
Iduk, taduk-ajị hurel, hurelten tarak.
ir -DUk(U) tar -DUk(U) =EjI hute -SEl hute -SEl -tEn tar -k
which -abl dist -abl -ints child -pl child -pl -poss.3pl dist -nom
который -abl dist -abl -ints ребенок -pl ребенок -pl -poss.3pl dist -nom
From different places, and the children, their children.
Оттуда, отсюда дети их.
The creation of animals (1)
Araj erek ewehel ọldaw ọldamatnịkaːhal goːnčel:
araj.Y er -k ewen -SEl ọlra -W ọlrama -Č -nIkEːn -SEl goːn -čE -L
ptl.Y prox -nom Even -pl fish -acc go.fishing -res -sim.cvb -pl say -pf.ptc -pl
ptl.Y prox -nom Even -pl рыба -acc идти.fishing -res -sim.cvb -pl сказать -pf.ptc -pl
Once these Evens were fishing and said:
Однажды эвены ловили рыбу и говорят:
A short chat about family (2)
Ewehel dụkamkịntan họːja.
ewen -SEl dụk -E-mkIn -tEn họːja
Even -pl write -ep-nr -poss.3pl many
Even -pl писать -ep-nr -poss.3pl много
There are many Even writers.
Эвенских писателей много.
Chat about an Evenki film (2)
Meːrkeːsel-demer er kartụskariwụn.
meːn -KEːn -SEl =dmEr er kartụska -RI -WUn
self -dim -pl =emph prox record -pst -poss.1pl.ex
сам -dim -pl =emph prox record -pst -poss.1pl.ex
We had better recorded it ourselves!
Лучше бы сами снимали.
Spirits (2)
Aa, ịawaːtta-karịa, adʒịt-ta tar, vapšče eweheldule ečin goːŋdere-i.
aa ịa-WEːČ-R(E)=kErIE ajdʒịt=dE tar voobšče.R ewen-SEl-(dU)LE ečin goːn-Gr(E)-R(E)=I
ah do:what-GNR-NONFUT=CONTR truth=DP DIST in:general.R Even-PL-LOC so say-HAB-NONFUT=DP
ah что:делать-GNR-NONFUT=CONTR правда=DP DIST in:general.R Even-МН-ЛОК так сказать-ХАБ-NONFUT=DP
Oh, that, indeed, uhm, that's how the Evens used to say it.
Aа, так делали, действительно вот, вообще, у эвенов так говорили.
Bear story (1)
Dʒulle ebeheldule biče-gu, ịak, медвежий праздник gerben?
dʒul -(dU)LE ewen -SEl -(dU)LE bi -čE =GU ịa -k medvežij.R prazdnik.R gerbe -n(I)
front.side -loc Even -pl -loc be -pf.ptc =q what -nom bear.R celebration.R name -poss.3sg
перед.сторона -loc Even -pl -loc быть -pf.ptc =q что -nom bear.R celebration.R name -poss.3sg
Did the Evens use to have a bear celebration before?
Раньше у эвенов был «Медвежий праздник»?
Cannibal story (8)
Adịkụn ọrčaːlkaːhal bičel.
adị -kUN ọran -KEːn -lkEːn -SEl bi -čE -L
how.much -adjr reindeer -dim -prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl
как.много -adjr олень -dim -prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl
They had some reindeer.
У них было несколько оленей.
Even taboos and customs (2)
Tarak, gerbe-tkehel bičel, dʒullerep.
tar -k gerbe =t(E)kEn -SEl bi -čE -L dʒul -(dU)LE -rEp
dist -nom name =restr -pl be -pf.ptc -pl front.side -loc -temp.nr
dist -nom name =restr -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl перед.сторона -loc -temp.nr
So, there were some names, before.
Pear story (2) (1)
Talawụr bọllaːna họː nọːd bụgalkaːhal bičel ebit.
tar -(dU)LE -WUr buollaγïna.Y họː nọːd bụg -E-lkEːn -SEl bi -čE -L ebit.Y
dist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y very beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl evid.Y
dist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y очень beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl evid.Y
They apparently had a very beautiful country there.
Tompo in Soviet times (7)
Emnikeːhel, əə, dʒeː atïːkhïttar, atïːkhïtal irew taraw boːtkerer bọllaːna, tüːleːku eduk ganịkaːn, owohelduk ganịkaːn.
em -nIkEːn -SEl əə dʒe.Y atïːkhït.Y -LAr.Y atïːkhït.Y -E-L ir -W tar -W boː -Č -Gr(E) -R(E) buollaγïna.Y tüːleːkh.Y -W er -DUk(U) ga -nIkEːn ewen -SEl -DUk(U) ga -nIkEːn
come -sim.cvb -pl hesit ptl.Y merchant.Y -pl.Y merchant.Y -ep-pl which -acc dist -acc give -res -hab -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y fur.Y -acc prox -abl take -sim.cvb Even -pl -abl take -sim.cvb
прийти -sim.cvb -pl hesit ptl.Y merchant.Y -pl.Y merchant.Y -ep-pl который -acc dist -acc дать -res -hab -nonfut(3pl) ptl.Y мех.Y -acc prox -abl взять -sim.cvb Even -pl -abl взять -sim.cvb
These merchants would come and give this and that, taking furs from here, from the Evens.
Приезжали и обменивали товары на пушнину у эвенов.